Topic 8B: Genome Projects and Gene Technologies Flashcards
What is a genome?
The entire set of DNA in an organism
What is a proteome?
All of the proteins which an organism can make.
Sequencing proteomes: Simple organisms (prokaryotes)
It is easy to sequence the proteome of simple organisms because: •They have no introns. •They have no histones. •Located in cytoplasm. •Fewer bases.
Sequencing proteomes: Complex organisms (Eukaryotes)
It hard to sequence the proteome of complex organisms because: •They have introns. •They have histones. •Located in nucleus. •Many bases.
Benefits of sequencing proteomes of simple organisms
- Can help to identify antibiotic resistant factors and therefore help us to manage the spread of diseases.
- Allows us to identify antigens in the surface of pathogens and viruses to help develop vaccines.
Why are new sequencing methods more effective?
They are often automated, more cost-effective and can be done on a large scale.
What is recombinant DNA technology?
The transfer of a fragment of DNA from on organism to another, which can then be used to produce protein cells in the recipient organism (due to the universal nature of the genetic code)
Making DNA fragments: Using reverse transcriptase
1) Isolate mRNA from cells.
2) Mix mRNA with free DNA nucleotides and reverse transcriptase.
3) The reverse transcriptase uses mRNA as a template to synthesis new strands of complementary DNA (cDNA).
Making DNA fragments: Using restriction endonuclease enzymes
1) Restriction endonuclease enzymes catalyses the hydrolysis of DNA at specific palindromic sequences (recognition sequences) complementary to the enzyme’s active site.
2) Sometimes, this leaves sticky ends (small tails of unpaired bases) which can be used to bind to another DNA molecule with a complementary sequence.
Making DNA fragments: Using a gene machine
1) The sequence that is required is designed, and the first nucleotide of the sequence is fixed to a support (usually a bead).
2) Nucleotides are then added in the correct order step-by-step.
3) Protecting groups are also added to make sure the nucleotides are joined at the right points , to prevent unwanted branching.
4) Short sections of DNA called oligonucleotides are produced, which are then broken off from the support, and joined together to make longer DNA fragments.
What are palindromic sequences?
Sequences consisting of anti-parallel base pairs that read the same in opposite directions.
What does amplifying DNA fragments mean?
Making many copies of a fragment of DNA.
What is in vivo cloning?
When gene copies are made within a living organism.
What is in vitro cloning?
When gene copies are made outside of a living organism (using the polymerase chain reaction)
What are the different processes involved in ‘in vivo cloning’?
1) Making recombinant DNA.
2) Transforming cells.
3) Identifying transformed cells.
In vivo cloning: Making recombinant DNA
1) Isolate the vector DNA and cut it open (using the same restriction endonuclease that was used to isolate the DNA fragment containing the target gene).
2) Mix the vector DNA and DNA fragment with DNA ligase which joins their sticky ends together in a process called ligation.
3) This produces a new combination of DNA called recombinant DNA.
What is a vector?
Something that transfers DNA into a cell:
• Plasmids
• Bacteriophages
In vivo cloning: Transforming cells
1) The vector containing the recombinant DNA transfers the gene into the host cell, causing it to be transformed.
NOTE: If a plasmid vector is used, the host cell will have to be persuaded to take it up through heat-shocking the cell.
In vivo cloning: Identifying transformed cells
1) Marker genes are inserted onto vectors, and transferred along with the gene into the host cell.
2) Host cells are then grown on an agar plate allowing them to divide and replicate their DNA, creating colonies of cloned cells.
3) Any transformed host cells contain both the target and marker genes.
4) The marker genes code for antibiotic resistance or fluorescence, meaning transformed host cells are not killed by particular antibiotics, or fluoresce under UV light.
5) This allows you to identify transformed host cells which contain the target gene, allowing you to grow them even more, producing many copies of the cloned gene.
What are marker genes?
