Topic 6: Immunity, Infection and Forensics Flashcards
What is Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)?
PCR is controlled DNA replication PCR specifically targets and amplifies a single sequence from w in a complex mixture of DNA
What is Taq polymerase?
Thermus aquaticus DNA polymerase, aka Taq polymerase is NOT permanently destroyed at 94 degrees C. The optimal temp is 72 degrees. This is used in PCR
Describe the process of PCR
Mix the double stranded DNA sample, primers, free nucleotides and DNA polymerase. Heat the mixture to 95 degrees to denature the DNA, separating the 2 strands.
Cool to 55 degrees to allow primers to anneal (hybridise/bind) to the strands. Increase to about 70 degrees (optimum for Taq polymerase).
The Taq polymerase forms comp base pairs w each DNA sample strand using the free nucleotides. This produces TWO double stranded DNA samples. This cycle is repeated around 30 times and gives rise to an amount of DNA sufficient to create a DNA profile.
What happens to cells after death?
After death autolysis first occurs, where lysosomes breakdown cells. Enzymes break down tissues.
Anaerobic bacteria part of the body’s normal flora thrive in the lactic acid rich environments of the muscles. As enzymes break down cells bacteria spread.
Give the signs of decomposition
Putrefaction is a greenish discolouration of the skin on the abdomen caused by formation of sulfhaemoglobin. Discolouration spreads, then darkens to red to black.
Bacteria produce gases resulting in blisters and bloating. In a temperate climate discolouration of the abdominal wall occurs 36-72 hrs after death.
What factors affect decomposition rate?
Low temps slow decomposition rates, warm temps increase decomp rates. Decomposition rate is highest between 21-38°C.
Intense heat denatures enzymes involved in autolysis, delaying the start of decay.
Injuries to the body allow entry of bacteria that aid decomposition.
Give and explain features some bacteria have
Flagella enabling the cell to swim
Slime capsule= slimy surface layer to protect and prevent dehydration, allows bacteria to form colonies.
Pili= thin protein tubes allow bacteria to adhere to surfaces. Involved in conjugation
What are viruses and why are they classified as living?
Viruses are the smallest of microorganisms, 0.02-0.3 micro meters across.
Viruses are arrangements of genetic material w a protein capsid. Viruses are classed as obligate intracellular parasites.
Viruses invade other living cells and hijack their biochemistry to make more viruses. For this reason they are classified as living.
Describe the structure of viruses
Viruses are usually geometric shapes w variation. The protein capsid is made of repeating units called capsomeres.
Capsomeres minimise the amount of genetic material needed to code for coat production and ensures simplicity when assembling the protein coat in the host cell.
Some viruses are also covered by a lipid envelope produced from the host cell. This makes it easier for the viruses to pass from cell to cell but makes them vulnerable to substances which will dissolve the lipid membrane.
What are the 2 types of viral genetic material?
Viral genetic material can be double stranded DNA or single stranded RNA. Viral DNA like in smallpox or adenovirus directly synthesises viral proteins.
Viral RNA synthesises reverse transcriptase which makes proviral DNA. This can be inserted into the host genome using integrase. This DNA is transcribed and translated to produce viral protiens.
Eg= tobacco mosaic virus and HIV.
How do viruses attach to their host cells?
Viruses attach to their hosts cells by antigens called virus attachment particles (VAPs) which target particular proteins in the host cell membrane.
Therefore viruses are often specific in the tissue they attack.
Describe the lysogenic pathway
Viral DNA is inserted into the host DNA to form a provirus.
Viral DNA recombines w host cell chromosome.
The cell carrying the viral genome (aka prophage) divides normally. The virus is dormant and non virulent.
It can switch to the lytic pathway
Describe the lytic pathway.
Viral genetic material is replicated independently of the host DNA. The virus is virulent.
Virus attaches to host cell and inserts its nucleic acid. Viral nucleic acids replicate.
DNA is packaged to make new viral particles. Viral protein coats are synthesised.
New viruses are made and the host cell bursts in lysis, releasing many viruses to infect more cells.
Describe TB
Caused by mycobacterium tuberculosis. It is a robust bacterium. Droplet infection from mucus and saliva.
Arises from overcrowding, poor health, poor diet and close contact w infected person. Pulmonary TB which is highly contagious and infects the lungs is most common.
