Topic 9- Budgets And Forcasts Flashcards
What are the main tools people use to manage their finances?
Cash flow forecasts
Records of actual income and expenditure
What is a budget?
A plan of expenditure and income for a period of time.
Why do people draw up a budget? (4)
- to see how much they have to spend
- so they can take control over their finances
- so they can prioritise on what they want to spend
- they can also form a a plan if they are spending more than they are receiving
What is income?
Means money received
- included money coming in from all sources both earned and unearned
What’s the difference between the income of self employed and those who are employed?
- Self employed income is often less predictable
- Employed income is usually the same/very similar each month or week
What is earned income?
From work on either employed or a self employed bases.
What are examples of unearned income? (2 examples)
- benefits
- pensions
-interest on savings - dividends from shares
- allowances paid by family members
- gifts, birthday money
- windfalls ( one off payments), winning the lottery
What is expenditure?
Outgoings, including money used to make payments to repay borrowing +/ to save.
What are the three broad categories of expenditure?
What is mandatory expenditure?
Mandatory expense payment required by law.
- don’t apply to everyone but if they do apply, must be paid.
What are 4 examples of mandatory expenditure?
- income tax and national insurance (NI) contributions
- council tax
- tv licence
- motor insurance, road tax and an MOT
What is council tax?
Payment to the local authority towards the cost of local services.
Each council sets its own charges for each valuation band.
- this is based in two or more adults living in a houshold
- those who live alone get a discount
What is a TV licence?
One TV licence covers all the devices in a home.
- if they watch live TV or record to as it is being broadcast must use a TV licence
What is motor insurance, road tax and an MOT?
Legal requirements for everyone who drives on public roads.
- third party insurance is the minimum level required
What does MOT stand for?
Ministry of transport
What is essential expenditure?
Spending on items that people need to live.