Tort 5 - Product liability Flashcards
How can a claimant bring an action for injury caused by a defective product?
- Negligence (Duty / breach / causation)
- Consumer protection Act 1987 (strict)
When does a duty of care arise from a manufacturer to end consumer?
- Puts product into circulation to reach end consumer
- No reasonable expectation of examination of product between leaving manufacturer and consumer
Who is the duty of care owed to?
Any foreseeable claimant e.g. product user or person coming into contact with product
Who is the duty owed by?
Manufacturers, wholesalers, retailers (only if inspect product), repairers, assemblers
What injury is covered by a claim in negligence?
- Personal injury
- Consequential economic loss
- Damage to property caused by product
NOT product itself
How would you establish breach of duty?
Claimant must prove manufacturer fell below reasonable standard of care in supplying defective product
How will the courts assess whether there was a breach of duty?
Infer a breach from the existence of a defect itself
What is the liability under Consumer Protection Act 1987?
No need to prove fault, just that a defect exists
Who is the claimant under the CPA1987?
Anyone who suffers damage caused by product
Who could potential defendants be under CPA?
- Producers
- Person who holds themselves as producer ‘branding it’
- Importers
- Suppliers
When will a supplier be considered a defendant under CPA 1987?
- Claimant requests the supplier to identify producer
- Request in a reasonable time frame
- Not reasonably practicable for claimant to identify producer independently
- Supplier fails to identify producer within a reasonable period
When will a product be considered defective?
Safety not what people entitled to expect
What factors are considered to understand if a product is defective?
- Warnings and instructions
- Product packaging and purpose which the product was marketed
- What might reasonably be expected to be done with the product
- Time when product was supplied
What damage can be claimed under CPA?
- Death
- Personal injury
- Damage to property exceeding £275 and for private use
What damage cannot be claimed under CPA?
- Defected product itself
- Damage to business property
What defences are available under CPA?
- No defect when product first put into circulation
- Did not supply within course of business (not producer or not acting for profit in supplying product)
- State of the art defence
- Contributory negligence
Explain the state of the art defence
Not liable if technology would not have discovered the defect
BUT - if class of products known to carry risk and that technology did not discover the defect = still liable