Topic 8.1: Handling Exceptions - Differentiate among checked exceptions, unchecked exceptions, and Errors Flashcards
These are difficult or impossible to recover from, whereas exceptions are meant for application-specific error handling and can be caught and handled within the code.
How do errors differ from exceptions in terms of recoverability?
What do errors represent in Java, and how are they different from exceptions?
These in Java represent exceptional conditions that are usually not expected to be caught or handled by the application code.
They are different from exceptions, which are used for application-specific error handling.
These occur in situations where the JVM or underlying system encounters severe issues that disrupt the normal execution of the program.
How does the Java compiler treat unchecked exceptions?
The Java compiler does not enforce the handling of unchecked exceptions, giving developers the flexibility to choose whether to handle them or not. They are not required to be caught or declared in the method signature.
Example of this:
public void readFile(String fileName) { try { // Code that reads data from the file } catch (IOException e) { // Exception handling code } }
Provide an example of handling a checked exception with a try-catch block
What are the differences between the “throw” and “throws” keywords in Java’s exception handling?
The “throw” keyword is used to explicitly throw an exception from within a method or block.
On the other hand, the “throws” keyword is used in a method signature to declare checked exceptions that the method may throw, indicating that the caller of the method should handle these exceptions.
Provide an example of a method declaration with a checked exception.
Example of this:
public void readFile(String fileName) throws IOException { // Code that reads data from the file }
Example of this:
public void readFile(String fileName) throws IOException { // Code that reads data from the file }
Provide an example of a method declaration with a checked exception.
Developers can avoid encountering these exceptions by following proper coding practices, such as:
- performing null checks
- validating input
- and avoiding division by zero.
How can developers avoid encountering unchecked exceptions in Java programs?
How do errors differ from exceptions in terms of recoverability?
These are difficult or impossible to recover from, whereas exceptions are meant for application-specific error handling and can be caught and handled within the code.
What are the key components of Java’s exception-handling mechanism?
The key components of this are:
- Try block
- Catch block
- Multiple catch blocks
- Finally block
- Throw and Throws keywords
Why is encountering unchecked exceptions considered a programming error in Java?
Encountering these is generally considered a programming error because they indicate bugs or issues in the code that need to be addressed during development.
Proper coding practices and testing are essential to minimize their occurrence.
What is the role of the catch block in Java’s exception handling?
This follows the try block and contains code that handles the exception.
It specifies the type of exception it can handle, and when a matching exception occurs in the try block, the control transfers to the corresponding block for handling.
What types of issues are errors in Java typically reserved for?
These in Java are typically reserved for serious issues, such as:
- resource exhaustion
- unrecoverable failures.
They are caused by problems at the system level or limitations in the hardware or JVM environment.
These are derived from the java.lang.Error class.
They indicate severe issues that may render the application unstable or unrecoverable, and they are not typically meant to be caught or handled by the application code.
From which class are Java errors derived, and what do they indicate?
The key components of this are:
- Try block
- Catch block
- Multiple catch blocks
- Finally block
- Throw and Throws keywords
What are the key components of Java’s exception-handling mechanism?
These in Java are typically reserved for serious issues, such as:
- resource exhaustion
- unrecoverable failures.
They are caused by problems at the system level or limitations in the hardware or JVM environment.
What types of issues are errors in Java typically reserved for?
Why are errors usually not handled by the application code?
These are usually not handled by the application code because they represent severe issues that may not have a straightforward solution within the application.
They are caused by problems at:
- the system level
- or environmental limitations.
This follows the try block and contains code that handles the exception.
It specifies the type of exception it can handle, and when a matching exception occurs in the try block, the control transfers to the corresponding block for handling.
What is the role of the catch block in Java’s exception handling?
Provide an example of handling a checked exception with a try-catch block
Example of this:
public void readFile(String fileName) { try { // Code that reads data from the file } catch (IOException e) { // Exception handling code } }
How do you handle checked exceptions in Java methods?
