Topic #5 Development of the central nervous system Flashcards
development of the specific tissues and organs of the body.
composed of the brain & spinal cord.
Central Nervous System (CNS)
are the basic functional units of the CNS
neurons (nerve cells)
connective tissue cells of the central nervous system
neuron consists of;
nerve cell body
which contains cytoplasm and nucleus;
nerve cell body
which conducts impulses away from the cell body.
the axon presents at its end many tiny branches
where impulses leave the neuron
number of axon in all neurons
which receive stimuli from the environment and convert these stimuli into impulses
neuron w/ only one process
(axon only)
unipolar neuron
neuron w/ two processes
(axon and dendrite)
bipolar neuron
neuron w/ many processes
(one axon & many dendrites)
multipolar neuron
enlarged cranial portion of the neural tube becomes the?
the slender middle and caudal portions become the?
spinal cord
neural canal becomes the?
ventricles of the brain and the central canal of the spinal cord
neural crest cells become?
neurons of the PNS
inner layer; composed of neuroepithelial cells that remain lining the central canal and designated as ependymal cells
germinal layer or ventricular zone
middle layer; zone of high cell density, formed by accumulation of neuroblasts and glioblasts.
mantle layer or intermediate zone
the outer layer surrounding the mantle layer; cell-sparse zone where axons of neurons and some gliocytes are present; becomes the white matter of the CNS w/c contains mainly myelinated axons of neurons
marginal layer
2 plates that is divided the lateral wall of the neural tube.
Alar or Dorsal plate and Basal or Ventral plate
bilateral indentation in the neural cavity that serves as a landmark to divide the wall
sulcus limitans
contains cell bodies of efferent or motor neurons that send axons into the PNS.
Basal Plate
contains neurons that receive afferent or sensory input from the PNS
Alar Plate
derived from mesenchymal mesodermal cells
midline region of the wall dorsal to the neural canal
roof plate
counterpart wall ventral to the neural canal
floor plate
3 brain vesicles
i. Prosencephalon (forebrain)
ii. mesencephalon (midbrain)
iii. rhombencephalon (hindbrain)
occupies the rostral part of the head.
prosencephalon (forebrain)
located posterior to and marked off from the prosencephalon by a slight
mesencephalon (midbrain)
located posteriorly and marked off from the mesencephalon by a slight constriction.
rhombencephalon (hindbrain)
the cranial neural tube that will develop into brain presents 11 enlargements called?
are a sign of metamerism or segmentation in the embryo
occurs at the level of the midbrain; concave ventrally
midbrain flexure
occurs between the midbrain and the hindbrain; concave dorsally.
pontine flexure
appears at the junction of the hindbrain and spinal cord; persists slightly in domestic animals; concave ventrally.
cervical flexure