Topic 3- Education Flashcards
What is cultural deprivation as an external factor broken down into
1) intellectual and linguistic skills
2) attitudes and values
3) family structure and parental support
How does intellectual and linguistic skills link to cultural deprivation?
Low income black families lack intellectual stimulation leaving them poorly equipped for school.
BEREITER AND ENGLEMANN- believe the language spoken by low income black american families is inadequate for educational success
Who criticises bereiter and engleman and what do they say?
Gilbourn and mirza- They found that indian kids that do very well despite often not having English as a first language
How does attitudes and values link to cultural deprivation?
The lack of motivation is a major cause of failure in black children. It is argued that black children are socialised into a w/c subculture.
How does family structure and parental support link to cultural deprivation?
MOYNIHAN- many black families are led by a lone mother, struggling financially, this means boys don’t have a male role model.
PRYCE- black Caribbean culture is less resistant to racism which leads to low self esteem and underachievement
What does sewell say about fathers, gangs and culture?
SEWELL- believes the lack of fatherly nurturing or ‘tough love’ that leads to underachievement in boys.
What is said about asian families by sewell and lupton?
Sewell- believes asian and Chinese benefit from supportive families and have an asian work ethic.
Lupton- adult authority in asian families is similar to school
What is said about white families by Mcculloch, lupton and evans?
Mcculloch- surveyed 16000 pupils wnd found ethnic minorities were more likely to aspire to go university
Lupton- ethnic minorities see education as a way up in society
Evans- white working class subculture is brutal and is replicated in schools disrupting school progress
What is the answer to combat social class differences?
Compensatory education is used to overcome cultural dep for different ethnic groups
What are criticisms of cultural deprivation in terms of ethnicity?
Driver- CD ignores the positive effects of ethnicity, black Caribbean families have strong independent women which are good role models
Lawrence- black students under achieve due to racism
Keddie- they are culturally different
How does material deprivation effect ethnicity?
1) half of ethnic minority children live in low income households compared to a quater of white
2) half of bangladeshi and pakistani workers earn under £7 an hour compared to a quater of whites
3) ethnic minorities are 3x as likely to be homeless
4) ethnic minorities are 2x as likely to be unemployed
Why are Ethnic minorities materially deprived?
1) Many live in economically deprived areas, high unemployment and low wages
2) cultural factors may prevent them from working. ( niqab in muslim households)
3) A lack of language skills or foreign qualifications
4) Racism
What are the criticism of material deprivation?
Madood- found although children from low income families generally did less well, the effects were much less for ethnic minorities compared to whites
Chinese and Indian kids who were materially deprived still did better than most
What is racism in wider society?
Sociologists argue poverty stems from racism in society. Discrimination leads to social exclusion and results in poverty for ethnic minorities.
Wood et al - did 1000 applications to jobs, found 1/16 ethnic minorities received an interview compared to 1/9 white people
What are the internal factors to ethnic differences in education?
1) labelling and teacher racism
2) pupil identities
3) pupil response and subcultures
What did gilbourn and mirza find?
Found black children were the highest achievers in entry into primary school but the lowest at gcse level
How does labelling and teacher racism link to ethnicity?
Interactionists found asian and black pupils are often seen as being far from the ideal pupil.
What did gilbourn and youdell find about black pupils discipline and streaming?
1) Teachers are quicker to discipline black students- teachers have racialised expectations, expected black pupils to present behaviour problems and mistook behaviour as challenge to authority leading to teacher-pupil conflict
2) They found as a result of the A-C economy and educational triage, negative stereotypes about black pupils ability led them into lower sets and underachievement
What did wright say about asain pupils?
Teachers held ethnocentric views, left asian pupils out of discussion due to their grasp on English, felt isolated when teachers disapproved their customs and mispronounced their names
What did Archer find about pupil identities linking to ethnicity?
Found teachers dominant discourse tends to see ethnic minorities as lacking the favoured identity of the ideal pupil and constructs 3 different pupil identities
1) ideal pupil- white middle class achiever
2) pathologised pupil- see asian as the ‘deserving poor,’ conformist, over achiever
3) Demonised pupil- Black or white working class, under achiever
What did archer find about Chinese pupils?
They over achieved through hard work and conforming.
What are pupil responses and subcultures?
Pupils can rather become disruptive or work extra hard, due to racist labels
Mac and ghaill- Black and asian A level pupils found they didnt always accept the label.
What is a criticism of pupil responces?
Fuller- Found black year 11 girls who over achieved ignored labels and channelled their anger to educational success
What did sewell find in the variety in boys responses to racist labels?
1) the rebels- conformed to stereotypes, antischool ‘black macho lad’
2) the conformists- boys were keen to succeed
3) retreatists- disconnected from both school and black subcultures
4) innovators- pro education, but anti-school, didnt care about teachers
Sewell found teachers viewed all black boys as rebels and affected their achievement
What is institutional racism and what is it broken down into?
Troyna and williams- differentiated between individual racism and institutional racism, institutional racism is discrimination built into the way institutions work
Broken down into: marketisation, ethnocentric curriculum, assessment, access to opportunities and the new iqism
What is the critical race theory?
Racism is an ingrained feature of society not just intentional racism, its within institutions. Theorists describe it as ‘locked in inequality’
What does gillbourn say about critical race theory?
He says ‘ ethnic inequality is so deep rooted and so large that it is practically inevitable feature of the educational system’
How does marketisation and segregation link to ethnicity?
Gillbourn- marketisation allows for negative stereotypes to influence school admissions
Moore and davenport- selection processes can lead to ethnic segregation
This leads to an ethnically stratified education system
What is the ethnocentric curriculum?
A curriculum that reflects the culture of one ethnic group
David- the nwtional curriculum is specifically british, ignores non European language, literature and music
Ball- History in British schools ignores black and asian history, promoting the attitude of ‘Little Englandism’.
Coard- it can produce underachievement, through teaching how they civilised the people the colonised, making them have a lower self esteem
How are assessments linked to ethnicity?
Gillbourn- they are fixed to maintain the dominant cultures superiority, if black children succeed assessments will be ‘re-engineered’ due to failure
How does the access to opportunities link to ethnicity?
Gillbourn- the gifted and talented programme, whites are 5x as likely to be indentified as gifted and talented compared to Black Africans
Tikley et al- Aiming high initiative was introduced to raise black Caribbean achievement, but blacks were still entered for lower tier GCSE exams
What is the new IQism?
Gillbourn- natural intelligence has been discredited, assumptions based on potential are false and there isnt a measure for potential.
What are criticisms of institutional racism?
Sewell- doesnt believe racism within schools is powerful enough to prevent educational success, it is due to external factors like boys anti-school attitude is due to a problem in the nurturing role of the farther
How does gillbourn respond to criticisms about institutional racism?
He says that ‘model minorities’ hide institutional racism.
Chinese and indian students over achieving suggests schools are meritocratic, ignoring the fact they suffer racism similar to black Caribbean students.
What is intersectionality?
Evans- we need to look at how ethnicity interacts with class and gender
Connolly- studied 5/6 year olds in a multi-ethnic and inner-city primary school environment. Found black boys were seen as disruptive and asian boys were passive and punished less and attributed bad behaviour to immaturity.