Topic 8.5: Handling Exceptions - Recognize common exception classes (such as NullPointerException, ArithmeticException, ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException, ClassCastException) Flashcards
What are the common causes of a FileNotFoundException?
Common causes include providing an incorrect file path or attempting to access a file that is not accessible.
This is thrown when an invalid string format is encountered during parsing or conversion to a numeric type.
What is a NumberFormatException?
How can you handle a NullPointerException?
To handle this, check if the reference is null before accessing it to avoid the exception. Alternatively, catch the exception and handle it appropriately.
This can occur in scenarios such as:
Performing calculations like 5 / 0 or 10 % 0.
Provide an example scenario where an ArithmeticException can occur.
This is thrown when an attempt is made to cast an object to a type that is not compatible with its actual runtime type.
What is a ClassCastException?
What are the common causes of a RuntimeException?
some common causes are:
Various unexpected runtime conditions, such as division by zero, null references, and out-of-bounds array access.
What are the common causes of an IllegalArgumentException?
Common causes of this include passing invalid or unexpected values as arguments to a method.
Common causes include providing an incorrect file path or attempting to access a file that is not accessible.
What are the common causes of a FileNotFoundException?
This is thrown when an arithmetic operation encounters an exceptional condition, such as division by zero.
What is an ArithmeticException?
What is a RuntimeException?
This is a superclass of several common unchecked exceptions, including ArithmeticException, NullPointerException, and ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException.
It represents various runtime errors that can occur during program execution.
Common causes of this include passing invalid or unexpected values as arguments to a method.
What are the common causes of an IllegalArgumentException?
Common causes include parsing a string that does not represent a valid numeric value.
What are the common causes of a NumberFormatException?
Causes of this include: Various input/output-related errors, such as failure to read or write data, network connectivity issues, etc.
What are the common causes of an IOException?
What are the common causes of a StringIndexOutOfBoundsException?
common causes include trying to access a character at an index that is either negative or exceeds the length of the string.
To handle this, check if the reference is null before accessing it to avoid the exception. Alternatively, catch the exception and handle it appropriately.
How can you handle a NullPointerException?
This is a general exception class for input/output operations and represents various types of exceptional conditions related to file and network operations.
What is an IOException?
What is an IndexOutOfBoundsException?
This is a superclass of ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException and StringIndexOutOfBoundsException
it is thrown when attempting to access an invalid index within a collection, such as an array, vector, string, and so forth.
It can also be implemented within custom classes to indicate invalid access was attempted for a collection1.
What are the common causes of a NumberFormatException?
Common causes include parsing a string that does not represent a valid numeric value.
What is a NullPointerException?
This is thrown when a program tries to access or invoke a method on a null reference.
Example scenario:
Opening a non-existent file using new FileInputStream("nonexistent.txt")
Provide an example scenario where a FileNotFoundException can occur.
How can you handle an ArithmeticException?
To handle this ensure that the denominator in division or modulus operations is non-zero. Alternatively, catch the exception and handle it appropriately.
This is thrown when an invalid index is used to access an array element.
What is an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException?
Common causes of this include trying to access an element at an index that is outside the acceptable range of the array.
What are the common causes of an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException?
This is typically thrown when a method receives an illegal or inappropriate argument.
What is an IllegalArgumentException?
Provide an example scenario where a FileNotFoundException can occur.
Example scenario:
Opening a non-existent file using new FileInputStream("nonexistent.txt")
This is thrown when an attempt is made to access a character in a string using an index that is either negative or greater than or equal to the length of the string.
What is a StringIndexOutOfBoundsException?
What is a FileNotFoundException?
This is thrown when an attempt is made to access a file that does not exist or cannot be opened.
How can you handle a StringIndexOutOfBoundsException?
Ensure that the index used to access the string is within the valid range. Alternatively, catch the exception and handle it appropriately.
What is a ClassCastException?
This is thrown when an attempt is made to cast an object to a type that is not compatible with its actual runtime type.
This is a superclass of several common unchecked exceptions, including ArithmeticException, NullPointerException, and ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException.
It represents various runtime errors that can occur during program execution.
What is a RuntimeException?
What is an ArithmeticException?
This is thrown when an arithmetic operation encounters an exceptional condition, such as division by zero.
What are the common causes of an IOException?
Causes of this include: Various input/output-related errors, such as failure to read or write data, network connectivity issues, etc.
What is a StringIndexOutOfBoundsException?
This is thrown when an attempt is made to access a character in a string using an index that is either negative or greater than or equal to the length of the string.
To hanlde this ensure that the index used to access the array is within the valid range. Alternatively, catch the exception and handle it appropriately.
