Topic 7: Felinepanleukopaenia (Feline Infectious gastroenteritis) Flashcards
Parvoviridiae, parvovirinae,
Feline panleukpaenia virus (Genus parvo)
AKA feline distemper, Feline infectious gastroenteritis
Epidemioology of FPLV
WW occurence
Felidae, Mustilidae (ferrets etc) Procyonidae (Racoon)
Susceptible:Kittens btw 2w-6m old, pregnant queens and immunocompromised animals
1 serotype, does not effect dogs (although 10% of all FPLV are caused by CPV2)
Infrequently diagnosed due to widespread Vx
self limiting illness, duration rarely exceeds 5-7 days
mortality highest in young kittens under 5 months
Transmission through fleas and fomites, resistant viral particles
Pathogenesis of FPLV
shed in abundance in all body secretions/excretions during acute phase, up to 6 weeks in faeces of surviving animals
PO / oronasal infection, pharyngeal lymphoid tissues, viremia
viremia, infects and destroys cells of intestinal tract, bone marrow and stem cells on developing foetus, myocardium in young animals
dilation of the crypts of lieberkun with intranucelar inclusion bodies , villous atrophy and blunting
transplacental infection: abortion, resorption, stilbirht, mummification
perinatal infection: cerebellar hypoplasia, virtu destroys germinal layer of cerebellum = inccordinationa dn tremors
appear following 4-5d incubation
generalised, non specific = fever, anorexia, depression
Acute enteritis, vomiting can be inducted by abd palpation, bloody dra, bloody GE, abd pain, dehydration, rough coat, hair loss
Haemorrahges throughout the body
Extreme dehydration, exsiccosis
sound animals may die before onset of diarrhoea
Dx of FPLV
Case history, recent contact with feral cats, CS and PM lesions
Fecal viral detectaron, HA, PCR, ELISA (will be +ve fo 10-25 days after live vaccine
basophilic nucelar inclusion bodies in intestinal cells
AB detection( if increasing or high number)
Serology: HAI, iLF, VN, ELISA
Biochem and urinalysis : inc liver enzymes, lymphopaneia, electrolyte imbalances
Tx of FPLV
only symptomatic, treat the clinical condition
- rehydration, liquid replacement, anti emetics, colloid treatment, AB to prevent 2º infection
- outcome depends on age and immune status
Prevention, Vx of FPLV
Sanitation and hygiene
Vx types: live attenuated polyvalent, Inactivated polyvalent
1st dose, 8-9 weeks 2nd, 12 w 3, 16 w 4 1 year after last dose repeat every 3 years from last dose