Topic 5 - Foot Flashcards
What is the loose-pack position of the talonavicular joint?
Midway b/w Pronation & Supination
What is the close-pack position of the talonavicular joint?
Full Supination
A mobilization at the talonavicular joint used to improve supination.
Talonavicular Dorsal Glide
Which mobilization is being described below?
“Mobilize the navicular in a dorsal direction.”
Talonavicular Dorsal Glide
T/F - Talonavicular glides are performed in supine with a bolster under the distal leg.
For _____________ glides, the stabilizing had grasps the neck of the talus with the thumb and _____ finger pointing down towards the calcaneus. The mobilizing hand grasps the navicular with the fingers wrapping into the ____ of the foot.
Which mobilization is being demonstrated in the following image?
Talonavicular Dorsal Glide
A mobilization at the talonavicular joint used to improve pronation.
Talonavicular Plantar Glide
Which mobilization is being described below?
“Mobilize the navicular in a plantar direction.”
Talonavicular Plantar Glide
Which mobilization is being demonstrated in the following image?
Talonavicular Plantar Glide
What is the loose-pack position of the calcaneocuboid joint?
Midway b/w Pronation & Supination
What is the close-pack position of the calcaneocuboid joint?
Full Supination
A mobilization at the calcaneocuboid joint used to improve midfoot eversion/pronation.
Calcaneocuboid Dorsal Glide
Which mobilization is being described below?
“Mobilize the cuboid in a dorsal direction.”
Calcaneocuboid Dorsal Glide
T/F - A great landmark when mobilizing the calcaneocuboid joint is the navicular tuberosity.
False - A great landmark when mobilizing the calcaneocuboid joint is the 5TH METATARSAL.
Which mobilization is being demonstrated in the following image?
Calcaneocuboid Dorsal Glide
A mobilization at the calcaneocuboid joint used to improve midfoot inversion/supination.
Calcaneocuboid Plantar Glide
Which mobilization is being described below?
“Mobilize the cuboid in a plantar direction.”
Calcaneocuboid Plantar Glide
T/F - Extreme pain with an inversion sprain could mean that the cuboid is out of place.
Which mobilization is being demonstrated in the following image?
Calcaneocuboid Plantar Glide
What is the loose-pack position of the cuneonavicular joint?
Midway b/w Pronation & Supination
What is the close-pack position of the cuneonavicular joint?
Full Supination
A mobilization at the cuneonavicular joint used to improve midfoot inversion/supination.
Cuneonavicular Dorsal Glide
Which mobilization is being described below?
“Mobilize the cuneiforms in a dorsal direction.”
Cuneonavicular Dorsal Glide