Genes that are inserted in to vectors and code for specific characteristics to allow you to identify which cells have been transformed.
- Antibiotic resistance
- Fluorescence
What are promoted regions?
DNA sequences which fell RNA polymerase where to start and stop producing mRNA.
In vitro cloning: Polymerase chain reaction (PCR)
1) Produce a reaction mixture containing the DNA fragment, free nucleotides, primers and DNA polymerase.
2) Heat the DNA mixture to 95 degrees in order to break the hydrogen bonds between the two strands of DNA (in the DNA fragment).
3) Cool the mixture to 50-65 degrees to allow the primers to bind to each DNA template strand.
4) Heat the reaction mixture to 72 degrees to allow DNA polymerase to join together free DNA nucleotides which have lined up alongside each DNA template strand through complementary base pairing.
5) This forms complementary DNA strands.
What is the feature of the PCR?
Each cycle doubles the amount of DNA.
2 strands -> 4 strands -> 8 strands
1 molecule -> 2 molecules -> 4 molecules
What are primers?
Short pieces of DNA that bind to the DNA template through complementary base pairing which allow DNA polymerase to bind.
What are transformed organisms?
Organisms which have recombinant DNA inserted into them through genetic engineering.
(Also known as genetically modified organisms)
How are transformed plants produced?
1) A gene that codes for a desirable protein is inserted into a plasmid.
2) Then, the plasmid is added to a bacterium which is used as a vector to carry the gene into the plant cells.
3) If the right promoter region is added along with the gene, the transformed cells will be able to produce the desired protein.
How are transformed animals produced?
1) A gene that codes for a desirable protein is inserted into an egg or early embryo.
2) Therefore, all of the resulting cells contain the gene.
Benefits / concerns with transformed organisms: Agriculture
✔️ Resistance to pests = reduced costs of pesticides.
✔️ Increased yield / nutritional values.
✔️ Resistance to drought = able to survive with little water.
✖️Transformed crops may interbreed with wild plants to produce ‘superweeds’.
✖️ Contamination of organic crops.
✖️ Uncontrolled spread of recombinant DNA.
Benefits / concerns with transformed organisms: Medicine
✔️ Allows for cheap production of medicines.
✔️ Allows for quick production.
✔️ Allows medicines to be produced in large quantities.
✖️Technology may be used unethically (e.g. to produce designer babies).
✖️ Ownership issues over genetic material.
✖️ Companies owning genetic engineering technologies may limit use of technologies which could be saving lives.
Benefits / concerns with transformed organisms: Industry
✔️ Produce larger quantities for less money.
✔️ Can replace substances which were previously produced from killing animals.
✖️ Companies could grow too big + powerful forcing smaller companies out of business.
✖️ Purification of proteins may lead to introduction of toxins into food industry.
What is gene therapy?
The use of DNA technology to treat human diseases, by altering the defective genes inside cells.
Gene therapy: Supplementary therapy
When you add a working dominant allele to two mutated recessive alleles.
Gene therapy: Silence therapy
A piece of DNA is added to the middle of a mutated dominant allele so that it doesn’t work anymore.
Gene therapy: Somatic therapy
Altering alleles in the body cells, instead of the sex cells meaning offspring could still inherit the disease.
Gene therapy: Germ line therapy
Involves altering the alleles in the sex cells, meaning every cell of the offspring won’t suffer from the disease.
This is illegal in the UK.
Ethical issues surrounding gene therapy?
May be used to treat cosmetic effects or create designer babies.
How are alleles located using gene therapy?
1) Restriction enzymes are used to digest a sample of DNA into fragments which are separated using electrophoresis.
2) They are then transferred to a nylon membrane and incubated with a fluorescently labelled DNA probe.
3) If the allele is present, the DNA probe will bind to it, and will fluoresce under a UV light.
NOTE) Make sure to wash away unbound probes so only the DNA probes complementary to the alleles fluoresce.
