Topic 1- Education Flashcards
What is cultural deprivation?
Cultural deprivation- when students lack cultural equipment- such as self discipline and reasoning skills
What are the three types of cultural deprivation?
1) Language
2) parents education
3) working class subculture
How is language apart of cultural deprivation?
There are 2 types of language codes given by BERNSTEIN:
1) restricted code- spoken by w/c and is limited vocabulary and grammar
2) elaborated code- spoken by m/c and is more complex
To be culturally deprived is to have restricted code
How does parent’s education link to cultural deprivation?
DOUGLAS- found w/c parents put less value on childrens education, they were less ambitious and gave them less encouragement
FEINSTEIN- Argues m/c parents socialise kids better towards education:
1) better parenting style- more consistent discipline
2) parent’s attitude- m/c have better attitude towards eduaction
3) use of income- m/c have more money and spend it on their kids better, like educational toys
How does working class subculture fit into cultural deprivation?
SUGARMAN- describes the w/c to have certain values
1) fatalism- the belief in fate, not going out of their way to shape their future
2) collectivism- value being part of a group rather than succeeding individually
3) immediate gratification- seeking pleasure in the present instead of making sacrifices for the future( m/c have deferred gratification)
4) present time orientation- seeing the present as more important than the future
What is compensatory education?
They are programmes to help the problem of cultural deprivation in deprived areas
What are examples of compensatory eduaction?
Operation head start US- aimed at deprived pre-school kids to help develop skills and instil motivation
Sesame street- tv show aimed at instilling educational values
Sure start- new labour set up centres in deprived areas and provided services
How does keddie criticise cultural deprivation?
The myth of cd- keddie argues cd is victim blaming, it is not a deprivation of culture but a difference in culture why children fail.
How does blackstone and martimore criticise cd?
They argue w/c parents do care about kid’s education
1) they attend less due to longer hours
2) they want to help but lack knowledge to do so
What is material deprivation?
Refers to poverty and lack of material necessities
How does housing link to material deprivation?
Housing has direct and indirect impacts
Direct- overcrowding makes it hard to study; less space means less creative play time for kids; temporary accommodation leads to moving which disrupts school
Indirect- poor housing affects health and attendance; risk of accidents which affects attendance
How does diet and health link to material deprivation?
HOWARD- young people from poorer homes have lower intakes of energy, vitamins and minerals so develop a weaker immune system which leads to absence from school
How does financial support and cost of education link to material deprivation?
TANNER- cost of books, transport and equipment were a burden on poor families
FLAHERTY- found stigmatisation leads to only 20% of kids taking up their free school meals
Poorer kids deal with fear of being bullied which affects them im school, poverty acts as a barrier to private schools, kids are led to work earlier which affects them
How does fear of debt link to material deprivation?
CALLENDAR and JACKSON- poorer kids saw debt as negative and led to them not going to university
What is cultural capital?
BOURDIEU- refers to knowledge, attitudes, values, language and abilities of the m/c
Middle class culture (habitus) is an advantage to whoever has it
BERNSTEIN- argues through socialisation m/c children acquire the ability to grasp abstract ideas and this helps as the education system transmit the dominant m/c
What other types of capital is there according to bordieu and how do they link together?
Economic and educational capital and they interchange with cultural capital
How did sullivan put bordieus theory to the test?
SULLIVAN- conducted surveys using questionnaires with 465 pupils in 4 schools, she assessed their capital.
She found those who read complex fiction and watched documentaries has a more developed vocab and greater knowledge of cultural figures, they were children of graduates and were more likely to do better in gcses