topic 4 Flashcards
eukaryotes vs prokaryotes
longer vs shorter
histone proteins vs no histone proteins
linear vs circular
mitochondri and chloroplasts DNA
similar to prokaryotes as shorter, circular and not bound by histone protein
base sequence of DNA that codes for
amino acid sequence of a polypeptide
functional RNA
fixed position of gene on the chromosome
the features of the genetic code
non overlapping
degenerate- more than one codon codes for the same amino acids so mutations may result in no effect as even though the codon has changed, it still produces the same amino acid
universal- the same codons code for the same amino acieds in most organisms on earth
non overlapping- each codon is read as a discrete unit
adfvantage as if mutation occurs, it will only affect one codon and one amino acid.
introns and exons
introns- sections of DNA that do not code for polypeptides
introns are only in eukaryotic not prokaryotic DNA
Exons are sequences of DNA that do not code for amino acids
in eukaryotes a lot of the nuclear DNA is made up of introns
3 bases on mRNA that code for specific amino acid
start codon
3 bases at the start of the gene which intiiate translation
stop codon
3 bases at the end of the gene which cause the ribosome to detach and translation stops.
genome and proteome
genome- organisms’s entire srt
has a codon
complimentary to tRNA anticodon
length of one gene
found in the cytooplasm and nucleus
has a sequencee of three basees/anticodon, which is complimentaaary to mRNA codon
single stranded
clover leaf shape
held in place by hydrogen bonds between complimentary bases
brings specific amino acids to the cytoplasm
each tRNA is specific to one amino acid
occurs in the nucleus
DNA helicase enzyme breaks hydrogen bonds between cmomplimentary bases, separating the two polynucleotide strands
free mRNA nucleotides align opposite complimentary exposed DNA bases
enzyme RNA polymerase joinss adjacent nucleotides by fforming phosphodieesster bonds.
formation of pre mRNA
introns removoed from premRNA through splicing to form mRNA
only one strand of DNA acts as a template
mRNA attaches to ribosome at start codon
tRNA anticodon aligns opposite mRNA codon
tRNA brings specific amino acids to the cytoplasm
two amino acids are joined via a peptide bond- requires an enzyme and ATP
ribosome moves along codon on mRNA
continues until ribosome reaches stop codon- ribosome dettaches and polypeptide chain released
polypeptide chain is now formed and enters golgi apparatus for folding and modification
chromsome mutations- non disjunction
chromsomes/chromatids do not separate equally during anaphase of meiosis
changes to whole sets of chromosomes
often occurs in plants
organisms have 3 or more sets of chromosomes when they should only have 2
changes to individual numbers of chromosomes
after fertilisation,hte zygote will have one more or one fewer chromosomes in each of its body cells e.g. down syndrome is 3 copes of chromosome 21
to produce gametes
4 haploid cells produced from one diploid cell
genetic variation among offspring due to crossing over and independent segregation
genetic diversity and why it is important
totaal number of alleles of a gene within a population
for natural selection to occur, there must be variation within the population.
allows population to become better adapted to their environment.
types of selectioni
what produces genetic variation in meisois?
crossing over- prophase
independnent segregation- metaphase
random fusion of gametes
natural selection
mutations produce new allele
in certain environmental conditions, organisms with these alleles have a selsective advantage/more likely to survive and reproduce.
alleles inherited by offspring
alleles increase in frequency in the population over many generations.
directional selection
organisms with extreme phenotypes have selective advantage
modal trait changes as more organisms with extreme phenotypes
e.g. antibotic resistance in bacteria
stabilising selection
occurs when there is no environmental change
organisms with most common allele have selective adfvantage
decrease in standard deviation/mean as fewer organisms with extreme phenotype e.g. birth weight of babies.