Torts - Strict/Product Liability Flashcards
Wild Animals
If P is injured by animal’s characteristic propensity, D is strictly liable to invitees and licensees
Domestic Animals
Keeper is not liable unless he knew or had reason to know of its dangerous propensity
Abnormally dangerous activity
P can recover if
1) D engaged in ADA (create foreseeable risk of serious harm even when reasonable care is exercised by all actors, and is not a common activity in the area)
2) P was injured by the type of danger characteristic of this activity
Defenses to Strict Liability
Contributory Negligence
Comparative Negligence
Assumption of Risk
Product Liability: Strict: Duty
Any commercial supplier in distribution chain of the product has an absolute duty to supply safe products to any foreseeable P
Product Liability: Strict: Breach
P must show a type of defect in product when it left D’s control
Types of Defect
Manufacturing: Product came out more dangerous than intended
Design defect: Very design resulted in product not safe for intended use
Inadequate Warning: Product must have clear and complete warnings of dangers that may not be apparent to users. Unneeded if obviously dangerous
Test for Manufacturing Defect
Ordinary consumer expectations: Product failed to perform as safely as an ordinary consumer would expect. D must anticipate reasonable misuse
Tests for Design Defect
Feasible Alternative: Product could not have been made safe w/o serious impact on price or utility
Risk-Utility test: Danger of design > utility to society, feasibility of alt designs
Causation for Strict Product Liability
Actual: Defect existed when product left D’s control +
Proximate: Type of injury foreseeable at time product was placed into stream of commerce
Learned Intermediary Rule
Manufacturer is relieved of liability if an intermediate handler discovers the defect and knowingly passes it to II or failed to convey manufacturing warning to P
Damages in Strict Product Liability
Physical injury or property damages are recoverable.
Purely economic losses NOT recoverable.