TOPIC 5 Nazi Economic, Social And Racial Policy Flashcards
From …. the RAD (…..) was compulsory for all … aged ….
The National Labour Service Corps
In ….. the RAD was extended to …..
The RAD scheme was intended to …… whilst also providing Germany with …..
encourage the spirit of National Socialism
a cheap labour force
The Nazis introduced …. providing Germany with ….. km of ….
road building programmes
The Nazis used ….. to keep down unemployment figures
dubious methods
….. were dismissed from their jobs and ….. were held in concentration camps
Opponents of the Nazis
By 1939, only ….. male workers were listed as unemployed out of a workforce of ….
Hitler was determined to build up the …… which greatly ….
armed forces
Reduced unemployment
In ….. conscription was reintroduced. The army grew from …. in 1933 to ….. by 1939
….. such as coal and chemical usage ….. between 1933 and ….
Heavy industries
….. marks were spent on rearmament, this increases to …. by 1939
3.5 billion
26 billion
In …… the Nazis banned all trade unions
May 1933
The trade unions were replaced by …..
The German Labour Front (DAF)
The ….. became the largest organisation in Nazi Germany with ….. members by …..
22 million
The DAF included …. and was supposed to represent the interests of both
employers and workers
In the DAF, workers were given …….
relatively high wages, job security and social and leisure programmes
In ….. the DAF launched the Volkswagen scheme to ……
give workers an opportunity to buy their own car
not a single customer of the Volkswagen scheme ….. as ….
took delivery of a car
production shifted to military vehicles in 1939
…… (KdF) programme was set up to …..
Strength through joy
improve leisure time for German workers
The KdF programme included…..
concerts, sporting events and holidays
About …… people went on KdF holidays in Germany in …..
10 million
……. was a programme set up by the KdF to improve …..
Beauty of Work
working conditions
The Beauty of Work programme organised ……
the building of canteens, swimming pools and sports facilities
Women made …… in their position in German society during the …..
significant progress
…….. were given the vote and had …….
Women over the age of 20
greater social freedom
The Nazis has a ……. view of the role of women
very traditional
Nazi ideals suggested that the ideal woman ……
did not wear makeup, did not work and did not hold an interest in politics
Women were encouraged to ….
keep healthy and wear their hair in buns or plaits
Women were discouraged from …. as it was said to be bad for ….
In 1933, the …… was introduced to increase birth rate in Germany
Law for the Encouragement of Marriage
On Hitler’s mother’s birthday, medals were awarded to ….
women with large families
The ….. (Life Springs) programme was set up to force…..
unmarried women to become pregnant by ‘racially pure’ SS men
Women were encouraged to stick to the …. meaning ….
‘Three Ks’: Kinder Kuche and Kirche
children, kitchen and church
Professional women such as …… were forced to ….
doctors, civil servants and teachers
give up their jobs
From ….. the policy which removed women from jobs was …..
Germany was …….
Men were …..
joining the army
Hitler used ……. to indoctrinate the ….. onto …..
the education system
Nazi ideals
Germany’s youth
All textbooks had to be approved by ….
the Ministry of Education
….. became a standard text
Mein Kampf
School teachers had to ….. and join the ….
swear loyalty to Hitler
Nazi Teacher’s League
By ….. , ……% of teachers were members of the Nazi Party
All lessons began and ended with the students….
Saluting and saying ‘Heil Hitler’
….. were presented through every school subject
Nazi themes
…..% of time was devoted to physical education
In school was a great emphasis on …..
Germany’s past and the Aryan race
Hitler controlled the spare time of the young through….
the Hitler Youth movement
Nazi ideals such as ….. following the …… and ……. were enforced through the Hitler Youth
racial purity
All organisations ……. were banned
Other than Hitler Youth
From ….. membership of Hitler Youth was ….
By …… there were ….. members of Hitler Youth
7 million
Non-Germans, especially …. were treated as …..
the Jews
second class citizens
Hitler’s theories were based on …..
his interpretation of Social Darwinism
Nazis believed that Germans were ……
Jews and Slavs were considered ……
a pure race of Aryan descent
‘subhumans’ (Untermenschen)
Hitler hoped to create …..
This would be achieved by …… and destroying …..
a pure racial state
selective breeding
the Jews
Schools were controlled by the ……
The government put …… material in every classroom
Ministry of Education
In …… Jewish teachers were …..
forbidden to give private tuition to German students
In …… Jewish children were expelled from German schools
Legal and open discrimination ….. resulting in many Jews …..
increased in the 1930s
leaving Germany
In …… the SA organised a boycott of ……
Jewish shops and businesses
In ….. local councils banned Jews from …..
public spaces such as parks and swimming pools
In ….. the Nuremberg Laws were passed. These were ……..
a series of laws against the Jews
On ….. a Polish Jew assassinates ….. in …… in Paris
8th November 1938
a German
the German embassy
Goebbles used this as …….. against the Jews of Germany
opportunity for retaliation
Anti-Jewish demonstrations were organised, which involved ….
attacks on Jewish property, shops and synagogues across Germany
The events of the ….. became known as Kristallnacht
9-10 November
In Kristallnacht about …. Jews were killed, ….. were sent to concentration camps and ….. businesses were destroyed
Hitler officially ….. for …… on Kristallnacht
blamed the Jews
provoking the attacks
The Jews were fined ….. reichsmarks as …..
1 billion
compensation for the damage caused by
After Kristallnacht, Jews were …..
no longer permitted to own businesses
In ….. the Reich Office for ….. was established
January 1939
Jewish Emigration
The ….. were responsible for removing Jews through …..
forced emigration
From …… Jews were evicted from …… and …..
30th April 1939
their homes
forced into designated ghettos
In …… Jews were forced to hand in their radio sets so they …..
September 1939
could not listen to foreign news