Improved housing, hygiene and antibiotics saw decline in TB cases. 2 phases to TB: phase 1 is the primary infection and phase 2 is the secondary infection.
Describe HIV
HIV is less robust, it can only be passed on through bodily fluids (sharing needles/unprotected sex). The virus can enter the bloodstream of a partner through breaks in the skin or lesions caused by other infections- usually other STIs. Condoms prevent this.
Direct blood to blood transfer can occur through cuts and grazes. Maternal transmission can occur from mother to unborn child or through breast milk.
The risk occurs in the last few weeks of pregnancy mostly around the birth itself when mingling of infant and maternal blood is likely. Taking anti HIV drugs in the last 3 months of pregnancy and giving birth by C section reduces this risk.
Describe various non specific immune responses
Lysosome in eyes, saliva and nasal secretions breaks down bacterial cell walls. HCl in stomach and acidic vaginal secretions kill bacteria.
Instantly vomiting after consuming dodgy food rapidly expels pathogens from the body
Interferon proteins inhibit microbial ps
Blood clots rapidly seal cuts.
Describe and explain the types of white cells
Types of white blood cells: Neutrophils leave blood capillaries by squeezing between capillary cell walls. They ingest and destroy bacteria. They last only for a few days.
Lymphocytes: circulate in the blood and lymph and gather around infection sites. Involved in specific response. B and T cells identify and respond to foreign antigens.
Monocytes: Circulate in the blood for a day before moving into tissue by squeezing between capillary cell walls. Here they become macrophages. Found in the lungs, liver, kidney etc
Others: produce histamine involved in the inflammatory response
What happens at a site of infection?
Pathogens and cells damaged at the infection site release chemicals that attract phagocytes. Neutrophils arrive first, followed by longer lasting macrophages. They ingest debris from damaged cells and other foreign matter.
Ingested material is stored in a vesicle and fused w lysosomes that release lysozymes to destroy foreign material.
Tras a few days, the infection site is full of dead cells (mainly neutrophils) to form pus. This may break through the skin surface or get broken down and absorbed by surrounding tissue.
What is the lymphatic system and how does it work?
The lymphatic system: some bacteria that get carried away by the blood or lymph are stopped by macrophages in lymph nodes, spleen and liver.
Tissue fluid drains into lymphatic vessels. The fluid (lymph) flows along lymph vessels and nodes and then returns to the blood via lymphatic and thoracic ducts.
As lymph passes through lymph nodes any present pathogens activate lymphocytes and macrophages which destroy them. Failure of the lymphatic system leads to septic shock
What are interferons?
Interferons provide non-specific defence against viruses, some bacteria and protozoa.
Microbe infected cells produce the interferon protein; it diffuses to surrounding cells where it prevents microbes from multiplying as it inhibits microbial protein synthesis.
Interferons prevent viruses from attaching to host cells by binding to receptors. Therefore the virus cannot infect and replicate inside the host cell.
Describe B cells
B cells secrete antibodies (a class of immunoglobin protein molecules) which bind to foreign antigens. Like labels, they allow phagocytes to recognise and destroy the cell.
Each B-cell produces ONE type of antibody specific to ONE antigen. B cell receptors can also directly bind to a comp antigen. Microbes usually have many diff antigens on its surface, so each antigen type activates and binds different B cells.
B cells are capable of phagocytosis, antigen presentation, and load antigens on major histocompatibility complexes to display to T cells.
Describe antibodies, and draw an antibody structure
Antibodies are just the B cell receptor in a secreted form, so they can circulate freely in the blood - attaching to pathogens and tagging them for destruction, thus enhancing phagocytosis.

describe T cells
Stem cell division in bone marrow produces immature T cells which mature in the thymus. Mature T cells leave the thymus and move to lymph nodes and spleen.
T cells each have 1 specific type of antigen receptor on its surface to bind to a comp antigen and become activated. The T cell differentiates into T helper and T killer cells.
T-helper cells release cytokines that induce B cells to differentiate into plasma cells which secrete antibodies. T killer cells, when activated, destroy any cells with nonself antigens expressed on a major Histocompatibility complex.
How do macrophages become APCs?
When a macrophage engulfs a material, peptides from the material attach to proteins in the cell.
These proteins are added to the macrophage’s cell membrane where they’re displayed as nonself antigens. These act as a signal to alert the immune system to the presence of foreign antigens. Macrophages displaying non-self peptides are APCs.
