Topic 9 - Managing Capital Flashcards
Ideally, the capitalof an ADI should exhibit the following characteristics:
- Be a permanent commitment of funds
- Be freely available to absorb losses
- Not impose unavoidable servicing charges
- Rank behind the claims of depositors and other creditors in the event of winding up
The traditional definition of capital –the one most people think of when they think of the capital of an ADI –is that it is equal to the net worth of the ADI
One of the most important functions of capital is to absorb losses to protect depositors –this is seen as essential to protect the safety and security of the financial system
A second function of capital is the promotion of confidence for the ADI’s customers
A third function is as a source of investment funding, in the event that the ADI is planning equity investments, takeovers or mergers
The ADI can reduce its exposure to capital risk in different ways, but each of those different ways will generally lead to a reduction in return
It can increase the amount of capital, but this will reduce the leverage multiplier and hence the return on equity
It can reduce the risk of loss by reducing the value of assets, but this will reduce the amount of return
It can reduce the risk of loss by investing in less risky assets, but this will reduce return because less risky assets usually generate a lower rate of return
The optimal amount of capital needs to be small enough to allow for an adequate return on equity, but large enough to:
Maintain capital risk at an acceptable level
Be reasonably consistent with peer institutions
Be acceptable to ratings agencies
Comply with regulatory requirements
There are five steps that should be undertaken as part of the process of planning to meet the capital target
- Analyse current performance
- Predict key variables
- Determine the target level of capital
- Project and assess planning targets
- Modify plans to achieve the target
All else being equal, Internal growth is more likely to be sustainable if:
Capital targets are low
Anticipated profit is high
The retention ratio is high
retention ratio
The retention ratiois the proportion of profits retained with a firm, rather than being paid out as dividends
The higher the retention ratio
The higher the retention ratio, the greater the level of growth that can be financed internally, thus avoiding the cost of raising external finance
Ideally, ADI capital should be a permanent commitment of funds, attract no unavoidablecharges,beavailabletoabsorblossesandrankbehindclaimsof depositorsandothercreditorsintheeventofwindingup.
Withthesecharacteristicsinmindexplainwhybankprudentialsupervisorsdecided toseparatecapitalintotwotiers,useexamplesofdifferentsourcesofcapitalto illustrateyouranswer
Somefundingsuchasissuedsharesandretainedprofitsclearlyhasallthreeof thesecharacteristicsbutothershavesomebutnotallofthesecharacteristics.Tier 1capitaliscomprisedofitemsthathaveallthecharacteristics.Tier2capital includesitemswhichpossesssomebutnotallofthesecharacteristics,suchas generalprovisionsfordoubtfuldebt,assetrevaluationreservesandcumulative irredeemablepreferenceshares
AnADImustsatisfyregulatorycapitalrequirements,withinthisconstraintADIcapital managementshouldbeaimedatmaximisingshareholdervalue.Thismeansthatcapital needsmustreflecttherisk‐returntrade‐off.AnADI’sfinancialplanincludesprojected levelsofassetandliabilitygrowthandassociatedrisksandreturns. Anoveralltargetcapitalpositionisselectedwhichwilloptimiseshareholdervalue.Within theADI,capitalisthenallocatedtodifferentlinesofbusinessdependingonthelevelof risk.Effectiveallocationofcapitalamongdifferentlinesofbusinessallowsforariskadjusted measure of the performance of each line and its contribution to overall performance.Socapitalneedscanalsobedeterminedfromanaggregationofcapital needs of each separate line of business. Management must reconcile these three approachesindetermininganADI’scapitalneeds.
Creditriskistheriskthatacounterpartywillnotmakepaymentsinfull,ontime andaccordingtothetermsofthefinancialcontract.Marketriskisconcernedwith thepossibilityofincurringlossesduetofluctuationsininterestrates,equityprices, commoditypricesandexchangerates.
Whatarethethreevariablesthatdeterminetheinternallysustainablegrowthrateofan ADI?
TheinternallysustainablegrowthrateofanADIdependsonthetargetlevelofcapital,the ADI’sprofitabilityandtheproportionofprofitsretainedbytheADI.
WhatfactorsshouldmanagementtakeintoaccountwhendetermininganADI’sdividend policy?
WhendetermininganADI’sdividendpolicymanagementmusttakeaccountofthesignals itissendingtothemarket,andtheincomeexpectationsofshareholders.