Topic 6: Marxism Flashcards
What does Marxism have in common with functionalism?
share the view that society is a structure or system that shapes individuals behaviour and ideas
Briefly outline two ways in which Marxism differs from functionalism.
- conflict of interests= marxists reject the func view that social structure is harmonious and based on value consensus. Instead they see it based on a conflict of economic interests between social classes and unequal power and wealth
- instability and change = marxists also reject the view that society is stable and stress that there is a possible of sudden change. stability only due to dominant class forcing will on society
Briefly explain the similarities between Marx and Durkheim.
like Durkheim, Marx saw the harm which modern industrial society and the promise of progress to a better world.
Also like Durkheim marx believed that it was possible to understand society scientifically and this knowledge would point to a better society (scientific socialisation)
Briefly outline how Marx saw historical change.
differ from func as dont see it as a smooth evolution but as a contradictiry process in which capitalism would increase human misery before giving way to a classless society
. According to Marx, how would a classless society be brought into being?
by conscious human action
Define materialism.
the view that humans are beings with material needs, such as food, clothing and shelter and must therefore work to meet them.
According to Marx, why do humans enter into social relations of production?
this means ways of organising production
they do this in order to meet their needs
Which two classes emerge along with the division of labour? (historical materialism)
- class that owns the means of production
- a class of labourers
Briefly explain the following Marxist concepts:
a. Mode of production
forces and relations of production together
eg we are currently living in a capitalist mode of production
Briefly explain the following Marxist concepts:
Economic base
the mode of production forms the economic base of society. This economic base shapes or determines all other features of society
Briefly explain the following Marxist concepts
the super structure of institutions, ideas, beliefs and behaviour that arise from this base. eg it shapes the nature of religion, law, education, the state and so on
What were the three key features of primitive communism?
early classless society
earliest stage of human history, there are no classes, no private ownership and exploitation - everyone world and everything is shared
Briefly explain what is meant by surplus product.
this is the difference what the labourers actually produce and what is needed simply to keep them alive and working
what are the three successive class societies which marx identifies each with own form of exploitation
ancient society - based on exploitation of slaves, legally tied to owners
feudal society- based on exploitation of serfs, legally tied to land
capitalist society- based on the exploitation of free wage labourers
Briefly explain the three distinctive features of capitalism
- proletariat do not own any means of production so have to sell labour to Bourgeoisie in turn for wages for survival
- competition between capitalists
- polarisation= minority capitalist class and majority working class
According to Marx, how does capitalism sow the seeds of its own destruction?
eg by polarising the classes which brings the proletariat together in increasing numbers and drving down their wages in this way capitalism creates the conditions in which WC can develop a consciousness of its own economic and political interests
This means that they move away from class in itself - members occupy the same economic position- and becoming a class itself - whose members have class conscious and aware of the need to overthrow capitalism
According to Marx, what is the cause of alienation?
result of our loss of control over our labour and its products and therefore our separation from our true nature
Briefly explain the two reasons why alienation reaches a peak in capitalist societies.
- workers are completly separated from and have no control over the forces of production
- division of labour is most intense, worker are reduced to unskilled labourer repeating meaningful task
According to Marx, what is the function of the state?
exists to protect the interests of the class of owners who control it ie ruling class. they use the state as a weapon in the class struggle to prevent property and prevent revolution
According to Marx, why would a proletarian revolution be different from other revolutions?
it will be the first revolution by the majority by the majority against the minority
Briefly outline three consequences of a proletarian revolution.
- abolish the state and create a classless communist society
- abolish exploitation
- end alienation