How can you handle an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException?
How can you handle a FileNotFoundException?
To handle this ensure that the file exists and is accessible before attempting to access it. Alternatively, catch the exception and handle it appropriately.
How can you handle a ClassCastException?
To handle this use the instanceof
operator to check the object’s type before performing the cast to ensure compatibility. Alternatively, catch the exception and handle it appropriately.
example scenarios include calling:
Provide an example scenario where a NumberFormatException can occur.
What are the common causes of a ClassCastException?
Common causes of this are trying to cast an object to an incompatible type in cases where there is no inheritance or interface relationship between the types.
This is thrown when an attempt is made to access a file that does not exist or cannot be opened.
What is a FileNotFoundException?
What is an IOException?
This is a general exception class for input/output operations and represents various types of exceptional conditions related to file and network operations.
Ensure that the index used to access the string is within the valid range. Alternatively, catch the exception and handle it appropriately.
How can you handle a StringIndexOutOfBoundsException?
Provide an example scenario where an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException can occur.
Example scenarios of this are:
Accessing array[5] when the array length is 5 or accessing a negative index like array[-1].
common causes include trying to access a character at an index that is either negative or exceeds the length of the string.
What are the common causes of a StringIndexOutOfBoundsException?
Common causes include:
Division or modulus operations where the divisor is zero.
What are the common causes of an ArithmeticException?
What are the common causes of an ArithmeticException?
Common causes include:
Division or modulus operations where the divisor is zero.
Common causes of this are trying to cast an object to an incompatible type in cases where there is no inheritance or interface relationship between the types.
What are the common causes of a ClassCastException?
Example scenarios of this are:
Accessing array[5] when the array length is 5 or accessing a negative index like array[-1].
Provide an example scenario where an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException can occur.
To handle this ensure that the file exists and is accessible before attempting to access it. Alternatively, catch the exception and handle it appropriately.
How can you handle a FileNotFoundException?
How can you handle an IllegalArgumentException?
To handle this validate the input values before passing them to a method. Alternatively, catch the exception and handle it appropriately.
What are the common causes of a NullPointerException?
common cuases of this are trying to call a method or access a field on an object that has not been initialized or is null.
Provide an example scenario where a StringIndexOutOfBoundsException can occur.
example scenarios include:
Calling string.charAt(-1)
or string.charAt(string.length())
common cuases of this are trying to call a method or access a field on an object that has not been initialized or is null.
What are the common causes of a NullPointerException?
Provide an example scenario where a NumberFormatException can occur.
example scenarios include calling:
What are the common causes of an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException?
Common causes of this include trying to access an element at an index that is outside the acceptable range of the array.
To handle this validate the string format before parsing it to a numeric type using methods such as regex. Alternatively, catch the exception and handle it appropriately.
How can you handle a NumberFormatException?
To handle this use the instanceof
operator to check the object’s type before performing the cast to ensure compatibility. Alternatively, catch the exception and handle it appropriately.
How can you handle a ClassCastException?
example scenarios include:
Calling string.charAt(-1)
or string.charAt(string.length())
Provide an example scenario where a StringIndexOutOfBoundsException can occur.
What is an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException?
This is thrown when an invalid index is used to access an array element.
To handle this validate the input values before passing them to a method. Alternatively, catch the exception and handle it appropriately.
How can you handle an IllegalArgumentException?
What is a NumberFormatException?
This is thrown when an invalid string format is encountered during parsing or conversion to a numeric type.
How can you handle an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException?
To hanlde this ensure that the index used to access the array is within the valid range. Alternatively, catch the exception and handle it appropriately.
some common causes are:
Various unexpected runtime conditions, such as division by zero, null references, and out-of-bounds array access.
What are the common causes of a RuntimeException?
To handle this ensure that the denominator in division or modulus operations is non-zero. Alternatively, catch the exception and handle it appropriately.
How can you handle an ArithmeticException?
How can you handle a NumberFormatException?
To handle this validate the string format before parsing it to a numeric type using methods such as regex. Alternatively, catch the exception and handle it appropriately.
This is a superclass of ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException and StringIndexOutOfBoundsException
it is thrown when attempting to access an invalid index within a collection, such as an array, vector, string, and so forth.
It can also be implemented within custom classes to indicate invalid access was attempted for a collection1.
What is an IndexOutOfBoundsException?
Provide an example scenario where an ArithmeticException can occur.
This can occur in scenarios such as:
Performing calculations like 5 / 0 or 10 % 0.
This is thrown when a program tries to access or invoke a method on a null reference.
What is a NullPointerException?
What is an IllegalArgumentException?
This is typically thrown when a method receives an illegal or inappropriate argument.