Topic 5 - Responses to Tectonic Hazards Flashcards
why is prediction so important in reducing vulnerability
Buys time to:
- Warn and evacuate
- Prepare for the event
- Manage impacts more effectively
- Help insurance companies assess risk
- Prioritise government spending
- Help authorities calculate cost-benefit calculations, for example, building expensive infrastructure
why is hazard prediction needed
- reduce deaths by enabling evacuation
- reduce damage by enabling preparation
- enhance management by enabling cost-benefit calculations and risk assessments
- improve understanding by testing models against reality
- allow preparedness plans to be put in operation by individuals, governments, national agencies
how can hazards be predicted
- past records enable recurrence to be estimated
- monitoring (physical) monitored and recorded using ground-based methods or for climatic and volcanic hazards, remote sensing
- monitoring (human) factors influencing human vulnerability (eg exchange rate, incomes) human impacts (eg deforestation)
what are the warning signs of a volcanic eruption
- Hundreds of small earthquakes are caused as magma rises up through cracks in the Earth’s crust.
- Temperatures around the volcano rise as activity increases.
- When a volcano is close to erupting it starts to release gases. The higher the sulfur content of these gases, the closer the volcano is to erupting.
what are monitoring techniques of volcanoes
- Seismometers are used to detect earthquakes.
- Thermal imaging techniques and satellite cameras can be used to detect heat around a volcano.
- Gas samples may be taken and chemical sensors used to measure sulfur levels.
what is the tsunami global warning system
- In 1948 the Pacific Warning System for 24 Pacific Basin nations was established, with its centre in Honolulu in Hawaii
- Seismic stations detect earthquakes and their events are interpreted to check for tsunami risk with the aim of altering areas at risk within 1 hour
- The time taken for waves to travel across the Pacific allows time for adequate evaluation.
- Chile received 20 hours warning following the Tohoku earthquake.
If the earthquake is larger than magnitude 7.5 all locations within 3 hours of the wave are put on alert to evacuate the coast
which country has the best regional scale tsunami warning system
- Japan has the most developed system that generates warnings within 20 mins of a tsunami forming earthquake (tsunamigenic) within 600km of it’s coast.
- Warnings issues for the Tohoku earthquake provided 15 minutes warning, but the tsunami wall failed due to the height of the wave and the drop in height of the land following the quake
what is the risk equation
RISK = frequency/magnitude X level of vulnerability / capacity of the population to cope
what is visual monitoring of a volcano and its effects
- The cheapest way of monitoring a volcano is by placing cameras on major volcanoes to constantly monitor even the slightest of changes
- Volcanologists can note things such as the amount of steam coming out of the ground at a particular spot, any rockfalls, changes in areas of warm ground, and the development of new fumaroles and hot springs, all indicate changes in the volcano
what is seismic monitoring and how is it used
- Volcanic eruptions are preceded by unusual seismic activity
- Seismic monitoring system can be cheap to set up and operate
- A single monitoring station can record data from several volcanoes at once
- It provides a continuous source of data, allowing rapid changes in a volcano to be monitored
how is ground deformation used in volcanic prediction
- Changes in geomorphology and increases in ground deformation are indicators that volcanic activity is occurring beneath surface
- ways to measure such deformation are levelling, triangulation and more recently using continuous Global Positioning System (cGPS) measurements
how can gas emissions help predict volcanic activity
- When molten material (magma) moves into a volcano it gives off volcanic gas emissions,sulphur dioxide (SO2), carbon dioxide (CO2) and hydrogen sulphide (H2S) which are measured regularly at volcanoes
- A Correlation Spectrometer (COSPEC) or a FLYSPEC measure the absorption of ultraviolet light by SO2, so the SO2 content of the volcanic gases is determined by flying under the gas plume (at right angles to the wind direction) and looking up through it
-The aircraft flies through the volcanic gas plume at different altitudes. A pump inside the aircraft sucks in the gases and the LICOR and Interscan instruments measure the concentration of carbon dioxide (CO2), sulphur dioxide (SO2) and hydrogen sulphide (H2S).
what is a crater lake
- when volcanic craters cool down after major eruptions, they often fill with water to form crater lakes
- Some are cool, just filled by rain water, while others are warm or hot and remain connected to the volcanic plumbing.
