why is Preliminary and BV assessment MORE important for paediatric compared to an adult or geriatric patient?
This is because the visual system is still developing for infants and young children.
Early detection of anomalies, impacts the prognosis.
Warning signs of BV?
-Head tilt?
-Face turn?
-Eye turn?
-Eyes rubbing?
-Closing one eye
*List are non-exhaustive
Observations to note based on paediatric age: Let’s try!
infants and toddlers:
-strabismus, tropia, comitancy
-gross anomaly
pre-school and school age:
-vergence or acommo issues
-subtle anomaly
Parent VS Optometrist: WHO to look out for WHAT?
- eye turn when tired or when looking up
-covering or squinting 1 eye
-abnormal eye positions in diff gaze
-asymmetric lid position
-scleral signs or previous strabismus (e.g scar, localized redness)
-anatomical asymmetry, malformations or signs of injury
-ptosis or other abnormal lid openings
what are the 5 tests that can assess the alignment of the 2 eyes
1) Hirshberg
2) Krimsky
3) Bruckner
4) Cover Test
5) Ocular Motility
what is the objective of Hirshberg Test? what is it’s principal?
Simple and objective test to detect tropia and estimate its magnitude in non-verbal patient.
based upon the assumption that if central fixation and binocular alignment are present, the corneal reflection of a light being fixated by the patient will be in identical positions in the two eyes.
clinical procedure for Hirschberg? what is the norm?
- Shine a penlight about 50cm in front of the patient’s eyes (equally into the patient’s eyes at midline)
- Observe the displacement of the corneal reflection from the centre of the pupil
- Determine the fixating eye by observing which eye has the corneal reflection in the identical position with the angle lambda measurement (if strabismus present)
Normal eyes: Both corneal reflexes are slightly displaced nasally due to angle lambda
what will be seen in strabismic eye for hirshberg?
observe the displacement of the corneal reflection (spot of light) from the centre of the pupil.
For patients with strabismus or misalignment of the eyes, the corneal reflexes are not equally placed (asymmetry).
what is the recording for HIrshberg?
indicate the position of the corneal reflex and whether they are symmetrical.
“+” indicate nasal displacement and “−” indicate temporal displacement.
OD: +0.50mm OS: +0.50mm OR Symmetry
how to calculate estimated amount of strabismus in Hirshberg?
A relative difference in position between the right and left eye reflexes of 1mm is approximately equal to 20∆ (prism diopters).
Eg: the reflex in the right eye is +0.5mm and the reflex in the left eye is +2.0mm, the patient would have a left exotropia of 30∆ (1.5 x 20∆).
what are the 2 types of pseudo-tropias? what kind of eyes are they commonly seen in?
Pseudo-esotropia: young children (especially Asian) with epicanthus
Pseudo-exotropia: wide-set eyes and or unequal palpebral aperture
what is krimsky?
Krimsky procedure is a modification of the Hirschberg test in an attempt to make a more accurate measurement of the amount of strabismus.
prism is used to change the position of the corneal reflection in the deviating eye.
The amount of prism needed to reposition the corneal reflection in the deviated eye to the angle lambda position is the measurement of the magnitude of the strabismus.
clinical procedure for krimsky? what is the norm?
- Penlight is held 50cm from the patient’s face in the midplane.
- Examiner observes the corneal reflection of the light in each cornea while the other eye is covered (angle lambda).
- Determines the fixating eye and places a prism bar or loose prism in front of fixating eye (aka “good” eye):
If esotropia is present, base-out (BO) prism is used.
If exotropia is present, base-in (BI) prism is used.
The amount of prism is increased until the corneal reflection in the deviated eye moves to the angle lambda position.
what is the recording for krimsky?
OD: 5^ esotropia
OS: 5^ esotropia
clinical procedure for bruckner?
Clinical Procedure:
- Dim room illumination.
- Shine penlight/direct ophthalmoscope at 1m to both eyes
- Ask the patient to look at the light with both eyes open.
- Compare the colour and brightness of the fundus reflexes.
notes fir bruckner?
Remove any spectacles that the patient may be wearing. However, if it is felt that the refractive correction will alter the result (e.g. in cases of significant hyperopia), the test should also be performed with correction.
Hold a penlight/direct ophthalmoscope horizontally 1 metre from patient with the light aimed at the bridge of patient’s nose. The back of the penlight should be very close to the tip of your nose.
what is a red flag in bruckner?
Red flag: a difference in brightness of the red reflex between 2 eyes.
Whiter or brighter pupil indicate problem eye
(with strabismus)
Crescent is seen in eyes with refractive error
Inferior crescent: Myopia
Superior crescent: Hyperopia
what age should bruckner be used for?
Test is sensitive for infants (~ 8 months old).
Less sensitive in older children due to reduced visibility with age
(Believed to be due to changes in retinal pigmentation)