Tough Ethics Questions Flashcards
What do you understand by a conflict of interest?
This is where an interest you or a firm may hold that conflicts with the current client you are working for and may impact on decision making. These may come in the form of personal, knowledge or party conflicts
Client has approached you and your sister company to undertake work. How would you manage the conflict?
I inform the client of the extent of the conflict and confirm that they fully understand its implications. I would then receive informed consent from them that they are happy for the work to go ahead. I would also need to be happy in myself that the conflict would not impact my work and if necessary decline it. I could also mitigate the conflict through things such as a data barrier
Formal complaint from a client in writing, when should you notify the insurers?
Immediately inform insurers stating the likely level of damages to be claimed
What are the maximum levels of uninsured excess?
If indemnity is up to £500,000 it will be the greater of 2.5% of insured sum or £10,000
If indemnity is over £500,000 it will be 2.5% of insured sum
What type of insurances do chartered surveyors need?
PII, Employers liability cover, run off cover
What are the 6 principles of prevention in the bribery act?
1) Proportionality
2) Due diligence
3) Top level commitment
4) Risk assessment
5) Monitoring and review
6) Communicate to staff
What are the main principles of the Bribery act 2010?
Makes it a legal offence not to accept or offer a bribe. It is an offence to bribe a public official and companies must have preventative measures in place to stop bribery and corruption of their members.
When are facilitation payments under the bribery act permitted?
I would never offer or receive a facilitation payment
You receive an invite to attend the theatre with some of your project team. They all dropped out last minute due to illness, would you still attend?
I would first declare this hospitality on my companies’ gifts and hospitality register. Assuming I was approved to attend I would need to decline the invite due to the rest of the team dropping out. AS THEY ARE NOT PRESENT IT WON’T BE REGARDED AS A GENUINE BUSINESS EVENT
Bidding for a project and client has said they will offer you the contract if you bid £3,000 lower, what do you do?
Unfair competition as you have an insight into other bids and potentially offering a reduced standard of service and it devalues the profession as a whole
Go out for lunch with client after a business meeting where you continue to discuss business. Final bill comes to £200. What do you do?
Offer to pay your portion of the bill. If client insists then it is fine to accept as hospitality as it was for legitimate business purposes. Must ensure this is registered on my companies hospitality register.
What happened in Merrett v Babb?
Court case regarding house valuation, found that despite the closure of the company the claimant could still directly claim against the surveyor
What if loss exceeds the cover provided by the PI insurance?
The professional or firm is liable for the difference
What is the purpose of the 5 principles of regulation?
Sets out how the RICS regulates itself internally to ensure the highest standards of professionalism are maintained.
Pick 2 principles of better regulation and explain what they mean to you?
Proportionality- regulation must reflect the type and extent of work that is undertaken and when necessary
Accountability- regulators must be able to justify their actions under public scrutiny
Name some topics RICS provides published policy documents and help sheets?
Client money, money laundering and terrorist finance, complaints handling, ethical standards
What is the RICS Clients Money Protection Scheme?
Scheme run by the RICS for members of public to be directly reimbursed for the loss of any of their funds in their client account
What information do registered firms have to send the RICS annually?
Types of business and staffing level Nature of clients PI insurance details Whether the firm holds client money Training policy
What is uninsured excess?
The part of the claim the firm must pay themselves
What are the RICS Bye-Laws?
- Applications and definitions
- Membership and registration
- Designations
- Contributions to funds
- Conduct
- Governing council, officers and staff
- Subordinate boards
- Procedure for general meetings
- Accounts and audits
- General
How will GDPR affect surveying practice?
- Data on valuation systems
- Email correspondence
- HR data
- Deletion of client data
- Holding data for proportionate period of time
- Amend data on individuals request
How do surveying firms comply with GDRP?
Must follow the 6 principles
- Lawfulness, fairness and transparency
- Accurate up to date info
- Necessary data collected
- Data minimisation by collecting what is necessary
- Used for explicit purposes
- Safely kept and protected
What happened in the Scullion v Bank of Scotland
Surveyor providing advice to a Lender did not owe a duty of care to the Borrower as well
A complaint is received by your firm. What do you do?
Establish if you can deal with it at first contact
Send Complaints handling procedure to client
Find out if damages will be claimed
Inform PI insurer
Respond within 28 days
Pass onto independent redress or internal complaints handling team
Note complaint in the complaints log
What must all complaints handling procedures include
Independent redress
A policy on complaints handling
Compliance with PII
A form of ADR
What are the two categories of ADR mechanism
Business to business redress Consumer redress (must be free to the consumer)
Where can firms find ADR mechanisms?
RICS provides an ADR mechanisms document which lists approved business to business ADR as well as approved Consumer ADR
Your firm has just closed down what must you do?
Inform the RICS of its closure Inform Clients Have locum in place Receive run off cover for 6 years Return all clients money
What is a Phoenix firm and what powers does the RICS have over them?
A Phoenix firm is a company that closes in a disorderly manner and reopens quickly. The RICS is able to prevent these firms from becoming registered
What are some red flags when looking at bribery and corruption?
Size of transaction Sector you are working in Country of origin for work Client you are working for Anyone that is a PEP
What is the limit of indemnity insurance for the RICS assigned risk pool
What is the purpose of the RICS Bye-Laws?
Enacted by the Privy Council to allow RICS to enforce rules of membership and conduct