Topic 4: Roman control Flashcards
Role/effectiveness of governor and procurator
Agricola - Tacitus
- Governors wee in charge of controlling a province and focused on central administation.
- Procurators were of equestrian class, and rported directly to the emperor, in charge of economic stuff.
- The Romans woul take corn-tax, tributum, property tax and customs duties from the Britons.
- Eventually governos werent needed to stay in Britain uless there were revolts, they would maintain obedience in tribes and deal with those who disrupted the peace.
- To Agricola governing britain was a lifestyle, he wouldnt neccessarily punish people but looked at the big picture to turn britain into a proifitable economy.
- The role of beneficiarii is not fully known, they were soldiers who would work for the governorrs as wanted.
- Stratores who were connected wiht the supply of transport.
Role and effectiveness of client-kingdoms
- Prasutagus - kign of iceni, cartimandua of brigantes and cogidubnus of Regni.
- They were used across britian to gain security in impotant parts to allow romans to focus on other things.
- This allowed them to maintain a level of autonomy and keep their rules and money.
- Boudiccan revolt followed Prasutagus’ death, and cartimandua helped secue the nothern fronteir.
- CHCIHESTER DEDICATION SLAB - Neptune was a roman god, cogidubnus as great king of britain.
- Cogidubnus was the most loyal and had a temple and palace given.
- Tribes could betray them but it allowed them to focus on more troubling tribes.
Role and effectiveness of roman army
- Legion made up of professional soldiers including medics and cavalry, around 5,000 men.
- Each legion is commaded by a legate of senotorial anl, assisted by ten military tribunes.
- Legions were the ultimate source of oman power due to their professionalism, tactics and technology.
- It was custom to give retired legionaries a plot of land, which was difficult as it took land from natives and they would act immorally.
- We know most about roman army due to tombstones, tablets, dedications, inscriptions and archeological evidence.
- After 25 years auxillaries would gain citizenship, and had about 500 men.
- Diffeent ethnocoties too, for specialised skills.
Role and effectivness of army
- VINDOLANDA TABLET - Britons were unprotected by armour.
- Duing medway the germans swam across irver, at watling street, and mons graupius.
- BRITTANICA BUILDING INSCRIPTION - The classic brittania was a fleet to help Agricola’s campaighn in Caledonia.
- The army would build border defenses, patrol frontier system, building projects and roads.
- Romanisation helped the army control provinces and add to the economy