A T-helper cell w comp CD4 receptors binds to the non self antigen on the surface of APCs and becomes activated. Once activated it divides to produce a clone of active T-helper cells and a clone of T memory cells which remain for months in the body.
How do B cells become APCs?
A bacterium with surface antigens binds to a comp receptor on a B-cell and is taken in by endocytosis.
Peptides from the bacterium are added to the B cell membrane. B-cell becomes an APC. Antigen presenting B cells bind w a comp CD4 receptor on an active cloned T-helper cell.
Once attached, T-helper cells release cytokines. Cytokines stimulate division and differentiation of B cells into 2 clones in a process called clonal selection:
B effector cells: differentiate to produce plasma cells that release antibodies. Last a few days. B memory cells: Last longer, enabling faster response to the same antigen in future.
When a B-cell first encounters a comp non-self antigen, production of sufficient antibodies takes 10-17 days y hay symptoms. This is the PRIMARY response
What happens if a pathogen infects a body cell?
If a bacteria/virus infects a body cell, antigens from the pathogen are displayed on the somatic cell membrane as non self. APC formed.
T helper cells w comp CD4 receptors bind to the antigen presented on the body cell. Cytokines from T-helper cells stimulate division of T killer cells into an active clone. W/o cytokines no será enough T killer cells to fight infection.
T killer cells release enzymes that create pores in the body cells in which water and ions flow in, bursting the cell and releasing pathogens. These can be labelled by antibodies from B cells for destruction by macrophages.
How do we avoid attack by our own immune system and why does this sometimes not work?
Cells of the immune system distinguish between self and non self antigens.
As B and T cells mature in the bone marrow and thymus, any lymphocytes for self membrane proteins undergo apoptosis. Only lymphocytes with receptors for foreign non-self antigens remain.
Sometimes, cells may alter in some way so that they appear foreign and get destroyed by the immune system. E.g. apoptosis of insulin secreting cells in the pancreas leads to insulin dependent diabetes.
Describe and explain the primary infection from TB
TB causes an inflammatory response from the host immune system. Macrophages engulf the bacteria and form tissue masses called tubercules. Tubercules are anaerobic, w dead bacteria and macrophages.
After 3-8 weeks infection is controlled, infected lung region heals. Most primary infections happen in niñez and >90% of infections heal w/o symptoms.
BUT, TB can survive inside macrophages bc they resist killing mechanisms by macrophages. The bacteria have v thick, waxy cell walls so they’re difficult to break down.
m.TB lies dormant for years- the patient has latent TB. Live but inactive bacteria remain w/in the tubercules, but the i. system prevents bacterial spread so patient=asymptomatic.
If the immune system is weakened, infection can become active again and bacteria ya no son contained in tubercules. TB can also suppress T cells, reducing antibody production and attack by T killer cells.
Describe and explain the secondary infection from TB
Secondary infection occurs if the patient’s i. system can’t contain the disease when it 1st arrives in the lungs, maybe bc the no of bacteria is too great.
Also, an old infection may break out if the i. system ya no funciona properly, due to age/lifestyle factors. Also, HIV directly targets WBCs and greatly reduces a patient’s ability to fight any infection, including TB.
W active TB in the lungs (pulmonary TB), bacteria multiply rapidly and destroy lung tissue w holes and cavities. Sin antibiotics, lung damage will eventually kill the patient.
Symptoms: coughing, bloody sputum, shortness of breath, loss of appetite/weight, fever, extreme fatigue.
Why does fever occur in TB?
Fever occurs as part of the inflammatory response.
Chemicals released from neutrophils and macrophages affect the hypothalamus and alter the set point for core body temp to a higher temp.
Effectors act to warm the body up to the new set point – about 40.5°C. This temperature enhances phagocytosis.
TB is temperature sensitive and stops producing above 42°C. But above 40°C human enzymes get denatured. 42 to 43°C fever is life-threatening.
What is Glandular TB?
TB bacteria can also move to infect other parts of the body such as lymph-nodes or CNS. Often these infections follow an initial pulmonary infection.
In glandular TB symptoms are enlarged lymph glands in the neck and armpits. Sometimes only chest lymph glands are affected which can only be seen on an x-ray.
Asians are more likely to get glandular, Caucasians are more likely to get pulmonary TB.
