Topic 4 and 5 Flashcards
Integrating Advanced Authentication and Authorization Techniques Implementing Cryptographic Techniques
What is the three-level hierarchy used for XACML?
- Rules (define action permissions)
- Policies (sets of *rules* used in conjunction)
- PolicySets (group of *policies* used together)
When discussing XACML, define PEP and DEP
Policy Enforcement Point (protects resource), Policy Decision Point (Review request, compare to policies and provide answer)
What two kinds of VPN’s can you deploy?
Hardware VPN and Software VPN
Define “Advanced Authentication”
A complex process required to authenticate users, grant permissions and control access to resources
What is SPML and what two components make it up?
Service Provisioning Markup Language used for automating and managing the provision of network and organization resources Made up of a Requesting Authority which is a client that creates a request and Provisioning Service Point (PSP) that processes the request
Define Authorization
Process of determining what rights and privileges an entity has, usually after the system has authenticated them. There are three primary types of access control: Discretionary, Mandatory and Role-based.
What is Crossover Error Rate (CER)?
Point at which the FRR & FAR are equal
Explain PEAP
Protected EAP - Encapsulates EAP in TLS
What components make up an XACML rule?
Subject (entity requesting access), Resource (service or application being requested), Action (examples include database reading or writing, file modification)
What are the components of “Kerberos”?
Key Distribution Center (KDC) - trusted 3rd party authentication service made up of Authentication Server (AS) - verifies and accepts/rejects tickets, Ticket Granting Server (TGS) - issues tickets to authorized users
Explain USB OTG
Flash drive storage with a physical interface that can be connected to almost any smartphone
What is “tethering” and what forms does it come in?
Connecting a device to the Internet by leveraging/sharing another devices connection. Can tether by Bluetooth, Wired Connection and USB
When talking about “RADIUS”, what is a call back system?
A system that called back the user at a predefined phone number for added security
What are Kerberos concerns?
Replayed credentials, physical security, single point of failure, length of the keys, encryption process is based on passwords
Define “PAP” and explain why it shouldn’t be used
Password Authentication Protocol transmits credentials in clear text
What is SPML used with?
Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) and XACML
What port does “Back Orifice” use?
What is “SMTP” and what port does it use?
Simple Mail Transfer Protocol sends mail from clients and relays mail between servers. It uses TCP/25
What is XACML?
Extensible Access Control Markup Language is an XML-based standard for access control and authorization
Name and explain the 2 biometric error types
FRR - False Rejection Rate - Valid subject denied FAR - False Acceptance Rate - Invalid subject allowed
Explain “RADIUS”
Remote Access Dial In User Service provides centralized remote access authentication, authorization and auditing.
What is OAuth and what is the latest version?
An authorization standard used by many websites that allows a user to authorize access to a third-party resource without providing the user’s credentials, instead using a token. Current version is 2.0 Example, a Facebook app being allowed access to your Facebook account.
Define “Authentication”
Method of validating the identity of a person or asset
Generally describe a “Remote Assistance” program?
Programs that can be used to provide temporary control of a remote computer over a network or the Internet
What is “Domain Bridging”?
The connecting of two different network connections. Example home network and VPN to the office.
“SPIM” is an acronym for receiving what types of messages?
Spam over Instant Message
IntServ has what three classes?
Guaranteed services, controlled load and best effort.
Name examples of collaboration sites and platforms.
Social media sites, storage and document sites
Define “LDAP”
Lightweight Directory Access Protocol
Define “SSO”
Single sign-on allows a user to authenticate once and then access all of the resources that a user is authorized to use
In relation to VOIP, what is “convergence”?
Running voice over data lines
What is a Trust Model and what types exist?
Defines relationships between authentication services so that they may accept each other’s assertions of users’ id’s and permissions. Two types are hierarchical (one authority that can very all resources under it) and peer (resources establish a transitive relationship)
Explain the 3 different TACAS types
TACAS - Terminal Access Controller Access-Control System - Original - Integrates authentication & authorization XTACAS - Allows separation of authentication, authorization and accounting TACAS+ - Adds 2 factor authentication and uses TCP 49