Topic 3A: Sources of Legal Authority Flashcards
What are the sources of legal authority?
The legal framework which organisation operation derive from:
- Parliamentary legislation
- Government regulations
- Treaty obligations
- Official regulations
- International bodies
What is the essence of data protections and security
Takes into account that information from individuals stored on computer files and process by humans could be misused . The internet, social media and big data companies mean that increasingly large amounts of personal data are available and could harm the indiviudal.
What is a data subject?
A person who can be identified, directly or indirectly, from data that is held
What is the essence of lawfulness, fairness and transparency?
Data can only be held if there are valid grounds to do so. Data can only be used fairly and with clarity, openness and honesty in hold it is used from the start
What is the essence of the elgal framework?
Derives from:
paraliamentary legisaltin
governent reguatns t
reate obligations
officialt regultins
What is a data subject?
Tis is a person who can be identified, directly or indirectly, from data that is held
What is dta minimisaton
Data held mut be adeqate revaner ad nto excessivbe
What is accruacy?
Dta held must be accurate and not miselading. Reasonable
Wat is data miniisation?
dATA MUT be held in an adequatuate anner, relevant and not excessive
what is acccuracy?
Data held must be accurate and ot miskeading. Readonable steps should should be made to ensure that there are not inaccruacies. aNY DAYA tht is fond to be inacurate ught to be corrected.
What i dthe essence of lawfulless?
Data can only be held if there area vaid grounds to do so. data ca only be use failry and with calirty oepniness and honesry in how it is used from the start
What is the essennce of acccuracy?
Data held must be adequate, felevant and not excessive
What is the essnece of storage limitation?
Data msut not be held for longer than it is neeeded fr the purpose it was collected and processes. Tjere should be justifaible data retetnion polocy than bcan be jusrtifed. There that is not needed or anaonmyiwd
What is the essence o daya minimisation?
dta held must be adeeauw, releavnt not excessive
What is the essence of accuracy
Data held must be adquate, rlevant and not excesive.
What is the essence of sotroege limittion?
Data must be held for longer than the urpose it was colleced and processed. There shoud be justifiable data rneitn policty than cab ne justied . Dta that
hat is the essence of accuracy?
Data must be held for longer tha is need for the purpose it eas coleted or undersgtood. Therref hiod he justifabialbe da retnetin pocit that can be juegied