topic 3: conservative theories Flashcards
describe functionalism
— structuralist
— consensus
— society structured from institutions that work together to create social harmony (organic analogy)
Durkheim, Parsons, Eisenstadt on youth culture
ONE ☝️ youth culture in 50s provides DIFFERENT FUNCTIONS FOR ALL YOUNG PEOPLE
Cohen, Cloward and Ohlin on youth subcultures
number of DIFFERENT youth SUBcultures that operate for different reasons
Parsons on youth culture
— age differences ➡️ smooth functioning of society
— industrial societies need to TEACH children how to be well-rounded, successful adults: this learning stage becomes youth
— youth culture helps young people deal w transition (+financial problems associated w it)
— youth fairly allocated low income/low status role to reflect limited skills + experience in MERITOCRACY
critiques of Parsons on youth
— overemphasises conformity and cultural homogeneity
— POSTMODERNISM: increasing diversity and choice for young people
— MARXISM: differences according to social class
— FEMINISM: differences according to gender
— increased suicide + mental health issues show that transition isn’t always smooth running
— METHODOLOGY: only looked at findings of middle aged men in their USA 🇺🇸 communities
Eisenstadt on youth culture
— “development of personal identity, psychological autonomy and self-regulation”
— rebellious style + behaviour: help find sense of IDENTITY 🆔
— groups like YMCA and Scouts supervise risk taking and youthful boundaries
critique of Eisenstadt
MIRZA: shows young black women despite facing racism DIDN’T REBEL
Durkheim on youth culture
transition between childhood and adulthood full of CHANGE (new norms+values, relationships, puberty)
—> can result in ANOMIE
youth culture PREVENTS ✋ personal anomie
— maintains social order in peers
— helps make sense of big changes
stabilisation of future adult selves
critique of Durkheim
— overemphasises conformity and homogeneity in youth culture
— doesn’t explain why youth subcultures tend to be male dominated
Functionalism explanations for youth SUBcultures
— COHEN 🐓😖
youth join deviant subcultures to gain status (bc of status frustration)
youth join deviant subcultures to get MONEY 💰 when legitimate opportunities r unavailable
joining gangs: PULLS (status, excitement) and PUSHES (socioeconomic struggles outside of gang)
COUNTER: Archer 🏹 we should recognise dysfunctionality of gangs
Defense mechanism against high violence, tough areas
describe New Right sociology
— politically motivated
— linked to Conservative politics, neoliberalism
— meritocracy
Murray on deviant youth subcultures
UNDERCLASS (below class structure, extreme poverty + long term unemployment)
— lack moral values 😈 (espec marriage 💍 and family 👨👩👧👦)
— parents pass down deviant criminal values to children
— more likely to be single mothers 👩👦who dont bring up kids properly
SO youth from underclass grow into deviant and criminal subcultures, main cause of crime
Murray is wrong ❌
— underclass have similar values to most other people
— miserable economic conditions are detrimental to mental and physical health
— despite this, only a few turn to crime
Murray and Herrnstein
Some have biological 🧬 predisposition to aggressiveness, impulsiveness, and violence
—> increased likelihood of crime if not curbed by sufficient socialisation (nuclear family w strict father)
Low IQ linked with poverty and crime
cognitive elite have higher positions in society JUSTIFIED
rise in youth crime and gangs from middle class: blamed it on broken homes 🏠 + poor socialisation
critiques of New Right sociology
— INTERACTIONISM: 🏷 labelling social groups as stupid is method of controlling bottom of hierarchy and justifying top of hierarchy
— MARXISM: some youth subcultures are noble and intelligent to resist capitalist exploitation 💪
— some youth subcultures are highly educated upper/middle class (hippies, Jack Wills Crew)
WELFARE DEPENDENCY has undermined underclass’s sense of commitment, obligation, responsibility and independence.
They become lazy 😴
Welfare state and benefits system creates culture of dependency, creating + maintaining underclass and perpetuating crime and deviance
yes, underclass is growing exponentially 📈📈📈
BUT its bc of globalisation 🌍 and automation of working class manual jobs not ❌ welfare dependency
Owen Jones (Marxism)
scapegoats 🐐 them to justify upper class privileged positions (often privately educated politicians)
Snider (Marxism)
WHITE-COLLAR CRIME (tax evasion) = more expensive for state then welfare benefit claimants.
Why don’t we blame rich capitalist criminals??
Wilson and Kelling
right realists / new right
broken windows 🪟 theory
—> ZERO TOLERANCE APPROACH should be taken against criminal YSCs
—> even minor crime (e.g. broken windows) should be fixed IMMEDIATELY
—> if people see existing crime, they’ll be encouraged to commit more crime