Torts Flashcards
In a traditional JDX what is the recovery rule for joint and several liability for co-defendants?
P may collect the entire amount from either Defendant and then the paying defendant may seek repayment from the nonpaying D.
What 5 Torts may intent be transferred?
- Assault
- Battery
- Trespass to Land
- Trespass to Chattel
- False Imprisonment
What is required to prove Battery in Civil court?
P must prove an intentional act by D which brings about harmful or offensive contact. D must desire or there must be substantial certainty that P would be contacted.
What does improper sexual touching constitute as?
What must be proven for civil liability for Assault?
Intentional act by D that creates reasonable apprehension of imminent harmful or offensive contact.
What is required to prove False Imprisonment?
P must prove an intentional act or omission by D that confines or restrains P to a bounded area. Restraint includes physical force
What does the Shopkeeper’s privilege protect?
A shopkeeper who suspects of shoplifting and details that individual to ascertain whether this is true. For this privilege to apply these conditions must be satisfied:
- There must be a reasonable belief as to the theft
- Detention must be conducted in a reasonable manner
- The period of detention may only be for a reasonable time and only for the purpose of making an investigation.
What is required to prove Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress? IIED?
P must prove that an act by D that is extreme and outrageous conduct, with intent (or reckless conduct) to cause P to suffer severe emotional stress.
When does IIED extend to a third party?
- P was present when the injury occurred to the other person
- P was a close relative of the injured person; and
- D knew that P was present and a close relative of the injured person.
What are the elements to Tresspass to Land?
- P must prove an intentional act by D caused a physical invasion of P’s real property.
- D does not need to enter on the land, the invasion can be accomplished by D causing objects to enter the land.
- A trespass to land may also occur when D enters land lawfully and remains on the land after permission has lapped.
- Someone must be in actual possession of the land
What are the elements for Trespass to Chattels?
- An intentional act of D that interferes with P’s right of possession in the Chattel, which causes damages. Must intend the act to interfere with possession.
- Interference with a right to possess chattels is usually either by intermeddling which is damage to the chattel or by dispossession which takes the possession from P.
What is the distinction between Trespass to land and Trespass to chattels?
- Trespass to land deals specifically real property and chattel is personal property
- Actual damages must be proven to succeed on a Trespass to Chattels.
What are the elements of Conversion?
- An act by D interfering with P’s right of possession in the chattel that is serious enough in nature or consequence to warrant that the D pay for the full value of the chattel.
- Intent to perform the act that causes the interference
- Causation.
What are the basic Conversion remedies?
- Damages amounting the fair market value of the chattel
2. If P wishes to have the chattel returned then he can ask for Replevin
How do you determine the difference between Trespass to chattels and Conversion?
Degree of damage. Conversion is a LOT of damage. Trespass is simply damaged.
What are the types of Consent that may constitute as a defense against an intentional tort?
- Express
- Mistake—Unless D knew of Mistake and used it to obtain consent.
- Duress/Fraud—not a valid defense
- Implied—voluntarily engaging in a dangerous activity or in Emergency situations or by Usage and Custom.
- Consent may not be obtained by incompetent persons or for crimes.
When may Self Defense be used in a Civil suit?
D may use such force as is necessary prevent potential injury to D that D reasonably believes is about to be committed.
What are some effects of Res Ipsa Loquitur?
- Creates a Prima Facie case for the plaintiff
- Prohibits Summary Judgment
- No directed verdict for D may be granted
What effect does proximate cause have on liability?
It limits liability.
When may Necessity be used a defense?
Trespass to land, Trespass to Chattel, and Conversion
Which Necessity is an absolute defense and which is not?
Public Necessity–Absolute defense. No damages owed.
Private Necessity—Liable for actual damages.
What is the Merchant’s Privilege?
A shop owner is not liable for false imprisonment for reasonably detaining a suspected shoplifter, even if no shoplifting occurred.
What is the difference between Libel and Slander?
Libel is written or recorded defamatory statements. Slander is spoken defamation.
What is Colloquim?
When a statement is not defamatory or identifying on its face. P must prove that a reasonable person would know it was P.