Topic 4 Flashcards
Jesus used Trinitarian formula
Earliest disciples baptised in name of Jesus
> Unfinished feel in mark is no mistake
“follow J that is the only way you will find him”
“cast iron evidence” sends reader into active discipleship
This type of ending, although it would suit the technique of highly sophisticated literature but is without parallel in the literature of the time
(The resurrection of J considered his enthronement and thus in Davidic context ad the moment of his begotten as gods son.)
Resurrection = birth of Jesus into new identity, became what he always was
Resurrection = KofG transferred from Earth to heaven
> bodily resurrection important
1) if Christ not alive- Christianity pointless, res +res alone brought barrier closer to God
2) hope
3) importance of now
idea of res not in Jewish trad. But in OT book of Ezekiel
Suggests spiritual in Paul means changed substance. A physical being is needed for development
Central truth is that J is alive today
Agrees marks unfinished business is no mistake
Three theories on Ending of Mark
1] accurate to end
2] ended at verses 9 as Mark died or ending is lost and 9-10 added by Early Church
3] ended at verse 9 on purpose
problems with ending of mark
> if Early Church completed then not historically accurate
if follow 2 + 4 source theory why do Mtw and Lk add extra in
why no resurrection stories?
What does the resurrection mean
> living christ > prophecies came true > God is powerful > Death is not the end > victory over evil > resurrected life is in the present
Similarities in Resurrection
> women > mary > reseraction > tomb empty >not completely understood by disciples > Galilee in Mk and Mtw BUT not Lk
differences in Resurrection
Mark- ‘who will move stone’, disciples failure, Angel in tomb, comission very detailed/ no resurrection appearences
Matthew- Apocalyptic, earthquake, J speaks to women, bribry, protect tomb, angel on rock, tomb called Sepulche, ‘go therfore…’
Luke- longest, actual conversations recorded, peter goes to tomb, 2 angels who appear
are the Resurrection appearences accurate
> divinely inspired, multiple attestation, wright, 11/12 died at martyrs
> science, Marks ending theories, Reimarus, hallucinations as grief, Bengel and Jeramias
Luke’s resurrection narratives
emphasis on - physical world, promises, Jesus as eucharist, Jesus is not ghost, nature
> redacts mark- style, young man, women
Apperance- apologetic legend- not ghost but real (at time would have believed he became God that could appear but not touch), speech, fulfillment of prophecy