- The colour of crater lakes varies markedly according to the temperature and chemistry of the water, and the type and concentration of particles suspended within it
how can crater lakes predict volcanic activity
- any reactivation or change in status of an active volcano is often reflected in the lake
- this may be a chemical change, a temperature increase or water level variation
how do seismometers detect earthquakes
- they detect and convert any small movement in the Earth into an electrical signal for use in computer systems
- Geoscience Australia monitors seismic data from more than 60 stations on the Australian National Seismograph Network
how can foreshocks predict earthquakes
- we often get small earthquakes before “the big one” that can give warnings
- The Japan Tsunami (mag 9.0) was preceded by a massive magnitude 7.2 earthquake
-The problem is spotting which earthquakes are foreshock warnings, as there are many thousands of earthquakes a year.
what were tilt meters used for
- Tilt meters can show ground deformation, leading to an earthquake
- These have been replaced in many cases by more modern and wider ranging satellite imagery
how does animal behaviour predict earthquakes
- Animal behaviour has been suggested as many observations have shown that animals react to an earthquake before the event and well before human beings
how can hazard recurrence rates impact predictions
- Earthquake hazard recurrence varies greatly from highly stable areas within some continents, to very active areas at the boundaries of tectonic plates
- The character and effects of earthquakes differ significantly from place to place depending on several factors, including the earthquake depths, the type of forces that produce them, and the properties of rock and surface sediments
- Preparation and response is also affected by the recurrence rates of earthquakes
what are the difficulties of warnings
- Earthquake warnings can only be given in special circumstances because seismic waves travel quite fast
- A seismograph network close to the earthquake may give enough seconds warning to the surrounding region to allow action to be taken
what is mitigation
“the action of reducing the severity, seriousness, or painfulness of something.”
Volcanic hazards cannot be stopped, but planning can help to mitigate the circumstances.
what is hazard mapping and its purpose
- The preparation of hazard maps helps to determine whether a volcano is potentially hazardous and to assess the risk
- So detailed knowledge about the history and characteristics of the specific volcano is indispensable, which requires topographic and geologic mapping
how can satellite monitoring help mitigate
- Monitoring of volcanoes by satellites has to increase in order to detect possible changes (e.g., temperature or SO2 emission)so continuous monitoring is essential
- When a volcano has been identified as potentially dangerous, ground monitoring (visual and instrumental) should be ensured
how can human actions help mitigate
- There are limited possibilities to controlling several of its effects, such as barriers against lava flows or cooling lava with sea water
- Smaller lahars can be channeled by artificial sabo dams
- Another possibility to prevent the generation of lahars is artificial draining of crater lakes
how can planning help mitigation
- Long-term regional planning can significantly reduce the hazard potential
- Fatalities and economic losses can be reduced if, associated with a well monitoring system, including Early Warning and land use planning, a culture of prevention is introduced within all levels of the society
what is the hazard management cycle and its purpose
- Hazard management aims to reduce, or avoid, the potential losses from hazards, assure prompt and appropriate assistance to victims of disaster, and achieve rapid and effective recovery
what is the disaster management cycle and its purpose
- The Disaster management cycle illustrates the ongoing process by which governments, businesses, and civil society plan for and reduce the impact of disasters, react during and immediately following a disaster, and take steps to recover after a disaster has occurred
what are the stages of the disaster management cycle
- PREPAREDNESS - prior to occurrence emergency manager plans for disasters
- RESPONSE - warnings issued, evacuations/shelters, once disaster occurs first responders respond and emergency disaster plan activated
- RECOVERY - after immediate response, cleanup and rebuilding occurs with temporary housing created
- MITIGATION - goal is to prevent same disaster damages occurring again. dams, levees, flood walls rebuilt and strengthened and buildings better built with seismic safety. land use zoning modified and education offered to help residents prepare
how can long term responses be developed
- using lessons learned from response, recovery and mitigation phases
what can be done as loss modification
- involves immediate rescue efforts followed by relief efforts focusing on food, shelter, water and sanitation
- insurance can help recovery
- long term reconstruction needed