how do scientists thinkt eh earth was formed in the first billion years
-surface covered in volcanos that erupted and released lots of gases
-atmosphere had carbon dioxide and virtually no oxygen
-also released nitrogen
state what scientists think happened when water vapour in the atmosphere condensed
-formed oceans
-carbon dioxide was dissolved in oceans
-then went through reactions to form carbonate precipitates that formed sediments on the seabed
state something from 2.7 billion years ago
-algae evolved first
-then over next years green plants evolved
state 3 greenhouse gases
-carbon dioxide
-water vapour
state 4 forms of human activity that affect the amounts of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere
-burning fossil fuels
-creating waste
what does increasing carbon dioxide link to
climate change
consequences of climate change
-ice caps melting
-changes in rainfall patterns
-frequency and severity of storms increase
-changes in temperature
what are carbon footprints a measure of
-basically a measure of the amount of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases releases over the full life cycle of something
ways of reducing carbon footprints
-renewable energy sources
-using more efficient processes could conserve energy and cut waste
-governments tax companies based on greenhouse gases
what does combustion of fossil fuels release
state the problem of particulates in air
-if inhaled they get stuck in the lungs and cause damage, this leads to **respiratory problems **
-bad for environment, they reflect sunlight back into space, which means that less light reaches the earth and causes global dimming
state 2 consequences of incomplete combustion
-carbon monoxide
why is carbon monoxide dangerous
-as it can stop blood from carrying oxygen around the body
-does this by binding to haemoglobin in blood that normally carries O2
-lack of oxygen goes to fainting, a coma or even death
sulfur dioxide and oxides of nitrogen
can be released during combustions of fossil fuels
-they form dilute sulfuric acid or dilute nitric acid, leads as acid rain