Torts Flashcards
act intended to cause apprehension of immediate harmful/offensive bodily contact and causes reasonable apprehension of such contact
deadly force
force capable of causing death or serious physical injury
cannot be used to protect property alone
who decides whether there is a duty and who decides whether the D breached that duty
Court, jury
duty of care rule
a defendant owes a duty of care to all foreseeable plaintiffs
who is a foreseeable plaintiff
a person who is within the risk of harm created by the defendant’s unreasonable conduct
general duty of care
reasonable care under the circumstances
standard of care for children
children must exercise the care that is reasonable for a child of like age, education, intelligence, and experience
standard of care for profeessionals
must exercise the knowledge and skill of an ordinary member of that profession in good standing
special duty to warn of a medical professional
duty to warn patient of serious risks in any medical procedure
duty to a licensee
warn of concealed, dangerous conditions known to the occupier
social guest or solicitor coming to your front door
customers in a store and their children
person on the property primarily for the benefit of the owner of the property
duty to an invitee
duty to warn of concealed, dangerous conditions that the landowner knows of or should know of
owner has a duty to make reasonable inspections of the property to ensure there are no concealed dangerous conditions
negligence per se elements
A statute may establish the standard of care, so that a violation of the statute will be a breach of the duty of care, as long as:
1- the plaintiff is within the class intended to be protected by the statute and
2- the statute is designed to prevent the type of harm that occurred
cause in fact/actual cause
but for test
without this D’s conduct, would this accident/harm have occurred?