Tourism (GI) Flashcards
What are soft measures?
Soft measure are government promoted initiatives in LICs/MICs to promote tourism such as tourism internet sites/trade fairs.
What are hard measures?
Hard measures are government promoted initiatives in LICs/MICs as above to provide incentives for foreign investors.
What is the Tourism Life cycle model?
(Research these six stages)
Most tourist resorts go through a six stage model and he called this the tourism life cycle model. It states that most tourist resorts start on a very small scale and increase in scale until stagnation occurs.
Name the benefits of tourism?
It benefits sectors of the economy providing jobs and income through the multiplier effect.
It is an important factor in the balance of payments of many nations.
It provides governments with considerable tax revenues.
By providing employment in rural areas, it can help to reduce to urban migration.
A major tourism development can act as a STIMULUS to the economy of the wider area.
It can cerate openings for small businesses in which start up costs and barriers to entry are generally low.
It can support many jobs in the informal sector where money goes to local people.
Research the role rail transport plays in reducing carbon footprint
What are the characteristics of the tourism sector?
It is labour intensive and the majority of hosts are low paid, menial and seasonal (overseas labour).
Money borrowed for tourism by the host nation increases national debt.
There is a minimum benefit to the wider community.
Local resources may be exploited not the benefit to locals.
Overdependence on tourism (there is a primary product dependency).
How does tourism lead to economic leakages?
-Payments to foreign owners of hotels and other facilities.
-Remittances sent home by foreign workers.
-The cost of goods and services imported for the tourism industry.
-Foreign debt relating to tourism.
-Payments to foreign countries to build tourism infrastructure/
According to summits, how can we reduce our environmental impact?
-Waste minimisation
-Energy efficiency
-Water managment.
What did Tourism Conern suggest about the sustainable tourism?
“to recognise the contribution of local people and their cultures, accepting that these people must have an equitable share in the economic benefit of local people and communities in these destination”
Why do local people often not see much benefits from tourism?
Government are reluctant to limit the numbers of annual tourists due to their economic benefit.
Local people cannot compete with foreign TNCs on price and marketing.
It is difficult to force developers to consult local people.
How can tourism have positive environmental impacts?
Tourist revenue can fund protection and management of conservation.
How can tourism have negative environmental impacts?
Land has been cleared for development of infrastructure for tourism.
Water scarcity in tourist areas due to swimming pools, golf courses, hotels etc.
Coral Reefs blasted away for watersports.
Access to beachfront is hindered to locals, there is an erosion of local culture.
Explain multiplier effect for tourism.
Establishment of hotels and other facilities
Expansion of local jobs opportunities and population
Inflow of business and capital to satisfy an increase in local demand.
Substantial rise in per capita incomes
Higher business and personal tax base increases local government spending power.
Improve of physical and cultural infrastructures.
Define niche tourism
Niche tourism that deals in a specialised produced
Define destination footprint
Destination footprint is the environmental impact caused by an individual tourist on holiday in a particular destination.
Define sustainable tourism
Tourism organised in such way that its level can be sustained in the future without creating irreparable environmental, social and economic damage to the receving area.
Define Ecotourism
Ecotourism is a specialised form of tourism where people experience a relatively untouched natural environments such as coral reefs, tropical rainforest and remote mountain areas, ensure that their presence does no damage to the environments.
What are the negative impacts of tourism?
Erosion of culture.
Displacement of people, in Kenya people have been displaced for the constructions.
Abuse of human rights.
Crime, prostitution, alcoholism, and drug abuse occurred in Prague in the 1990s. Sex trafficking and prostitution in Bangkok Thailand.
The abandonment and imposition Western values.
What are the positive impacts of tourism?
Families ties may be strengthened.
Greater understanding of foreign cultures.
It may encourage the migration of the economically active.
More depth.
What are the criticisms of the Butler model?
-Lack of empirical support for the concept.
-Does not include the possible of local government and people choosing a low cost airline (e.g. Ryanair/Easy jet) or to add a new destination.
What are the recent developments/idea in international tourism?
Tourists are more aware of their carbon footprint when they travel.
Carbon offsetting
Great Thunberg: Flight shaming
More depth
By far the greatest developments have occurred since the end WWII, arising from the substantial growth in leisure time, affluence and mobility enjoyed in developed. Many developing countries have become more open FDI for tourism.
How is tourism vulnerable?
Tourism is vulnerable to external shocks.
Period of economic recession affect the demand for tourism for most parts of the world.
Many communities in developing countries have suffered considerable adverse cultural changes. some of them through imposition of western values.
What is the impact of a large population of expatriates on a population?
88% of workers in the UAE are expatriates.
So, there is significant economic leakage through remittances (USD 38.5 bn of remittances in 2023). So, there is a loss of government revenue that could’ve been generated through income tax. Therefore, reducing the amount of government spending in welfare services such as healthcare and education.