Total War Flashcards
When was DORA passed?
November 1914
What general rights did DORA give the government?
Suspension of civil liberties–nationalisation of coal mines, government control of railways, censorship of newspapers, books, letters
How were DORA’s powers extended in 1915?
Reduction of pub opening hours, reduction in alcoholic content of drinks
How were DORA’s powers extended in 1916?
Introduction of daylight savings to increase productive hours, especially in agriculture
What instigated the change in Britain’s lassiez-faire attitude to munitions and war production?
Spring 1915–shortage of shells
What was the difference in British and German shell production by spring 1915?
Britain was producing 700 shells per day vs. Germany’s 250,000
When was the Ministry of Munitions created, and whom by?
July 1915, by Lloyd George, new Minister for Munitions
What did the Munitions of War Act 1915 involve?
Government control of key factories, Leaving Certificate from employer necessary to leave job-otherwise, could not find new job for 6 weeks
What did the National Registration Act 1915 involve?
Register of all adults with employment details; indication of willingness to work in areas of national importance
How successful were British efforts to boost munitions production?
1914-15–army producing 1,000 artillery pieces, 6,000 grenades
1915-16–army producing 5,000 artillery pieces, 27 million grenades
How did Lloyd George resolve issues relating to labour?
Attempted to prevent strikes, increase cooperation between unions and employers; encouraged collective pay bargaining; supported awards; set up tribunals to manage potential industrial disputes
How did Lloyd George address union concerns for dilution?
Unions were concerned that it allowed unskilled workers being paid less to take skilled jobs; Lloyd George promised it would only last for duration of war
What did the Rent Restrictions Act 1915 do?
Pegged rent to 1914 levels
When was the Rent Restrictions Act introduced?
What was evidence of industrial relations being strained by the end of the war (due to discrepancies between wages and cost of living)
1914-18–trade union membership doubled
How many working days were lost to strikes in 1915?
3 million
How many tonnes of imports were u-boats destroying per month by the end of 1916?
300,000 T of imports per month
Why were the British concerned for food production in 1916?
Poor harvest and panic buying, as Britain only had 6 weeks’ supply of wheat