Describe and explain how TB is diagnosed
Patient history taken, followed by tests. Skin test: small amount of tuberculin injected under forearm. Tuberculin is several species of mycobacteria and purified proteins. A + result is inflammation around the test injection. Antibodies cause this inflammation, suggesting TB antigens are already present.
But it can give a false - if the patient has latent TB, or a false + if the patient had a BCG (anti-TB) vaccine. To overcome this, blood tests analyse samples for T cells specific to antigens only occurring on m.TB.
To confirm a positive skin test, a sputum sample from the patient is cultured to see the present bacteria, identified using staining techniques. Chest x-rays discover extent of damage/disease in the lungs. Organs may be x-rayed if the disease is thought to have spread outside the lungs.
Explain how TB is treated
All info from TB tests and scans will be used to design treatment- usually a combo of antibiotics and improved lifestyle.
A combo of 4 are used for two months and 2 are continued for another four months to destroy dormant bacteria. If the TB patient is contagious, close contacts also tested.
What happens to mRNA after transcription?
mRNA is often edited after transcription. Before being edited, the mRNA is called pre-mRNA.
Non-coding introns are removed. Exons are spliced juntos in different ways.
What is HIV and AIDS? Describe symptoms
Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). A syndrome is a collection of symptoms related to the same cause, in this case HIV, so AIDS is caused by HIV. HIV gradually destroys part of the immune system and the symptoms are due to opportunistic infections. Symptoms of AIDS include fever, diarrhoea, weight loss, secondary infections like TB, pneumonia and Kaposi’s Sarcoma which can be fatal.
Describe the structure of the HIV virus
HIV is a retrovirus so its nucleic acid is RNA.
Its RNA is surrounded by a 20 sided (icosahedral) protein capsid enclosed in a layer of viral protein.
A lipid envelope is formed from the host cell membrane when new viral HIV particles emerge from the cytoplasm. Viral glycoproteins (Gp120) stick out of the envelope.

How does HIV infect our cells?
HIV Gp120 surface protein binds to CD4 receptor in T helper cell. CCR5 co receptor on T cell binds to Gp120 protein and causes the shape of the Gp120 to change, enabling HIV to enter the T helper cell.
Reverse transcriptase copies viral RNA into double stranded proviral DNA. Proviral DNA is incorporated into the host using intergrase. Transcription of the host cell produces new viral mRNA. Translation of this forms new viral proteins.
Virus envelope proteins are also translated and pinched off the rER. The envelope proteins are transported and modified in the The virus envelope proteins incorporate onto the cell membrane.
Virus particle buds from the host cell, becoming wrapped in the cell membrane, producing a new viral envelope. HIV leaves cell by budding.
What do the stages of AIDS depend on?
Hay several stages in the course of AIDS. This depends on: the health of the host pre-infection, genetic resistance to infection, quality of immune response to initial infection, lifestyle and drug treatment availability.
Describe stage 1 of AIDS: The acute phase
HIV antibodies appear in the blood after 3 to 12 weeks. Hay rapid viral replication and loss of T-helper cells. Patient may be asymptomatic or have flu like symptoms and swollen lymph nodes.
After a few weeks, infected t-helper cells are recognised by T killer cells which start to destroy them. This greatly decreases rate of viral replication but doesn’t totally eliminate it.
Describe stage 2 of AIDS: The chronic phase
HIV continues rapidly reproducing but the numbers are kept in check by the immune system.
There may be no symptoms OR increased tendency to suffer colds and infections which slowly go away. Dormant diseases like TB can reactivate.
Sin drugs or a healthy environment AIDS will develop in a few years.
Describe stage 3 of AIDS: The disease phase
Eventually increased number of viruses in circulation and severely declining number of T-helper cells causes AIDS, the disease phase.
The i.system is vulnerable to other opportunistic infections which can be rapidly fatal such as pneumonia and TB. Patients can also develop dementia or tumours like Kaposi’s sarcoma (purple-black skin patches)
How does HIV cause AIDS?
HIV attaches to CD4 receptors on T-helper cells. HIV is a retrovirus and takes over the host DNA and replicates, killing the host.
T killer cells recognise and destroy other infected T helpers. Activation of B cells, T killers and macrophages don’t take place. I. system becomes heavily compromised, becoming deficient in AIDS
Describe how AIDS is treated
No cure bc the virus is hidden inside T helpers. Hay antiretroviral drugs such as:
Reverse transcriptase inhibitors prevent viral RNA from making DNA for integration into the hosts genome. Protease inhibitors inhibit proteases that catalyse the cutting of large proteins into small polypeptides to construct new viruses. Also hay integrase inhibitor drugs.
