Topic 4 Flashcards
The process of making and using codes to secure the transmission of information
Comes from the greek word meaning hidden
Comes from the greek word meaning write
Code breaking
Basic Terms
The process of obtaining the original message from the encrypted message
Code designing
Basic Terms
can be used to check the integrity of a message: that the message has not been changed
The secret key is shared between two parties
Private key cryptosystems/ciphers
The secret key is not shared and two parties can still communicate using their public keys
Public key cryptosystems/ciphers
1 key (private key)
Symmetric cipher
2 keys (public and private key)
Asymmetric cipher
- Is a substitution cipher, named after Julius Caesar
- Key = 3
- Replaces each letter by the 3rd letter
Caesar Cipher
Each letter is translated into the letter a fixed number of positions after it in the alphabet table
Caesar Cipher Operation principle:
replaces one symbol with another
Substitution cipher
- A message in its natural format readable by an attacker
- Original message or data (also called cleartext
Message altered to be unreadable by anyone except the intended recipients
Transforming the plaintext under the control of the key
Sequence that controls the operation and behavior of the cryptographic algorithm
Transforming the ciphertext back to the original plaintext
- Encrypts one fixed length group of bits at a time - SIZE is predetermined
- The block size is a fixed size - 64, 128, 256, 512, bit blocks
- Require padding to short blocks before encryption
- Used for symmetric encryption not asymmetric
Block Cipher
- Are fast and easy to implement in hardware
- Encryption is performed 1 bit or 1 byte at a time
- Mixes plaintext with key stream
- Either using Symmetric Key or Public Key
- The starting state should never be the same twice — uses initialization vector
Stream Ciphers
- Are stronger but slower and often implemented in hardware
- One or large block at a time
- Substitution and transposition
Block Ciphers
- Stream Ciphers
- Block Ciphers
Types of Cryptography
- Electronic Codebook (ECB)
- Cipher Block Chaining (CBC)
- Counter (CTR)
Block Cipher Mode Operations
- Key to ciphertext relationship is very complicated
- Key cannot be determined on the ciphertext
- The simplest encryption mode
- Each block is encrypted with the same key—identical plaintext block created identical cipher block
Electronic Codebook (ECB)
- Easy to implement
- Each plaintext block is XORed with the previous ciphertext block
- Adds additional randomization
- Uses initialization vector for the first block
Cipher Block Chaining (CBC)
- Block cipher mode - acts like a stream cipher
- Encrypts using the values of the counter - 0, 1, 2 etc
- Plaintext can be any size - XOR 8 bits at a time instead of 128 bit block
Counter (CTR)
Comes from the greek word meaning hidden
What is Cryptography
- Techniques for making sure that encrypted messages are not modified en route
- Techniques for secure identification/authentication of communication partners
What is Cryptography
Refers to:
- The practice and study of encryption
- Transforming information in order to prevent unauthorized people from reading it
The process of obtaining the original message from the encrypted message
Comes from the greek word meaning write
The process of making and using codes to secure the transmission of information
- Output should be different from the input
- Change 1 bit of the input, at least 50% of the output should change
Basic Terms
Code designing
Basic Terms
Code breaking
can be used to check the integrity of a message: that the message has not been changed
Private key cryptosystems/ciphers
The secret key is shared between two parties
Public key cryptosystems/ciphers
The secret key is not shared and two parties can still communicate using their public keys
Symmetric cipher
1 key (private key)
Asymmetric cipher
2 keys (public and private key)
Caesar Cipher
- Is a substitution cipher, named after Julius Caesar
- Key = 3
- Replaces each letter by the 3rd letter
Caesar Cipher Operation principle:
Each letter is translated into the letter a fixed number of positions after it in the alphabet table
Substitution cipher
replaces one symbol with another
- A message in its natural format readable by an attacker
- Original message or data (also called cleartext
Message altered to be unreadable by anyone except the intended recipients
Transforming the plaintext under the control of the key
Sequence that controls the operation and behavior of the cryptographic algorithm
Transforming the ciphertext back to the original plaintext
Types of Cryptography
- Stream Ciphers
- Block Ciphers
Stream Ciphers
- Are fast and easy to implement in hardware
- Encryption is performed 1 bit or 1 byte at a time
- Mixes plaintext with key stream
- Either using Symmetric Key or Public Key
- The starting state should never be the same twice — uses initialization vector
Block Ciphers
- Are stronger but slower and often implemented in hardware
- One or large block at a time
- Substitution and transposition
What is a Block Cipher?
- Encrypts one fixed length group of bits at a time - SIZE is predetermined
- The block size is a fixed size - 64, 128, 256, 512, bit blocks
- Require padding to short blocks before encryption
- Used for symmetric encryption not asymmetric
- Key to ciphertext relationship is very complicated
- Key cannot be determined on the ciphertext
- Output should be different from the input
- Change 1 bit of the input, at least 50% of the output should change
Block Cipher Mode Operations
- Electronic Codebook (ECB)
- Cipher Block Chaining (CBC)
- Counter (CTR)
Electronic Codebook (ECB)
- The simplest encryption mode
- Each block is encrypted with the same key—identical plaintext block created identical cipher block
Cipher Block Chaining (CBC)
- Easy to implement
- Each plaintext is block is XORed with the previous ciphertext block
- Adds additional randomization
- Uses initialization vector for the first block
Counter (CTR)
- Block cipher mode - acts like a stream cipher
- Encrypts using the values of the counter - 0, 1, 2 etc
- Plaintext can be any size - XOR 8 bits at a time instead of 128 bit block