Topic 6The Rate and Extent of Chemical Change Flashcards
Give the name of the solvent used to dissolve the ions in this reaction.
A few drops of a colourless solution containing a high concentration of
thiocyanate ions (SCN–
) are added to the orange equilibrium mixture.
Explain the colour change observed.
A water bath is set up at a temperature above room temperature.
When a test tube containing the orange equilibrium mixture is placed in the
water bath, the mixture becomes more yellow.
Explain what this shows about the energy change for the forward reaction. mixture.
Explain the colour change observed.
Explain why a low pressure is used in stage 1.
Give your answer in terms of equilibrium.
The equilibrium mixture is cooled.
Explain what happens to the concentration of the pink cobalt compound
More hydrochloric acid is added.
Explain what happens to the colour of the equilibrium mixture
The student measured the change in mass of the reactants.
Describe another method, other than measuring the change in mass of the reactions, that
the student could have used to find the rate of the reaction between marble chips and hydrochloric acid.