Topic 8: Media Strategy Flashcards
Media Planning
A series of decisions involving the delivery of messages to audiences.
Media Objective
Specific goals to be attained by the media strategy and program.
Media Strategy
Decisions on how the media objectives can be attained.
The various categories of delivery systems, including broadcast and print media.
Media Vehicle
The specific carrier within a medium category.
Number of different audiences members exposed at least once in a given time period.
The potential audience that might receive the message through the vehicle.
The number of time the receiver is exposed to the media vehicle in a specific time period.
Media Plan
The media plan determines the best way to get the message to the audience. Its goal is “the combination of media that enables the marketer to communicate the message in the most effective manner to the largest number of potential customers at the lowest cost”.
Challenges in Media Planning:
- Multi-tasking & mutli-screens
- Time pressure
- Effectiveness measurement
Developing the Media Plan:
Market analysis
Establishment of media objectives
Media strategy development and implementation
Evaluation and follow-up
Reach vs. Frequency
Multiple objectives and budget constraints necessitates a trade-off between reach and frequency. Decision is whether to have the message seen or heard by more people (reach) or by fewer people more often (frequency).
Effective vs. Average Frequency
Effective Frequency: desired level of frequency (media objective).
Average Frequency: observed frequency for an actual or planned campaign.
By comparing effective frequency with average frequency, planners are able to fine-tune campaigns.
- serves as a constant reminder to the consumer
- covers the entire buying cycle
- allows for media priorities
- higher costs
- potential for overexposure
- limited media allocation possible
- cost efficiency of advertising only during purchase cycles
- may allow multiple mediums due to budget abilities
- weighting may offer more exposure and advantage over competitors
- increased likelihood of wear out
- lack of awareness, interest, retention or promotional message during non-scheduled times
- vulnerable to competitive efforts during non-scheduled periods.
- all of the same as the pervious two methods
- not required for seasonal products (or other cyclical products)
Developing & Implementing Media Strategy
Media mix Target market coverage, including geographical coverage Creative aspects and mood Flexibility Budget considerations
Creative Aspects & Mood
CONTEXT: the medium itself influences audience perceptions.
CREATIVE ASPECTS: strong creative is effective but the medium must support the creativity.
MOOD: individual media vehicles enhance the creativity of a message because they create a mood that carries over the communication.