TOPIC List Flashcards
- Objective and methods of Clinical Diagnostics. The types of the diagnosis. The causes of misdiagnoses. Parts of the current clinical state (status praesens). The order of organ system examinations. Nationale (signalment).
to detect abnormalities, function and determine the body system. anything clinically significant. to recommend specific treatment, accurate prognosis, cost effective control and prevention of new cases.
types of diagnosis are physical examination : list them
types of laboratory examination: list them
signs, symptom,syndrome differences
false diagnosis: without examination, not accurate enough, misunderstanding, no examination equipment, inappropriate interpretation of lab data
What is status praesens ???
the order of organ system examinations
National signalment
- General impression. The basic clinical values and their pathological changes in dogs and cats.
General impression: dont touch, let it walk, body impression,weight size, skeleton muscle, hair skin, footpads, claw
nutritional score, behaviour, posture obvious abnormalities
temperature, pulse, breathing rate
- History-taking, parts of the history.
Health state
previous veterinary interventions
reproductive state
health state of population
change of ownership
- Significance, methods, and order of the skin examination. Examination of the hair coat, accessory parts of the skin and ear.
The cycle of har follicle and disorders
sweat gland: apocrine, eccrin and examination method
alopecia, hypotrichosis, hypertrichosis,
condition of skin
- Examination of the skin.
- Exclusively primary skin lesions.
nodule,tuber. wheal, vesicles. cysta, pustula
- exclusively secondary skin lesions.
epidermal collaterettes
excoritation or erosion
chap, fissure
- Skin lesions which can be both primary and secondary; skin swellings.
scale, crust, comedone, follicular casts, pigmentary changes
- The importance and methods of lymph node and lymph vessel examinations. Examination of the lymph nodes in carnivores.
done yn inspection and palpation (RECTAL), aspiration, biopsy, excision, extirpation, x-ray, ultrasound, CT, sounding….
location, size, shape, consistent, symetrical, painful, moveness, skin around, structure
what are palpable what are not
- Examination methods of the visible mucous membranes, their examination in carnivores. The abnormalities of the visible mucous membranes, their diagnostic significance.
inspection, palpation and smelling
endoscopy, us, xray, discharge, secretioncytology etc.
conjunctiva, nasal, oral, rectal, genital
- Examination of the nose and the paranasal sinuses. Nasal discharge, breath, the examination of the respiratory sounds around the nostrils.
external ,adn internal inspection
larynx and pharynx
nasal discharge
shape, nasal stridor, nasalplane, opening, plate and paranasla sinuses
nasal stridor, normal and abnormal, types
- Examination of the larynx and the trachea. Examination of the cough, cough induction.
- Examination methods of the thorax. Examination of the respiration (breathing).
- Percussion of the thorax. The origin, characteristics, and parts of the percussion sound. Normal percussion sound of the thorax.
c- crackling sound - resonancen sound
marek sound - crackling sound
percussion sound: volume, loudness, pitch, frequency, tone, resonance, homogenous, non homogenous, duration
acoustic percussion, percussion pain, methods
main sounds: sonoros, resonant,
damped, doll
- Physiological lung borders in dogs. Alterations of the lung borders and the percussion sounds. Percussion of the cardiac region, determination of the cardiac boundaries.
- Examination of the heart. Physical and additional methods.
- Auscultation of the heart. The endocardial and extracardial murmurs. Characteristics of the heart murmurs.
- Examination of the pulse in small animals. The quality and alterations of the pulse. Examination of the veins.
- Intake of feed and water, the abnormalities of chewing and swallowing. Examination of vomitus and its diagnostic significance. Regurgitation. Examination of the oesophagus
- Examination of the anus, defecation, and faeces. Characteristics of small bowel diarrhea and large bowel diarrhea
- Methods and order of digestive tract examination.
- Examination of the oral cavity and the pharynx. The findings of the oral examination in healthy animals.
- Examination methods and findings of the abdomen in small animals. Examination of the spleen.
- Examination methods of the liver and the pancreas. Physical and additional methods.