Topic 3: Integration * Flashcards
The way organisations manage the flow of marketing communication and the way it enters and is organised in stakeholders’ minds. From the organisation’s point of view, it is a task of coordination, an embodiment of the corporate mission, and a test of organisational efficiency and accountability. It is both a strategy and a tactic and spans continuum from dysfunction to synergy. Through the stakeholder’s eyes, it is a naturally occurring process of perception, repetition, and brand learning. `
Message Integration
Visual and verbal consistency, achieved through the integration of factors such as logo, corporate colours, common image, same theme line, consistent message, common tone, and shared personality.
Strategic Integration
Process that brings together all parts of the communication mix to maximise efficiency and effectiveness, to achieve marketing strategy and contribute to the corporate mission. Instead of just looking the same and delivering the same message, it is underpinned by strategic integration factors (for example, a common mission or strategy) and is considered to be what makes IMC a new concept.
Organisational Integration
Systems that takes into account the company as a whole, aligning organisational processes, spanning department boundaries and connecting all members of the organisation through an organisational structure and reward system.
Customer-Integrated Marketing Communication
Thee customer’s integration and sense making of all messages from any source, company driven or stemming from other sources, which the customer perceives as communication, forming value-in-use for them for a specific purpose.
Outside-In Approach
Approach that suggests IMC should start with the consumer and work back to the organisational objectives and IMC strategy and tactics.
Customer-Centric Approach
Approach that puts the customer at the centre of all business practices.
Term used to describe the point when the combined efforts of multiple media communication tools delivering a consistent message exceeds the sum of their individual parts.
Cross-Media Campaigns
Campaigns that integrate messages across many different media such as print, television, or online.
Congruency (or fit)
Signifies the degree of similarity of the visual or verbal elements across different media.
Strategic Consistency
In IMC, the communication and enacting of common meaning, aligned with brand purpose, across multiple platforms.
Paid, owned, and earned media.
POEM is a way to look at IMC in light of blurred disciplinary boundaries, industry perspectives, and new thinking.
Congruity Theory
Consistent thinking is human.
Persuasive messages disrupt consistency.
Evaluation is necessary to return to equilibrium.
Congruent messages result in positive evaluations.
incongruent messages require more effort but are better remembered.
- Self-Brand Congruity: perceived similarity between ourselves and brand based on personality and values.
- Brand-Usage Congruity: perceived commonality of consumption within the community and the way consumers would use the brand.
- Brand-User Congruity: perceived similarity between ourselves and typical brand users.
Synergy & Congruity Theory: Across Disciplines
- Facilitation Effect: PR before ad strengthens brand recall and inhibits competitor recall.
- Counter Synergy Effect: ad plus PR has a positive effect on attitude and inhibits competitor recall.
Synergy & Congruity Theory: Across Platforms
Across-media IMC is less memorable but more liked.
Fit/congruency across media and platforms leads to synergy.
Synergy & Congruity Theory: Multi-Tasking
Usual loss of memory when mutli-tasking but more memorable if congruence between tasks and a social dimension to one.
Brand Integrity: ‘Say-Do-Confirm’
To achieve strategic consistency, brand must ensure what they say, do, and what is confirmed is consistent. This created brand integrity.