Charism Unit Flashcards
What does the heart symbolize universally?
a gift given to a person and taken up by a group; a way of being and serving that imitates God
comfort or relief for suffering
word made flesh; Jesus
repairing broken relationships with God; repairing damage from sin
Who was St. Margaret Mary Alacoque?
A saint who received apparitions of the Sacred Heart and Spread it to the world
5 elements of the Sacred Heart
Crown of Thorns, Wound, Fire, Cross, Heart
Crown of Thorns
kingship and mockery/suffering
blood and water, Christ’s love poured out for us
love, compassion, core of human person, emotion; giving love freely, vulnerable
Holy Spirit, burning love, cleansing transformation
death into life
What devotions from St. Margaret Mary?
First Friday
Mother Clelia birth, exile, death, ASCJ founding, Beatification
1861 in Italy, 1916-1928, 1930, 1894, 2018
body remaining fully intact without decay
ASCJ missions
Brazil: 1900, Boston 1902
ASCJ motto
The Love of Christ impels us
Explain the seal
light/fire: light of Christ
top- inner nourishment (dove)
bottom- mission/bringing Christ’s love into the world
XP- “chi rho”
ASCJ vows
poverty, chastity, obedience
ASCJ ministries
Education, Health, Pastoral, Social Services, Mission
Apostle like 1st Apostles
spend time in prayer and show Christ’s love to the world
Apostle of Love
show witness of God’s Love and represent in actions
Apostle of Reparation
loving the most wounded and repairing the image of God
When, where, who opened Cor Jesu?
1956 on the Hill by Sr. Giampetro
Moved to current campus?
Core Values
Catholic faith-based community, excellence in education, personal integrity, service to others, caring community
Catholic faith-based community
promote Catholic values like the pro-life movement
CJ motto and seal
“Sharing the Love of the Heart of Christ”, dove reps Apostle into the world
Love is active, not passive
maintain a relationship with God or it will grow weak
How are hearts transformed?
by love
How do they find rest?
in God
Modern take on love?
whatever gives us pleasure
What is true love?
what God provides
Where to find and understand true love?
God and the Gospel