Battelle Developmental Inventory (BDI)
Measures developmental milestones from infancy through 7 years 11 months
Ages: infancy - 7 years 11 months
Norm referenced
BOT (Bruininks-Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency)
Assesses overall motor proficiency along with gross & fine motor skills.
subtests of fine motor precision, fine motor integration, manual dexterity, bilateral coordination, balance, running speed & agility, upper-limb coordination, & strength
Ages: 4 to 21 years
PDMS (Peabody Developmental Motor Scales)
Identifies functional capabilities & delays
test comprises 249 items in six gross & fine motor subtests that measure: reflexes, sustained control, locomotion, object manipulation, grasping, visual-motor integration
Ages: birth to 6 years
Beery VMI
Helps assess the extent to which individuals can integrate their visual and motor abilities
Ages 2-99
Sensory Processing Measure (SPM)
Assesses sensory processing, praxis, social participation; based on Ayres SI theory, examines sensory modulation & praxis in the home & school, as well as specific school environments (e.g. cafeteria, recess, bus)
Ages: Two versions: Preschool (2-5 years) & school-aged (5-12 years)
Various forms that are caregiver, teacher, or self report
Assesses sensory processing, praxis, & social participation in areas of vision, hearing, touch, taste/smell, body awareness, balance & motion, planning & idea and social participation
Norm-referenced questionnaire
Dunn’s Sensory Profile
Assesses sensory processing through questionnaires
Ages: birth to 15 years
ETCH (Evaluation Tool of Children’s Handwriting)
Examines legibility & speed with alphabets & numbers, near & far point copy, dictation, sentences, considers pencil grasps, hand preference, pressure, & manipulation of writing tool
Ages: grades 1-6
Criterion-referenced, observational assessment
cuts complex shapes
5-6 years
holds scissor with 2 hands
1.5-2 years
1 snip on edge of paper with scissors
2.5-3 years
cuts across paper
3 years
Cuts on line w/some accuracy, cuts circle, straight/curved line
3.5-4 yrs
6 months
sit unsupported
6-9 months
6-9 months
1 year
over or under sensory defensiveness would use
deep touch pressure & proprioception
sensory seeking would use
vestibular & proprioception
what is performed in SI clinic setting?
sensory strategies/techniques are performed in
no clinic- for attention & behavior
independent feeding
2-3 years
independent drinking (no lid)
24 months
independent toileting
4.5-5 years
independent dressing (with fasteners)
5 years
shoe tying independent
5-6 years
crayon grasp in order & ages
palmar supinate: 12-18 months
Digital pronate: 2-3 years
Quadrupod: 3-4 years
Static tripod: 3-4 years
Dynamic tripod: 5 years
reflexes in order
suckling: birth to 2.5 months
rooting: birth to 3 months
moro: birth to 4-6 months
STNR: birth to 4-6 months
ATNR: birth to 4-6 months
infant grasps
Raking: 2-3 months
Radial palmar: 6 months
Radial digital: 12 months
3-jaw chuck: ?
Inferior & superior pincer: 12 months
A tower with 2 blocks: 15 months
A tower with 3 blocks: 18 months
A tower with 6 or 7 blocks: 2 years
A tower with over 7 blocks: 2.5 years
partens play levels
- unoccupied (birth to 3 months)
- solitary (3 months-2.5 years)
- onlooker (2.5-3.5 years)
- parallel (3.5-4 years)
- associative (4-4.5 years)
- cooperative (4.5-5 years)
early self pretend
12-18 months
presymbolic play
14-22 months
symbolic play
2-3 years (begins), 4 (advanced)