Topic 5 – Separate Chemistry I Flashcards
State what is meant by oxidation
gain of oxygen
Painting iron objects prevents corrosion.
Explain why painting iron objects prevents corrosion
• paint provides a protective layer
• so it excludes air/oxygen/water
Ways of preventing corrosion of iron objects
• sacrificial protection
• galvanising
• electroplating
• painting iron
Explain why copper added to aluminium to form the alloy makes the alloy stronger than pure aluminium (2)
• aluminum and copper have different size atoms
• so this prevents the layers of metal atoms from sliding over one another
Pure metals can be made more useful by converting them into alloys or by electroplating them. Explain what alloying & electroplating are and how they can make metals more useful (6 marks)
• alloy - a mixture of metals
• in a pure metal, all atoms are the same size —> layers of atoms can slide over eachother easily
• so a pure metal is malleable/soft
• alloys are stronger than pure metals
• because atoms of different sizes
• layers cannot slide
• alloys can be used in bridges
• electroplating - a corrosion resistant metal coating is added on top of the pure metal/alloy
• (corrosion resistant) metal coating does not react with oxygen in air therefore pure metal object doesn’t corrode.
Explain why aluminium alloys are stronger than pure aluminum (3)
• alloys contain atoms of different sizes
• prevents layers from sliding over one another in alloy
• whereas in pure aluminium, atoms easily slide over each other
Explain why covering iron tools with a thin layer of grease prevents rusting
• air/oxygen/water excluded
• needed for corrosion
Both air/oxygen AND water is needed for….
What happens to iron as rust forms?
iron is oxidised (gains oxygen)
Advantages for electroplating metal objects
• improves appearance
• helps prevent corrosion
State why metals are electroplated
• improve appearance
• more corrosion resistant
Platinum acts as a catalyst.
State, in terms of position in periodic table, why you would expect platinum to act as a catalyst
Transition metal
State why an iron nail will not rust in a test tube with water and oil present
• Oil prevents oxygen from entering
• both oxygen & water needed for iron to rust