Topic 3A: Sources Of Legal Authority Flashcards
What is data subject?
This is something to which a data subject is added which is key and important to note. In this remit one is able to understand the nature of the data subject for the best to be made and understood
What is the essence of maroenecmics?
To ahieve ecnomic growth
To control price inglation
To ahceiv full employment
To achiev balavance between exports and important s.
What is the essence of macroeconomics?
To achieve economic gorwth
To control price inflation
To achieve full employment
To achieve balance between exports and imports wihc is mey and important to note in this remit.
What is the esence of mactrhoeECONMICS?
To achieve economic growth
To ctonrol price inflation
To achieve full empoyment
To achieve balance between exports and iportant which is e
Wga is actual growth in the ong tr itdeteined by?
Growth in ptoential pututout\Growth in aggreagete demandWhat
What is ptential growht?
Tge cayses of growth in potential output are the detetinatants of the capacity rarther than that of actal spending whre there ay b e icreases in the aoub f resurces tat are aval
Wkabd raw materaat is potetnial growth
The cases of growth potential are dterminants of the capaicity rather than the acutal spending ehwere they increase which is key and important to note in this remit
What is potential growth?
This refrs to the potential of grwoth that can be featured for the project, particulalry in the long term.
kEY AND IMPortant to note, this is something which provide s he data for the good esence of the projec
What is otential growth
This refers to the scope of the project, further ay and impotat tn o note in this partiucalr remit for the best resutls to be amde.
What is potential grwoth?
This refrs to the scope of the project, frther and important to note in this particualr remit for the best results to be made and broguht abit
WHy is potential growth?
This refers to the scope f the project, further and iportant to note in this particular remit for the best results to be made and the best reuts to be broguht to
tHIS IS iprtoant in terms of this remit and looks at the growth of the business partiucarly in the long term
What is a dayta subject?
A data subject refers to the nature and essence of the scope of leading to the best results being made in this respect.