Topic 6 Flashcards
This involves the protection of documents and classified papers from loss, access by unauthorized persons, damage, theft and compromise through disclosure.
Document and Information Security
Any recorded information regardless of its physical form or characteristics.
It includes all information concerning documents, cryptographic devices, developed projects and materials following on the categories of Top Secret, Secret, confidential and restricted.
Classified Information
Refers to the assigning of information or material, one of the four security categories after determination has been made that information requires the security protection as provided.
Act of removing the security classification from classified information or matter.
Refers to the act of changing the assigned classification from classified information or matter.
Refers to the act of assigning the information or matter to the higher classification assigned to it than that previously.
It refers to the grant of access to the classified matter only to properly cleared person when such classified information is required in the performance of their official duties.
This takes place through the loss of security which results from unauthorized persons obtaining knowledge or classified matters.
The process of destroying a document which is no longer significant in the organization.
These are information that in some special way relates to the status or activities of the possessor and over which the possess asserts ownership.
Proprietary Information
It consist of any formula, pattern, device or compilation of information which is used in one’s business.
Trade Secrets
Is a process or device for continuous use in the protection of the business.
Trade Secrets
This is a grant made by the govt. to an inventor, conveying or securing to him the exclusive right to make, use, or sell his invention for term of 17 years.
Is a word, phrase, symbol or design, or a combination of words, phrases, symbols or designs, that identifies and distinguishes the source of the goods of one party from those of others.
Is a type of intellectual property that safeguards original works of authorship as soon as the author fixes the work in a tangible form of expression.
The certification by a responsible authority that the person described is cleared for access to classified matter at the appropriate level.
Security Clearance Certificate
A type of security clearance that is valid for five years unless sooner revoked by the issuing authority.
A type of security clearance that is valid for two years unless sooner revoked by the issuing authority.
This pertains to thee importance of the firm with reference to the natural economy and security.
Relative Criticality
This is the susceptibility of the plant or establishment to damage, loss, or disruption of operation due to various hazards.
Relative Vulnerability
Any acts or conditions which may result in the compromise of information, loss of life or destruction of property or disruption of the objective of the installation
Security Hazards
Act of stealing small things or items of little value, especially habitually.
One who steals due to his inability to resist the unexpected opportunity and has little fear of detection.
Casual Pilferer
One who steals with preconceived plans and takes away any or all types of items or supplies for economic gain.
Systematic Pilferer
Intentional destruction or the deliberate damaging or destroying of property or equipment.
The activity of spying or the use of spying or spies to gather secret information.
These are activities designed to overthrow the govt. or intended or likely to undermine or overthrow a govt. or other institutions.
Subversive Activities
The basic instrument for determining security vulnerability.
Security Survey
Is similar to the entrance conference, and it is done after the compilation of the security survey.
Exit conference
Is a dialogue between the survey team and the management, and officials of a plant before the security survey is conducted.
Entrance Conference
This is conducted to check on the degree of compliance with the recommend countermeasures and to determine the effectiveness and adequacy of the countermeasures which are in effect.
Security Inspection
Is one has been so published to the office that all concerned personnel are usually aware of its eminence and may consequently, make such preparations as are necessary.
Announced Security Inspection
It is an Inspection whose imminence is known only to certain selected personnel, normally the office head and intelligence personnel of the office to be inspected.
Unannounced Security Inspection
It is an inspection conducted in such a manner that office personnel are not aware that such action is taking place.
Penetration Security Inspection
A planned and organized determination of facts concerning specific loss or damage of assets due to threats, hazards or unsecured conditions.
Security Investigation