Topic 5 Photsynthesis evolution Climate Flashcards
What is an ecosystem?
All the organisms living in a particular area and all the non-living (abiotic) factors
Ecosystems include both living (biotic) and non-living components interacting together.
Define habitat.
The place where an organism lives, e.g. a rocky shore or a field
Habitats provide the necessary resources for organisms to thrive.
What is a population in ecological terms?
All the organisms of one species in a habitat
Population refers specifically to individuals of a single species.
What does community refer to in ecology?
All of the organisms of different species that live in the same habitat and interact with each other
Communities are made up of multiple populations.
Define abiotic factors.
The non-living features of the ecosystem, e.g. temperature and availability of water
Abiotic factors are crucial for the survival of organisms.
What are biotic factors?
The living features of the ecosystem, e.g. the presence of predators or food
Biotic factors influence population dynamics and community structure.
What is abundance in ecological terms?
The number of individuals of one species in a particular area
Abundance is synonymous with population size.
How does population size vary with abiotic factors?
Population size varies due to factors like light, water, space, temperature, and chemical composition
Ideal abiotic conditions support faster growth and reproduction.
What happens to population size when abiotic conditions are not ideal?
Organisms cannot grow as fast or reproduce successfully
This often leads to decreased population sizes due to increased energy expenditure.
What is interspecific competition?
Competition between different species for the same resources
Example: Red and grey squirrels competing for food sources.
What is intraspecific competition?
Competition within a species for the same resources
Intraspecific competition can lead to population fluctuations.
Define carrying capacity.
The maximum stable population size of a species that an ecosystem can support
Carrying capacity is influenced by resource availability.
What is predation?
Where an organism (the predator) kills and eats another organism (the prey)
Predation is a key factor in regulating population sizes.
How are predator and prey populations linked?
As prey population increases, predator population grows; as predator population increases, prey population decreases
This dynamic relationship is crucial for ecosystem balance.
Fill in the blank: Organisms can only exist where the abiotic factors they can survive in _______.
This highlights the importance of abiotic conditions in habitat suitability.
Give an example of how abiotic factors affect distribution.
Some plants only grow on south-facing slopes in the northern hemisphere due to light intensity
This demonstrates the relationship between abiotic factors and organism distribution.
True or False: Large trees can grow in polar regions.
Large trees cannot grow in polar regions due to extremely low temperatures.
What is interspecific competition?
Competition between different species for resources.
Give one example of interspecific competition.
The grey squirrel outcompeting the native red squirrel in the UK.
Define the term niche.
The role of a species within its habitat.
What are the two types of interactions included in a niche?
- Biotic interactions
- Abiotic interactions
True or False: A niche can be occupied by more than one species.
What does abundance refer to in ecology?
The number of individuals of one species in a particular area.
What is the difference between habitat and niche?
Habitat is where a species lives; niche is what it does in that habitat.
How can abiotic factors affect the abundance of organisms? Give one example.
Factors like temperature or moisture level can impact survival and reproduction.
Give two examples of abiotic factors that can affect the distribution of organisms.
- Temperature
- Soil salinity
What is the purpose of sampling in ecological studies?
To investigate the abundance and distribution of species.
What is random sampling?
Choosing sample sites without bias to accurately represent the habitat.
What is systematic sampling?
Sampling at fixed intervals, often along a line.
Define intraspecific competition.
Competition between individuals of the same species.
What is a frame quadrat used for?
To investigate immobile populations by recording species within a defined area.
How is percentage cover measured in a frame quadrat?
By counting how much of the quadrat is covered by the plant species.
Fill in the blank: The _______ concept explains how different species can coexist by occupying different niches.
What is an environmental gradient?
A habitat that changes gradually in abiotic factors.
True or False: The abundance of species can be simply counted by sampling.
What is the role of abiotic factors in the distribution of organisms?
They determine the conditions necessary for species survival.
What should be done when comparing different habitats during sampling?
Always use the same sampling technique.
Explain the term ‘predator-prey relationships’.
Interactions where predators hunt and feed on prey species.
What can affect the chance of survival for species in a habitat?
The presence of better-adapted species.
In terms of ecological research, what is the significance of taking multiple samples?
It provides a better indication of the whole habitat.
What is a point quadrat?
A horizontal bar on two legs with a series of holes at set intervals along its length.
How is a point quadrat used in investigating plant populations?
It is placed on the ground at random points, and pins are dropped through the holes to record every plant touched.
What should be recorded if a pin touches several overlapping plants?
All of them are recorded.
How is the percentage cover of a species calculated using point quadrats?
By calculating the number of pins that touch a given species as a percentage of the total number of pins dropped.
In what type of areas are point quadrats especially useful?
In areas with dense vegetation close to the ground.
What is the purpose of using transects in ecological studies?
To investigate the distribution of plant populations across an area.
What is a line transect?
A tape measure is placed along the transect, and species that touch the tape measure are recorded.
Describe a belt transect.
Data is collected along the transect line using frame quadrats placed next to each other.
What are interrupted transects?
Measurements are taken at intervals along the transect instead of investigating the whole transect.
What is a kite diagram used for?
To plot the abundance and distribution of organisms in an area.
How does the thickness of the kite shape in a kite diagram represent abundance?
The thickness shows the abundance of each organism.
What does the x-axis in a kite diagram represent?
The distance along the transect line.
What is climate in the context of abiotic factors?
The weather conditions of a region over a long period of time.
How is temperature measured in ecological studies?
Using a thermometer.
What device is used to measure rainfall?
A rain gauge with a funnel attached to a measuring cylinder.
How is humidity measured?
Using an electronic hygrometer.
What is the purpose of measuring oxygen availability?
To assess the amount of oxygen dissolved in aquatic habitats.
What tool measures solar input (light intensity)?
An electronic light sensor.
How is soil pH measured?
Using indicator liquid or electronic pH monitors.
Describe how moisture content of soil is measured.
By measuring the mass of soil before and after drying it in an oven.
What is relief in terms of topography?
How the height of the land changes across a surface.
How can slope angle be measured?
Using a clinometer.
What does aspect refer to in topography?
The direction a slope is facing.
Fill in the blank: The results of investigations into the abundance and distribution of organisms can be plotted on a _______.
kite diagram.
True or False: Point quadrats can only be used in fields.
What is the purpose of using frame quadrats in estimating percentage cover?
To sample a population of plants in a specific area.
State two ways climatic conditions could be measured.
- Temperature
- Rainfall
What is succession in ecology?
The process of ecosystem change over time.
What are the two types of succession?
- Primary succession
- Secondary succession
What is primary succession?
Succession that occurs on land that has never been formed or exposed, starting with bare rock.
What is secondary succession?
Succession that occurs on land that has been disturbed but where soil remains, such as after a forest fire.
What are pioneer species?
The first species to colonize an area during succession.
How do pioneer species affect abiotic conditions?
They change abiotic conditions by dying and decomposing, which helps form soil.