Topic 5 - Role Of Education Flashcards
Parsons ( functionalist )
Meritocratic education
Davis and Moore ( functionalist )
Role allocation : education helps match the ability of the Individuals and the job they are best suited to
Chubb and Moe ( new right )
Each family should have a voucher for they to pick the school for their children
Althusser ( Marxist )
Education is an ideological apparatus which produces and legitimises inequality ( ISA &RSA)
Durkheim ( functionalist )
Social solidarity - education teaches a sense of commitment
Bowles and gintis ( Marxist )
Correspondence principle - school uses a hidden curriculum to teach students to accept hierarchy and competition - this is done through the myth of meritocracy
Willis ( Marxist )
Study - working class boys who rejected school values and and didn’t accept myth of meritocracy failed anyway