Topic 3 - Earthquakes, Processes, Hazards, and their impacts Flashcards
what are earthquakes
shaking/trembling caused by sudden release of energy usually associated with faulting/breaking of rocks
where are earthquakes frequent
- 80% occur in Pacific Ring of Fire and most result from convergent margin activity
- 15% in Mediterranean-Asian belt
- remaining 5% occur in interiors of plates and on spreading ridge centers
- more than 150,000 strong enough to be felt are recorded
what is the elastic rebound theory
explains how energy is stored in rocks
- rocks bend until strength is exceeded
- rupture occurs and rocks quickly rebound to undeformed shape
- energy released in waves that radiate outward from fault
what is the focus and epicentre of an earthquake
FOCUS = point where pressure release occurs in crust where faulting begins
EPICENTRE - point directly above the focus on the surface, closest point to the focus
explain the depths of the focus
SHALLOW focus = 0-70km deep, common along crests of mid-oceanic ridges
INTERMEDIATE focus = 70-300km deep, nearly all occur in Benioff zone
DEEP focus = 300-700km deep, nearly all occur in Benioff zone
what are the 3 types of waves
- P-waves (primary waves)
- S-waves (secondary waves)
- Surface waves (L-waves (long waves) and Raleigh waves)
what is a P wave
- travel fastest through Earth
- are compressional (longitudinal) waves in which rock vibrates back and forth in direction in which waves are travelling
- can move through solids and liquids and arrive at any point at the earth’s surface before next fastest waves
what is an S wave
- travel half the speed of P waves
- shear the rock by vibrating the earth at right angles (transverse) to direction of travel
- cannot move through liquids but do more damage than P waves
what are both P and S waves
- can be called body waves
- travel out from the focus in all directions through the earth’s interior
what do surface waves do
- travel much nearer surface and slower than P/S waves but are more destructive
- L-waves (long waves) shake ground at right angles to direction of wave movement
- Raleigh waves have rolling motion (like water surface wave) that produces vertical ground movement
- they’re especially damaging to buildings and travel along earth’s surface away from epicentre
what is a seismograph and seismometer and what does it record
- P/S waves detected at earth’s surface with seismometer
- seismograph measures the waves, recording time of arrival of wave, and amplitude (depends on magnitude which is amount of energy released)
how is an earthquakes epicentre located
seismic wave behaviour:
- P waves arrive first, then S waves and then L and R
- average speed for waves is known
- after earthquake, difference in arrival times at a seismograph station can be used to calculate distance from seismograph to the epicentre
- time-distance graph shows average P/S wave travel times and farther the seismograph from focus = longer the interval between arrivals of P/S waves
how can a graph help locate the epicentre
- three stations are needed
- circle where the radius equals the distance to epicentre is drawn
- the intersection of the earthquakes is where epicentre is
how is size/strength measured
INTENSITY is subjective measure of damage, isoseismal lines identify areas of equal intensity
MAGNITUDE represented by richter scale measuring total amount of energy released by earthquake, amplitude of largest wave produced is corrected for distance
what are the geomorphological effects of earthquakes
geomorphological effects due to ground shaking causes:
- liquefaction
- landslides/avalanches
- tsunamis
- permanent displacement of land surface
primary vs secondary effects
PRIMARY occur immediately, all due to shaking of the ground eg destruction and collaping
SECONDARY happens afterwards but can be more devastating eg tidal waves, disease, landslides
why does ground shaking happen
caused by passage of seismic waves, especially surface waves near epicentre
what causes the intensity of ground shaking
depends on:
- conditions of local geology = solid bedrock less subject to shaking than loose sediment
- duration/intensity of earthquake subject to size of earthquake
- distance, as distance from epicentre drops so does intensity of shaking
what is the effect of ground shaking
- building collapses, bridges and dams damaged
- perched/stacked objects falling and injuring people
what is liquefaction
- saturated/partially saturated soil loses strength/stiffness in response to stress so it behaves like a liquid
what is the damage of liquefaction
- if it occurs beneath buildings can create major damage
