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Physics Nat 5
> topic 6 - waves: electromagnetic waves > Flashcards
topic 6 - waves: electromagnetic waves Flashcards
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Physics Nat 5
(30 decks)
topic 1 - energy: energy changes in a system, and the way energy is stored before and after such changes
topic 1 - energy: conservation and dissipation of energy
topic 1 - energy: national and global energy resources
topic 2 - electricity: current, potential difference and resistance
topic 2 - electricity: series and parallel circuits
topic 2 - electricity: domestic uses and safety
topic 2 - electricity: energy transfers
topic 2 - electricity: static electricity
topic 3 - particle model of matter: changes of state and the particle model
topic 3 - particle model of matter: internal energy and energy transfers
topic 3 - particle model of matter: particle model and pressure
topic 4 - atomic structure: atoms and isotopes
topic 4 - atomic structure: atoms and nuclear radiation
topic 4 - atomic structure: hazards and uses of radioactive emissions and of background radiation
topic 4 - atomic structure: nuclear fission and fusion
topic 5 - forces: forces and their interactions
topic 5 - forces: work done and energy transfer
topic 5 - forces: forces and elasticity
topic 5 - forces: moments, levers and gears
topic 5 - forces: pressure and pressure differences in fluids
topic 5 - forces: forces and motion
topic 5 - forces: momentum
topic 6 - waves: waves in air, solids and fluids
topic 6 - waves: electromagnetic waves
topic 6 - waves: black body radiation
topic 7 - magnetism and electromagnetism: permenant and induced magnetism, magnetic forces and fields
topic 7 - magnetism and electromagnetism: the motor effect
topic 7 - magnetism and electromagnetism: induced potential, transformers and the national grid
topic 8 - space physics: solar system; stability of orbital motions; satellites
topic 8 - space physics: red-shift