Topic 1 - Supporting IT Governance and Risk Management Flashcards
What are two widely used “Information Classification” systems?
Government Classification System, which focuses on Confidentiality, and Commercial Classification System with focuses on Integrity
What’s the equation to calculate Single Loss Expectancy (SLE)?
Asset Value (AV) x Exposure Factor (EF)
Define Mergers and Acquisitions
The combination of two or more commercial companies into a single surviving entity
What is the name of a risk report containing the findings, information, assessments, and recommendations for an organization?
Risk assessment report
What is an IT Audit?
An examination of controls within an information technology system or network
Ranking elements of a risk assessment by non-monetary values is to do a…
Qualitative Risk Assessment
Assigning a monetary value to elements of a risk assessment is to do a …
Quantitative Risk Assessment
What are the four categories of the Commercial Classification System?
Public, Sensitive, Private, Confidential
What is FISMA?
Federal Information Security Management Act addresses info sec requirements for no n-national security government agencies.
Explain the final phase of the risk management process, “continuous monitoring “
Continuous monitoring allows organizations to evaluate the effectiveness of controls on a near or real-time basis since it occurs immediately or closely after events
What are examples of insecure data transmission protocols?
Who is responsible for identifying and analyzing risks?
The risk management team
Define a “Risk Detterence”
A process, policy or system that discourages others from exploiting a vulnerability
What is COBIT?
Control Objectives for Information Related Technology. It is a leading governance framework
Define the ESA framework SABSA
Sherwood Applied Business Security Architecture is a strategy based on an architectural viewpoint
What is GLBA?
Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act is a law overhauling financial services regulation in the US and applies to financial institutions.
Subtitle A requires institutions to make disclosures about privacy policies and opt-out capability.
What is an SLA?
Service Level Agreement that defines performance targets for hardware and software
What are SLA examples?
Help Desk and Caller Services, Uptime and Availability Agreements,
What is FISMA 2014?
The updated version of the original 2002 Federal Information Security Management Act
What is ISAM?
INFOSEC Assessment Methodology - A qualitative assessment
What is an HSM?
Hardware Security Module. It’s a type of secure cryptoprocessor targeted at managing keys
What is “business continuity planning”?
The formation of a plan on what to do if your business suffers a disruption
What are policies?
High-level documents that outline the security goals and objectives of the company
What is the measurement called that tracks the time it takes to go from a failure to repaired for an asset
MTTR - Mean time to Repair
Define a Partnership business model
A model where two or more entities share potential profit and risk with each other.
What is a vulnerability?
A vulnerability can be described as a weakness in hardware or software that may be exploited
Encrypted file system (EFS) and VeraCrypt are examples of?
Software encryption options for data-at-rest
A group risk assessment that allows people to contribute anonymously is known as …
Delphi Technique
What is the IT Governance Institute Framework?
A process that begins with setting objectives for the enterprise’s IT , providing initial direction and then evolving into a continuous loop
What is Outsourcing?
An arrangement in which one company provides services for another company that may or may not have been provided in-house
What is GDPR?
General Data Protection Regulation in the EU that affects multi-national companies
Define “Asset Identification”
The process of identifying all of the organization’s assets.
What is a vulnerability window?
When an IT asset is most vulnerable
What are the types of business models?
Outsourcing, Partnerships and Mergers and Acquisitions
What is a TPM?
Trusted Platform Module.
A specialized chip that can be installed on the motherboard of a computer and is used for hardware authentication
Define the ESA framework EA
Enterprise Architecture used by the federal government to ensure business strategy and IT investments are aligned
What is an asset?
An asset is an item of value to an institution, such as data, hardware, software or physical property.
What are the four categories of the Government Classification System?
Unclassified, Confidential, Secret and Top Secret
What are examples of risk sources?
The source of a risk can be either internal or external. Internal example is a disgruntled employee and external example is a natural disaster