Topic 3: Nervous System 1 Flashcards
Neurons Review
- Neurons are excitable (responsive to stimuli)
- When stimulated (usually on cell body or dendrites) an electrical impulse may be generated and propagated along the axon = nerve impulse
Electrical Properties of Cells
Due to:
1) Ionic concentrations differences across the cell membrane (gradients)
2) Permeability of Cell Membrane to ions
Important Ions
- Na+, K+, Cl-, Ca2+
- Large, negatively charged ions (org-) -are non-diffusible proteins
- [Na+] & [K+] due to and maintained by activity of Na+/K+-ATPase (pump) in cell membrane
- [Ca++] due to various transporters in cell and ER membrane
- Cl- repelled by org-, so is higher outside the cell than inside
- org- stay inside the cell
Permeability of Cell Membrane to Ions
- Determined by ion channels - ions diffuse through them down their conc. gradients
Ion Channel Types
1) Non-gated
2) Gated
Non-gated Channel
- Always open
- More K+ than Na+ in a neutron - cell membrane more permeable to K+ at rest (no stimulus)
- These channels (especially K+ - more numerous) are important in establishing the resting membrane potential (RMP)
Gated Channel
- Not involved at rest
- Open in response to stimuli: e.g.
i) membrane voltage changes = voltage gates
ii) Chemical e.g. binding of hormones or neurotransmitter (nt) = chemical gates
iii) Temperature = thermal gates
iv) Mechanical deformation = mechanical gates
Resting Membrane Potential (RMP)
- At rest (not stimulated) a charge difference (potential difference) exists just across the cell membrane = resting membrane potential
- equals about -70mV - i.e. inside of cell = 70 mV more negative than outside
Factors establishing RMP: Factor 1
- Na+/K+ - ATPase (Na+/K+ pump) - not a channel - breaks down 1 ATP and uses energy to pump 3 Na+ out and 2 K+ in –> both ions are pumped against their concentration gradients = active transport
- Effects:
1) Maintains concentration gradients of Na+ and K+
2) Contributes a little (a few mV) to RMP (pumping more positive ions out than in)
Factors Establishing RMP: Factor 2
org- inside cell e.g. proteins -cannot cross membrane
Factors Establishing RMP: Factor 3
More non-gated K+ channels than non-gated Na+ channels (membrane more permeable to K+ than Na+ at rest: K+ is MAJOR determinant of RMP)
Why K+ is a Major Determinant of RMP
1) k+ diffuses out of cell down its concentration gradient - cell loses +ve charge (inside becomes more negative)
2) Unlike charges attract and K+ diffusion slows as inside becomes increasingly -ve
3) Na+ diffusion into cell increases due to increasing attraction to -ve cell interior
4) Until -70 mV reached, +ve moving out (K+) is greater than +ve moving in (Na+) - greater K+ permeability
5) At -70mV, the amount of +ve (K+) moving out equals the amount of +ve (Na+) moving in
6) The net movement of charge (ions) is 0 (equal in both directions): RMP = -70mV
Electrically Excitable Cells
- ONLY muscle and nerve cells
- Capable of producing departures from RMP in response to stimuli (=changes in the external or internal environment)
- When a neutron is stimulated:
1) Gated ion channels open
2) MP changes, producing a graded potential. If the threshold potential is reached…
3) Triggers an action potential
Graded Potentials (GPs)
- Stimulus causes a small change in MP, usually on dendrite or cell body (no longer at rest) by opening gated channels (changes membrane permeability) = GP
- Possible Results:
1) More +ve than RMP = depolarization
e. g. -70mV to -65mV (closer to zero)
2) More -ve than RMP = hyperpolarization
e. g. from -70 mV to -75 mV
Characteristics of Graded Potentials
1) Ions move passively (unlike charges attract (+,-)) = current flow, causing depot. or hyperbole. on adjacent membrane
2) GPs are short distance signals - die away quickly (short-lived)
3) Magnitude and distance traveled by potential varies directly with the strength of the stimulus (larger stimulus –> larger graded potential that travels further)
4) GPs can summate - 1st GP present when 2nd stem occurs –> these add to create the resulting larger GP