What are DNA probes?
Short single strands of DNA which have a specific base sequence, complementary to that of the target allele. It also has a label attached so you can detect it to identify whether a person has a specific allele of a gene.
What are the different labels which may be attached to a DNA probe?
- Radioactive labels
* Fluorescent labels
What is a DNA microarray?
A glass slide with microscopic spots of different DNA probes attached to it. This allows you to test for many different mutated genes at the same time. This is a process known as genetic screening.
Why is it helpful to locate alleles using DNA probes?
It is a way of testing for mutated alleles.
What is genetic counselling?
1) Genetic screening is carried out using a DNA microarray and DNA probes.
2) The results are then used to advise patients and their relatives about the risks of genetic disorders.
3) It can then be used to discuss the most effective treatments for any positive results.
Personalised medicine
Different people respond to the same drug in different ways - making certain drugs more effective for some people than others. Therefore, personalised medicines which are tailored to an individual’s DNA are used for more effective treatment.
How do you set up a DNA microarray?
1) Use reverse transcriptase to produce complementary DNA (cDNA) from mRNA obtained from the target cell.
2) Then, add a fluorescent label to the cDNA and wash it over the array.
3) If the DNA probes attached to the array are complementary to the cDNA, they will bind together.
4) Wash away the unbound cDNA.
5) Then, shine a UV light over the microarray, and if any cDNA have bound, they will fluoresce.
What are variable number tandem repeats (VNTR’s)?
Base sequences that don’t code for proteins and repeat next to each other over and over. The number of repeats varies in each person and so the length of these sequences differ too.
What is genetic fingerprinting?
Comparing the number of times a sequence is repeated at different places in the genome between individuals.
What is the probability of individuals having having the same genetic fingerprint?
Very low because the chance of two individuals having the same number of VNTR’s at each place they’re found in DNA is very low.
How do you produce a genetic fingertip?
1) Obtain a sample of DNA and use the PCR to make many copies of the areas of DNA which contain the VNTR’s.
2) Add a fluorescent tag to all of the DNA fragments so they can be viewed under UV light.
3) Separate the DNA fragments through gel electrophoresis, to create a pattern of bands depending on the length of the fragments.
4) Place the gel under a UV light, where the DNA fragments will be seen as bands, which make up the genetic fingerprint.
5) You can then compare genetic fingerprints to see if bands appear at the same location, meaning two people have the same number of VNTR’s at that place.
How does feel electrophoresis work?
1) Place the DNA mixture into a well in a slab of gel and cover in an electricity conducting buffer solution.
2) Pass an electrical current through the gel, which causes the fragments to move towards the positive electrode due to the fact that they are slightly negatively charged.
3) Shorter DNA fragments move faster and travel further through the gel meaning they are separated according to length.
4) This produces a pattern of bands.
Uses of genetic fingerprinting: Determining genetic relationships
1) We inherit VNTR base sequences from our parents, with roughly half from each parent.
2) This means the bands on our genetic fingerprint match closely with our parents.
Uses of genetic fingerprints: Determining genetic variability within a population
1) The greater the number of bands that don’t match on a genetic fingerprint, the more genetically different individuals are.
2) Therefore, you can compare the number of repeats at several places in the genome for a population to find out how genetically varied it is.
Uses of genetic fingertips: Forensic science
1) Genetic fingertips can be used to compare samples of DNA found at the crime scene to samples of DNA from a possible suspect.
2) If the samples match, the suspect must have been at the crime scene.
Uses of genetic fingertips: Medical diagnosis
1) A genetic fingerprint can refer to a unique pattern of several alleles to diagnose genetic orders and cancer.
2) This allows you to detect a broader genetic pattern.
Uses of genetic fingerprints: Animal and plant breeding
1) Genetic fingerprinting can be used to prevent interbreeding which decreases the gene pool.
2) It is used to identify the least related individuals in a population so that we can breed them together.