Any method that may throw a checked exception must either declare it in its method signature using the ‘throws’ keyword or handle it with a try-catch block.
Encountering these is generally considered a programming error because they indicate bugs or issues in the code that need to be addressed during development.
Proper coding practices and testing are essential to minimize their occurrence.
Why is encountering unchecked exceptions considered a programming error in Java?
Examples of these include:
- IOException: For input and output-related errors, such as reading or writing data to a file.
- SQLException: For errors related to database access using JDBC.
- ClassNotFoundException: When a class loader cannot find a specified class at runtime.
Provide examples of checked exceptions in Java.
These are used to enforce error handling for specific scenarios, making developers think about how to handle potential error situations.
This leads to the creation of more reliable and robust programs.
Why are checked exceptions used in Java?
How are exceptions represented in Java, and what are the two main categories of exceptions?
In Java, exceptions are represented as objects derived from classes in the java.lang package. The two main categories of exceptions are:
- Checked Exceptions: Subclasses of java.lang.Exception, must be either caught with try-catch blocks or declared using the throws keyword in method signatures.
- Unchecked Exceptions (Runtime Exceptions): Subclasses of java.lang.RuntimeException, do not need to be explicitly caught or declared in the method signature.
Examples of these include:
- OutOfMemoryError: Occurs when the JVM cannot allocate enough memory to run the application due to excessive memory usage or insufficient resources.
- StackOverflowError: Occurs when a program’s call stack grows too large, usually due to excessive recursion or infinite loops.
- VirtualMachineError: A parent class for various errors that occur within the JVM itself, such as InternalError, UnknownError, etc.
Can you provide examples of common Java errors?
Explain the purpose of the try block in Java’s exception handling.
This is used to enclose the code that may throw an exception.
If an exception occurs within this, it is caught and handled by the corresponding catch block (if available).
What are unchecked exceptions in Java?
These, also known as runtime exceptions, are exceptions that do not need to be explicitly caught or declared.
Unlike checked exceptions, the compiler does not enforce the handling of unchecked exceptions at compile-time.
Provide examples of unchecked exceptions.
Examples of these include:
- NullPointerException: Thrown when accessing a member (field or method) of an object that is currently null.
- ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: Thrown when using an invalid index to access an array element (e.g., negative index or index >= array length).
- ArithmeticException: Thrown when an arithmetic operation produces an exceptional condition, such as division by zero.
What is the purpose of the finally block in Java’s exception handling?
This block, if present, is executed regardless of whether an exception occurred or not.
It is used to perform cleanup operations or any tasks that need to be done regardless of the exception outcome.
Why are checked exceptions used in Java?
These are used to enforce error handling for specific scenarios, making developers think about how to handle potential error situations.
This leads to the creation of more reliable and robust programs.
This keyword in a method signature indicates that the method may throw the specified checked exception.
It serves as a notification to callers of the method that they should handle the potential exception.
What does the ‘throws’ keyword in a method signature indicate?
What is an exception in Java?
This in Java is an abnormal condition that occurs during the execution of a program and disrupts the normal flow of execution.
It represents errors or exceptional situations that can cause the program to terminate or behave unexpectedly if not properly handled.
Can you provide examples of common Java errors?
Examples of these include:
- OutOfMemoryError: Occurs when the JVM cannot allocate enough memory to run the application due to excessive memory usage or insufficient resources.
- StackOverflowError: Occurs when a program’s call stack grows too large, usually due to excessive recursion or infinite loops.
- VirtualMachineError: A parent class for various errors that occur within the JVM itself, such as InternalError, UnknownError, etc.
What is the role of unchecked exceptions in Java exception handling?
These exceptions provide more flexibility in exception handling, as they do not require explicit handling.
However, they should be avoided through proper coding practices and thorough testing to ensure the stability and reliability of Java programs.
These are subclasses of java.lang.RuntimeException.
