Topic 5: Pain1: Intro Flashcards
Define pain according to the international Association for the study of pain
And unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with actual or potential tissue damage
Can pain exist without tissue damage and without detection by current diagnostic methods?
Should it be excepted as pain?
Strong evidence suggest YES pain can exist without tissue damage.
YES, If people report pain in the same way as pain caused by tissue damage, it should be accepted as pain.
The bio psycho social model of pain
Pain does not consist simply of biological factors but also psychological and social factors.
i.e.: thoughts, emotions and behaviours such as psychological distress, fear/avoidance believes, current coping methods and social economical, social environmental, and cultural factors contribute
Acute pain
- sudden onset usually sharp in quality
- warning of disease or threat to the body
- mostly does not last longer than six months, and disappears when underlying cause of pain has been treated or healed.
Can unrelieved acute pain lead to chronic pain?
Chronic pain
- pain persists despite the fact the injury has healed
- pain signals remain active in the nervous system for weeks, months, or years
Physical effects of chronic pain
Tense muscles
Limited mobility
Lack of energy
Changes in appetite
Emotional effects of chronic pain
Fear of re-injury
How is pain classified?
Adaptive or maladaptive
Adaptive pain
Serves as an early warning system of potential injury from damaging stimulus
Maladaptive pain
Persists and becomes even more intense after healing apparently is complete
Pains adaptive role in healing:
Forces us to rest and reduce the likelihood of further injury
What is nociceptive pain?
AKA: acute pain
- detection of potentially tissue damaging noxious stimuli
- Early warning system to detect and minimize contact with damaging or noxious stimuli
When nociceptive pain is engaged what does it overrule? and what reflex does it initiate?
Over rules most other neural functions
Initiates withdrawal reflex, demand immediate attention in action
What can congenital insensitivity to pain result in?
Bone fractures
Multiple scars
Joint deformities
Amputations and early death
Peripheral neuropathy leads to_____________.
A sensory denervation of joints.
Example: Charcot arthropathy
What is Charcot Arthropathy?
Charcot foot occurs in patients with peripheral neuropathy resulting from the adverse conditions including diabetes, mellitus, leprosy, syphilis, poliomyelitis, chronic alcoholism.
Inflammatory pain
Caused by activation of the immune system by tissue injury or infection.
Inflammatory pain is________ and ________.
Adaptive and protective
After tissue damage inflammatory pain heightens ___________.
Pain sensitivity
How does inflammatory pain assist in healing?
Discourages contact and movement
Pathological pain
Maladaptive pain/. Pain that is not protective.
Pathological pain is a result of_______.
Abnormal functioning of the nervous system
pathological pain a disease state of the_______.
Nervous system
(It is not a symptom of some disorder).