Torah/Pentateuch Flashcards
reason/origin or cause for something
original sin
sin that humans are born with because of the sin of Adam and Eve
a promise God makes with His Chosen People
a male leader chosen by God to guide
the Promise land
Chosen People
people Chosen by God to represent Him on Earth
Promised land
the land God gave to the Israelites for a home
God’s manifestation in a visible/sensible form to enrich our understanding of God
God’s name, not pronounced by Jewish people; often used Adonai as a substitute
patriarch chosen by God; promised land and descendants though old and wife barren; almost sacrificed son, proving trust in God
matriarch; old and barren but promised descendants; mother of Isaac
Sarah’s servant who was told to have a child with Abraham then banished out of jealousy
son of Hagar and Abraham
son of Abraham and Sarah; struggled to have children; married to Rebekah; has twins Jacob and Esau
struggled to have kids; married to Isaac; had twins Jacob and Esau
Leah and Rachel
2 wives of Jacob; sisters; have 12 tribes of Israel
12 tribes of Israel
from the 12 sons of Jacob
favored son on Jacob, received multi-colored coat
led the people out of Pharaoh’s rule, started them on their way to the Promised Land
the night the Lord passed over the house of the Israelites, marked by blood of the Lamb
Jewish ceremonial meal commemorating Exodus
Mosaic Covenant
at Mt. Sinai, 10 commandments
to live in right relationship with God and others, set apart, distinct
Ark of the Covenant
chest where 10 Commandments were kept
sacred tent where Commandments were kept
“new Moses”, led people into Promised Land, reconnoitered Canaan
reconnoitered Canaan and advised the people to take over
symbolism of 7
symbolism of 40
purifying time, waiting
how sin is explained in Genesis
choosing to go against God; put own will above God; disobedience, greed, lack of trust, pride
symbolism of old age
elderly were revered; old age meant barrenness
barrenness and miraculous births
Abraham and Sarah, Isaac and Rebekah, Jacob and Rachel
covenant v. contract
covenant- loving, mutual, lifelong unconditional
contract- transaction, end when fulfilled, conditional
promises + signs of Abraham covenant
promises- descendants, land
signs- circumcision, sacrifice
birthright and blessing of firstborn
inheritance, favor
call narrative
- God calls
- Person responds
- God reveals plan/mission
- Person makes excuses
- God provides
God’s manifestation in a visible/sensible way (burning bush, parting of Red Sea)
how are 10 Commandments divided?
first 3, right relationship with God
last 7, right relationship with others