Topic 8:Eukaryotes Flashcards
oxygen revolution
-photosynthetic cyanobacteria: they use the sun’s energy to split water into hydrogen and oxygen
-o2 was toxic to most early life
-obligate anaerobes
-present in rotting oxygen-free substances
-some have colonized the guts of animals where they produce methane gas
-other prokaryotes adapted to the oxygen-rich atmosphere and began respiring anaerobically
whos is more closely related between bacteria, eukarya, and archaea
eukarya and archaea are sister taxa, and bacteria is the out-group
whos the common ancestor for prokaryotes and eukaryotes
why are eukaryotes and archaea
-absence of peptidoglycan
-have several kinds of RNA polymerase
-the presence of introns
-circular chromosomes are present
domain eukarya
-DNA in linear chromosomes in a membrane-bound nucleus
-contains membrane-bound organelles such as mitochondria and or chloroplast
-membrane has the dynamic ability- can change shape whereas prokaryotes are inclosed in rigid cell wall
1.Origin of Eukaryotic cells:cell membrane
infolding of cell membrane: leads to:
-endoplasmic reticulum
-nuclear envelope
how did eukaryotes evolve
they evolved from a symbiotic association of prokaryotes
2.origin of eukaryotic cells:Theory of Endosymbiosis
-ancestral host cell took on endosymbiotic chemoheterotrophic prokaryotes (uses oxygen and organic matter to create energy)
3.Origin of eukaryotic cells : Theory of endosymbiosis
- Mitochondrial formed from -ancestral host cells took an endosymbiotic aerobic heterotrophic prokaryote (uses oxygen and organic matter to make energy)
-animals and plants, fungi and many protists - chloroplast formed from: other linages engulfed photosynthetic prokaryotes (most probably cyanobacteria- use light and CO2 to make organic compounds)
-photosynthetic protists and plants
horizontal gene transfer
what are protists
are eukaryotes -they exclude plants, animals, and fungi)
-is an informal name for a group of mostly unicellular eukaryotes, but there are some colonial and multicellular species
evidence for endosymbiosis
-mitochondria and chloroplast
-can self-replicate (binary fission ) how prokaryotes reproduce
-they resemble bacteria in size and structure
-DNA is circular like prokaryotes
-2 cell membrane layer-inner one homologous to plasma membrane of prokaryotes
Primary endosymbiosis vs. secondary endosymbiosis
primary endosymbiosis is when cyanobacteria are taken by the cell (2 membranes)
Secondary endosymbiosis is when a cell that took the cyanobacteria is taken by a second host (3 membranes )
nutritional modes
-Protozoans: animals like protists ( Heterotrophs -they ingest food)
-Fungus-like protists: Heterotrophic but absorb food and they produce spores)
-Algae: Plant-like protists (photoautotrophs ->photosynthetic (chloroplasts) )
- Mixotrophs (combine heterotrophy and autotrophy )
5 super groups of kingdom ‘Protista’
- Excavate
- Chromalveolata
- Rhizaria
- Archaeplastida (plants (red algae, green algae, land plants))
- Unikonta (fungi and animals )
4 Supergroups of kingdom ‘Protista’
- Excavate
- SAR clade (chromalveolata and Rhizaria)
- Archaeplastida (red algae, green algae, land plants)
support for the supergroups
the reason all the eukaryotes are a monophyletic group is that they all possess mitochondria or a related gene/organelle from proteobacteria
-now the reason plate are their own group is because they have plastids from cyanobacteria
-other plastids in Chromalveolata and Excavate and Rhizaria originated from secondary endosymbiosis with Plantae
cellular organization within eukarya
common ancestor unicellular and multicellularity and colonial was all due to convergent evolution
why does multicellularity arise?
Hypothesis 1: large size is advantageous (however diffusion is only effective over short distances
Hypothesis 2: left wall of minimum complexity
However, it’s not through symbiosis or internal division of multinucleate organisms
it’s through coloniality
whats the advantage and disadvantage to multicellularity
-protection against predators or environment
-more efficient
-reproduction (more or longer life with more offspring)
-need more energy (resources )
-slower reproduction (evolves slower)
-sexual partner needed
steps to the evolution of muticeullualrity
unicellular protist->colony->early multicellular organism with specialized interdependent cells->organism that produces gametes
chromalveolates, Excavate, Rhizaria
chromalveolates - resulted from secondary endosymbiosis with red alga
Excavate and Rhizaria-resulted from secondary endosymbiosis with green alga
evidence for secondary endosymbiosis?
the chloroplast in stramenopiles have two additional membranes outside of the usual chloroplast, which means the chloroplast didn’t evolve due to the cyanobacteria, but through a eukaryotic source (endosymbiotic red algae)
the SAR group contains… (part of the 4 super groups)
stramenopiles, alveolate, Rhizariana
the Chromalveolata…(part of the 5 super groups)
originated by secondary symbiosis
it includes alveolate and stramenoplies
Chromolveolata : dinoflagellates (protsists)
they have two flagella (allows them to move )
-cell reinforced by
heterotrophic protists: water molds
-they are fungi like , they have multinucleate filaments (hyphae)
plastid vs. plasmid
-plastid is a double membrane organelle (chloroplast) that’s found in plants and algae as a result of them consuming prokaryotes,
-plasmid is circularr DNA
unicellularity vs. multicellularity
unicellularity- single-celled that performs all the cellular functions
multicellularity- use many different cells to functions
colonies are composed of cells that are connected and that are interdependent
primary productivity
the process by which organisms make their own food from inorganic sources (autotrophs)
how diffusion is related to the evolution of multicellularity
when u have one big unicellular organism in comparison to just a multicellular organism the surface area to volume ratio in the big unicellular organisms is smaller than the multicellular organisms, which means diffusion takes longer
plus the multicellular organisms have more surface area for more diffusion to occur