They are represented as objects derived from classes that extend the RuntimeException class.
What is the superclass of unchecked exceptions in Java?
Examples of these include:
- NullPointerException: Thrown when accessing a member (field or method) of an object that is currently null.
- ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: Thrown when using an invalid index to access an array element (e.g., negative index or index >= array length).
- ArithmeticException: Thrown when an arithmetic operation produces an exceptional condition, such as division by zero.
Provide examples of unchecked exceptions.
These can be caught and handled using a try-catch block inside the method.
This approach allows the method to handle the exception locally without propagating it to the caller.
How can you handle a checked exception locally within a method?
What does the ‘throws’ keyword in a method signature indicate?
This keyword in a method signature indicates that the method may throw the specified checked exception.
It serves as a notification to callers of the method that they should handle the potential exception.
This block, if present, is executed regardless of whether an exception occurred or not.
It is used to perform cleanup operations or any tasks that need to be done regardless of the exception outcome.
What is the purpose of the finally block in Java’s exception handling?
These are usually not handled by the application code because they represent severe issues that may not have a straightforward solution within the application.
They are caused by problems at:
- the system level
- or environmental limitations.
Why are errors usually not handled by the application code?
How can developers avoid encountering unchecked exceptions in Java programs?
Developers can avoid encountering these exceptions by following proper coding practices, such as:
- performing null checks
- validating input
- and avoiding division by zero.
These in Java represent exceptional conditions that are usually not expected to be caught or handled by the application code.
They are different from exceptions, which are used for application-specific error handling.
These occur in situations where the JVM or underlying system encounters severe issues that disrupt the normal execution of the program.
What do errors represent in Java, and how are they different from exceptions?
These, also known as runtime exceptions, are exceptions that do not need to be explicitly caught or declared.
Unlike checked exceptions, the compiler does not enforce the handling of unchecked exceptions at compile-time.
What are unchecked exceptions in Java?
Provide examples of checked exceptions in Java.
Examples of these include:
- IOException: For input and output-related errors, such as reading or writing data to a file.
- SQLException: For errors related to database access using JDBC.
- ClassNotFoundException: When a class loader cannot find a specified class at runtime.
This is used to enclose the code that may throw an exception.
If an exception occurs within this, it is caught and handled by the corresponding catch block (if available).
Explain the purpose of the try block in Java’s exception handling.
What are checked exceptions in Java, and how does the compiler handle them?
These are exceptions that must be either caught and handled using try-catch blocks or declared using the throws keyword in the method signature.
The Java compiler enforces this rule during the compilation process to ensure developers explicitly acknowledge and handle exceptional conditions that may arise during program execution.
These are exceptions that must be either caught and handled using try-catch blocks or declared using the throws keyword in the method signature.
The Java compiler enforces this rule during the compilation process to ensure developers explicitly acknowledge and handle exceptional conditions that may arise during program execution.
What are checked exceptions in Java, and how does the compiler handle them?
These exceptions provide more flexibility in exception handling, as they do not require explicit handling.
However, they should be avoided through proper coding practices and thorough testing to ensure the stability and reliability of Java programs.
What is the role of unchecked exceptions in Java exception handling?
This in Java is an abnormal condition that occurs during the execution of a program and disrupts the normal flow of execution.
It represents errors or exceptional situations that can cause the program to terminate or behave unexpectedly if not properly handled.
What is an exception in Java?
How can you handle a checked exception locally within a method?
These can be caught and handled using a try-catch block inside the method.
This approach allows the method to handle the exception locally without propagating it to the caller.
From which class are Java errors derived, and what do they indicate?
These are derived from the java.lang.Error class.
They indicate severe issues that may render the application unstable or unrecoverable, and they are not typically meant to be caught or handled by the application code.
What is the superclass of unchecked exceptions in Java?
These are subclasses of java.lang.RuntimeException.
They are represented as objects derived from classes that extend the RuntimeException class.