HIV can develop resistance to anti-HIV drugs so these drugs are often given in combination- but HIV may also develop multidrug resistance. AIDS related deaths have decreased worldwide.
Describe gut flora.
Gut flora benefit from warm moist conditions. Gut flora aid digestion, exclude pathogens and secrete lactic acid, another defence against pathogens (mutualism)
What other non specific feature provides defence against pathogens?
The inflammatory response destroys invading microbes:
Damaged WBCs and mast cells surrounding blood vessels release histamine. This causes nearby arterioles to dilate, increasing blood flow in capillaries at the infected site.
Histamines increase permeability of capillaries, so vessels leak. Plasma fluid, WBCs and antibodies leak from the blood into tissue causing oedema.
Microbes can now be attacked by these white blood cells.
What is the difference between active natural and passive natural immunity?
Active natural immunity: antibodies produced by the body to fight infection.
Passive natural immunity: antibodies passed through the placenta from mother to baby during pregnancy. Antibodies are also passed through breastmilk, especially colostrum.
What is the difference between active artificial and passive artificial immunity?
Passive artificial immunity: antibodies against a disease are extracted from an individual and injected into another. This doesn’t confer long-term immunity as antibodies are broken down e.g. getting an injection of tetanus antibodies.
Active artificial immunity: the basis of most immunisation programs. A small amount of antigen is injected into a person, provoking an immune response. Antibodies and B memory cells made to fight future infection.
What is immunisation?
Immunisation is a process by which people are protected from infection by receiving passive or artificial immunity.
Vaccines can be…
Attenuated viruses: viruses which have been weakened , so are harmless. eg attenuated measles vaccine.
Killed bacteria e.g. in whooping cough vaccines.
A toxin that has been altered into a harmless form e.g. the diphtheria vaccine has a harmless form of the toxins produced by the bacterium.
An antigen presenting fragment of the pathogen.
How are antibiotics classified?
Bacteriostatic: inhibits growth. Combined with the immune system the pathogen will be completely destroyed. Majority of infections treated this way.
Bactericidal: destroys almost all present pathogens. For immunocompromised patients.
Broad spectrum antibiotics destroy a wide range of good and bad bacteria.
Narrow spectrum targets one or two specific pathogens
How do antibiotics work?
Inhibit ps by targeting 70 S bacterial ribosomes. Inhibit specific enzymes found in the bacteria but not the host cell.
Inhibit cell wall synthesis eg by preventing cross linkage. If weak cell wall forms lysis occurs.
Disrupting the cell membrane: metabolites leak out, water leaks in bc permeability is affected. Lysis occurs.
DNA gyrase inhibitors stop bacterial DNA coiling up so it no longer fits.
What is the evolutionary race?
Pathogens and their hosts are engaged in an evolutionary race.
As the human body evolves mechanisms to combat pathogens, they evolve new ways to overcome the i.system.
Why do bacteria have the upper hand in the evolutionary race?
Bacteria reproduce quickly. Large bacterial populations have more mutations which can be advantageous, especially with selection pressures like antibiotics
What are the ways in which bacteria reproduce?
The most common form is binary fission. Time taken between divisions is called the generation time. Sometimes bacteria “sexually” reproduce by transferring genetic info between bacteria in conjugation.
The sex pilous on 1 bacterial cell creates a cytoplasmic bridge w another. 1 strand of plasmid DNA containing a gene for resistance transfers between conjugating bacteria.
Each bacterium replicates the strand to make a complete plasmid. Both bacteria are now resistant. The plasmid is transferred in horizontal evolution.
Describe and explain how hospitals mitigate transmission of multi resistant strains
Resistance results in hospital ‘superbugs’, eg MRSA. To control the spread of resistant infections:
New patients are screened at arrival, isolated and treated if they are infected to prevent the spread of bacteria between patients.
Antibiotics only used when needed and their course is completed to ensure all bacteria are destroyed, to minimise selection pa on bacteria, preventing resistance.
All staff follow the code of practice w strict hygiene regimes- washing hands w alcohol based gels and wearing suitable clothing (no ties, bare below elbows) to minimise resistant bacterial transmission.