TOPIC 5: Rx Flashcards
state expected VA at 6 months, 1 year, 2 years and 3 years old
6 months: 6/60-6/36
1 year: 6/24
2 years: 6/12 - 6/9
3 years old: 6/9-6/6
what are the refractive norms for premature infants?
Shorter axial lengths, shallower anterior chambers, and more highly curved corneas than eyes of full-term infants.
Premature eyes develop less of the expected hypermetropia in full-term eyes, mainly due to differences in ACD and corneal curvature.
Higher prevalence of myopia as compared to full term infants
Myopia decreases as the child grows
what are the refractive norms for full term infants?
Low to moderate hyperopia decreasing with age
Low to moderate astigmatism, decreasing over the first year
10 Signs and symptoms of uncorrected refractive error in young children?
Difficulty with depth perception
Eye hand and coordination difficulties
Frequently rub eyes
Blink Excessively
Cannot maintain fixation on a task
Frequently closes or cover one eye
Lack of interest in outdoor activities
Lack of interest in near task
No signs or symptoms
state the SSx of myopia seen in kids below 5
Low magnitude: No Sx
High magnitude: Lack of interest at distant object or get close to toys, books or TV
state the SSx of myopia seen in kids above 5
Hold book close
Squint to see writing board
Fail vision screening
Poor VA at all distance
state the SSx of hyperopia seen in kids below 5
Low magnitude: No Sx
◦Mod to High magnitude:
Possible esotropia?
Lack of interest in near task
poor eye-hand coordination and perceptual skills
state the SSx of hyperopia seen in kids above 5
Low magnitude: No Sx
Mod magnitude:
Lack of interest in near task
Poor reading skills
High magnitude: Reduced VA at distance and near
state the SSx of astigmatism seen in kids below 3 and age 3-5
below 3:
No Sx
age 3-5:
◦Reduced VA?
◦Decreased interest in fine detailed task
state the SSx of astigmatism seen in kids above age . state the changes in astigmatism as a child grows
◦Reduced VA at distance and near
As a child grows, it is unlikely to have any significant change in amount or incidence of astigmatism
state the SSx of anisometropia seen in kids below age 4
◦Possible no Sx
◦Decreased stereopsis or other BV skills
state the SSx of anisometropia seen in kids above age 4
◦Decreased stereopsis or other BV skills
When should refraction be conducted? why?
Before BV assessment
clear retinal image and balanced correction both eyes.
important as: there may be cases of Fully-Accommodative Esotropia which can be corrected with the use of spectacles.
state the age group, illumination, TD and target for near retinoscopy. How much to minus from results?
Useful: Birth to 3 yo or even older child
Room illumination: Total darkness
Testing Distance: 50 cm
Target: Child fixate at retinoscope beam source (low)
Points to note: Use sounds like bells or squeaky toys to attract child attention
Rx = Gross findings - 1.25 DS
Recorded finding is the total power minus accommodative effect
what are the values to subtract from gross findings by age in near retinoscopy?
< 2 years old: 0.75D
≥ 2 years old: 1.25D