- eg. 1964 Niigata earthquake caused widespread liquefaction in Nigata, Japan destroying many buildings
definition of liquefaction
- occurs when vibrations or water pressure within mass of soil cause particles to lose contact with each other
- soil behaves like liquid = inability to support weight, can flow down gentle slopes
- temporary condition caused by earthquake vibrating water-saturated fill or unconsolidated soil
what is a landslide
includes wide range of ground movement eg rock falls, deep failure of slopes and shallow debris flows
gravity acting on steep slope = primary reason but there are other contributing factors
landslide as a hazard
result in 1-2 billion dollars of damages and cause more than 25 fatalities per year
triggered by strong ground motions
conditions for landslides
in particular suite of geological environments:
- overhanging slopes of well indurated rock to slopes of less than 1 degree
- materials most susceptible = weakly cemented rocks, more indurated rocks, residual and colluvial sand, volcanic soils containing sensitive clay loess, cemented soils, granular alluvium
- few earthquake induced landslides reactive older landslides
effects of landslides
- rock falls
- disrupted soil slides
- rock slides
what is a tsunami
- a series of waves made in ocean/body of water by underwater earthquake (sometimes eruption, landslide, meteorite impact)
- unrelated to tides
- can be more than 100km across, can travel at about 700 km/h but are only 1m high in open ocean
how does height of a tsunami change with depth of water
- travelling into shallower water = slows and grows in height
- energy grows near coast
- maximum height of 30m
what occurs before a tsunami
- water near shore may move away, exposing ocean floor
- first wave may not be largest, additional waves arrive every 10-60 mins which are faster so danger can last for hours after
what is the effect on the coast of a tsunami
- tsunami waves dont curl/break
- coasts affected will be severely eroded
- can cause inland flooding of hundreds of meters
- can crush homes/buildings
what is the depth of a tsunami
- ocean waves are categorised by depth: deep, intermediate and shallow water
- tsunami generated in deep water (around 4000m below mean sea level) they are shallow water waves
what is ‘shoaling’
as tsunami wave approaches shallow waters off shore, time period remains same but wavelength decreases = water piles up creating tremendous crests
explain the process of a tsunami
- seismic event sends shock waves outward
- initial waves travel very fast, but only a few feet in height
- waves travel through shallower depths as they approach the coast
- as they approach land, waves decrease in speed while increasing in height
- tsunami waves hit shores with deadly force, depositing water/debris
what is the importance of subduction zones in tsunami locations
- tsunamis generated at convergent plate boundaries where subduction occurs
- earthquakes generated in subduction zone
- friction between subducting plate and overriding plate is enormous preventing slow and steady rate of subduction = plates ‘stuck’
how does energy contribute to a tsunami
- stuck plate descends into mantle, motion causes slow distortion of overriding plate
- accumulation of energy created and can do so over long period of time until it exceeds frictional forces between stuck plates
- causes overriding plate to snap back into unrestrained position this sudden motion = tsunami
where do tsunamis occur
- occur frequently in Pacific Ocean (90% within pacific basin)
- Japan has most recorded tsunamis
how to minimise the impact of a tsunami
- build on higher ground
- hazard mapping - avoid areas affected in past
- sea walls, revetments and breakwaters
- sand dues can act as buffer zone
- maintain/construct mangroves
- community awareness
- evacuation plan
- ensure people know warning signs
- warning system
examples of early warning systems
EARLY WARNING BUOY - sea bed recorder measuring pressure every 15 mins, unusual result = reading every 15 seconds. buoy measures surface conditions, sending data from sea bed to satellite which receives data relaying to ground stations
TIDE GAUGE - float in a ‘stilling well’ tube measures sea level, data processed and sent to satellite which transmits data to alert centres
social primary/secondary effects
- buildings damaged
- transport damaged
- people crushed
- fires
- homelessness
- disease
environmental impacts of earthquakes
- the change of landscape
- toxic gases
- changes habitats eg if earthquake’s epicentre is near a forest = deforestation allowing sunlight to penetrate canopy = growth of different plants
- can bring landmasses together creating new plants/animal species