topic 5- nutrient cycles Flashcards
The role of saprobionts
Microorganisms that secrete digestive enzymes to convert organic matter into inorganic compounds
What is ammonification?
dead matter or urea and faeces are decomposed by saprobionts to produce ammonium ions
what is nitrification?
What conditions must nitrification be in and why?
When ammonium ions are converted into nitrites and then into nitrates
aerobic conditions. nitrifying bacteria need oxygen for nitrification and to aerobically respire themselves.
What is denitrification?
what conditions does it require?
when nitrate ions are converted into nitrogen gas.
anaerobic conditions by denitrifying bacteria
what is nitrogen fixation?
When nitrogen gas is converted back into ammonium by nitrogen fixing bacteria
what are micorrhizae
fungi that associate with the roots of plants
Why are micorrhizae important?
They increase the SA for absorption of H20 and mineral ions.
forming a mutualistic relationship
How do micorrhizae benefit within the mutualistic relationship?
they receive sugars from the plant
What is leaching?
when soluble nutrients are lost from soil when water drains through
What is eutrophication?
leaching of XS mineral ions from fertiliser into water ways
why is eutrophication an issue
increase in mineral ions means more rapid growth of algae in ponds and rivers.
algae blocks sunlight for plants below and plants can’t photosynthesise
bacteria feed on plants below and carry out aerobic respiration. they use up oxygen
less oxygen availiable for fish and other organisms